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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Premier Li continues to make commitments to peace in the South China Sea with the DOC and also proposing a hotline for its member nations to minimize tensions, incidents and disputes over miscommunications. It has also proposed a treaty of friendliness that enhances China's desire to engage the area peacefully and has no military intentions. It is being examined by ASEAN leaders on the salient points.

    re; the S. China Sea: China is doing all it can to try and gloss over its blatant land grab there. Everything, except what it should do: Respect the rightful ownership of those islands. Oh, and China doesn't want the issue to go to an international court. Of course not, because an Int'l Court would go with the reasonable mandate that all countries should follow maritime laws.

    One note about Hong Kong: According to signed treaties from the end of the 19th century, the center of the territory (up to Boundary Street) wasn't required to get given to China. Maggie Thatcher gave in, but didn't have to give it all away in 1997. source Ok, that's now water under the bridge, but I wouldn't doubt that at least some Honk Kongers wish the Brits had hung tough, and stuck with the wording of the treaty.

    There are some flying a colonial flag , poor show I say .

  2. Hong Kong has been flooded , over recent years with mainland women giving birth at public hospitals ,arriving over the border at the last minute and heading to an emergency department . These children, born from mainlanders who have enough money to break immigration rules and want a HK id card for their children, do now swamp the educational system . These children have all the rights local children have to school and medical care . Now there is an outcry from working class HK citizens as they see their kinder garden , school and recreation facilities get handed over to mainlanders , who believe it is their right , without having paid tax or worked for the benefit of the special administrative region. This is called cultural imperialism .

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