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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. As long as I have been around Thailand, over 30 years now Soi dogs have been a problem! Thai's will do nothing about them - it's a Buddhist thing, they might be reborn as a stray dog?

    I have dogs, I would enjoy taking them for walks but wherever you go that appears quite, invariably from amongst the garbage stray dogs appear! The majority are filthy, noisy wild beasts, our ancestors would have killed them!

    Our ancestors would have killed anything that moved , they were filthy , noisy wild beasts by all accounts , and probably reincarnated as stray dogs .

  2. I think the OP has unintentionally encouraged the 'crime' threads' ohmy.png !

    Have you seen the first page on General Topics? 'Scum tuk-tuk driver' / Goodbye UK - Hello Thailand' / I just met this girl'......

    The theblether apologizes for antagonizing the less tolerant members of TV, the theblether agrees that there seems to be an influx of topics of lesser virtue.

    The Crime...................encouraging malcontent's to post vitriol on the General Forum.

    The Punishment.........a commitment to post some more stupid topics on said forum.

    At this point several members are shouting noooooooooooooooooooooo!!

    But theblether insists.........it's the least he can do.

    ps. theblether is very lacking in self awareness, but theblether is not aware of it.

    Thou dost blether a lot .

    • Like 1
  3. I work on building sites with Chinese men and they take a tan quite well . Like berries . Chinese women do too but invest in cosmetics and sun blocking creams and placebos for to battle against tanning . They are constantly bombarded with advertisments glamourising milky white skin . My wife is from ........ fill in the gap , she speaks Cantonese fluently but remembers where she came from .

  4. I don't have a blood glucose meter. I just go to the hospital every two weeks to get a blood test.

    Sorry, I'm new at this. Only got diagnosed a month ago.

    I took the advice and bought a meter and a lance thingy . I have been testing as much as 4 times daily . It has helped me understand what is happening at diffrent stages of the day and I saw what happened when I scoffed a can of red curry tuna for lunch , I went from 11.1 up to 15.6 mool/L .

    It gives you a bit of hope when the BG level comes down . Today my highest was 7.9 in the morning , and lowest 6.1 , 2 hours after lunch .

    Unfortunatley I cannot tell you where to buy a set in Thailand , something about pie suppers and ale rings a bell though .

  5. I thought they were all on ThaiVisa.

    I thrust my way past dozens of them on my morning walks (here I refer to the ones with horns... oh dear, I mean natural horns, not those bestowed by their wives). My toy poodle disapproves of them, and barks at them from about 6 inches away; they just goggle.

    Answer to OP's question: most of the rice-growing areas of Isan still have plenty, though they're rarely used for work... just for "beef".

    Are we talking about buffalo or water buffalo? I thought that they were different or have I been scammed?

    I thought the terms were used interchangeably in Thailand, but that could be bullocks.


    Yes , and that is undoubtedly the tastiest cut of the animal .

  6. I'm confused by this topic. I have never seen a taxi driver open the back door for me as he was pulling up to pick up a fare. Can they even do that?

    Long arms help . . . long_arm.jpg

    @Naam - it can close the door, not open it. A simple answer to the Honkies who just do not think their part of the deal is to close the door. Also, in HK, a taxi has to take you anywhere you ask them to. Its the law, and if they refuse just say you will call the police. Job done.

    Half true. HK taxis are restricted to fares to and from certain areas, certainly from the airport.

    From, yes there are restrictions and they will mostly not stop. They are not restricted on their destination though lol - to get from central to Mui Wo you think you have to change in the middle of the tunnel to a TST cab, and then quickly change again to a NT cab somewhere over park island? LOL.

    Ma Wan as it was called back in the day .

  7. Well , here is an update of my diabeties . The doctor has confirmed that I have the disease . After 10 days on Metformin , 2 pills a day , 500mg x 2 my blood glucose level has fallen from 16.2 mool/L to a lowest 6.7 up to 10.5highest reading . I have also started a change in diet following up on a lot of the tips from you fellas and the links . The doctor says if get on my bike and loose 5 kilo he may hold back on the meds , only to be used when the BG rises again . That is a long way off but I am managing this better than I could have imagined 10 days ago . I have had some side effects from the medication , such as blurred vision and a general sort of trippy feeling . So , here is a question . Is there any kind of booze that I can imbibe in , you know like cider or red wine ? I need a drink sometimes and canabis is not suitable due to my chosen work proffesion .

  8. I think the OP should start his own forums where he can try to enforce whatever harebrained rules he likes.

    I can see you being the first member banished to Canada

    Canada - Scotland, cold wet dark, same but different.

    Oh, I understand the difference, despite their French influence, Canada lacks the fine cuisine of Scotland.


  9. Why don't you try communicating with a similar tone of voice ,

    " you no lose all year , me lose all time , me pay water money , you shower many many time , why you ab nam mak mak , you very bad heart , no more powder you take all " .

    just say it with a smile .

    • Like 1
  10. I'm confused by this topic. I have never seen a taxi driver open the back door for me as he was pulling up to pick up a fare. Can they even do that?

    Long arms help . . . long_arm.jpg

    @Naam - it can close the door, not open it. A simple answer to the Honkies who just do not think their part of the deal is to close the door. Also, in HK, a taxi has to take you anywhere you ask them to. Its the law, and if they refuse just say you will call the police. Job done.

    Half true. HK taxis are restricted to fares to and from certain areas, certainly from the airport.

    Hong Kong taxis are colour coded .

    Red taxis service HK Island and most of Kowloon , green taxis the New Territories and blue taxis Lantau Island.

    Has anyone been in a taxi in Korea when it has stopped to pick up another fare mid journey ?

    • Like 1
  11. I'm confused by this topic. I have never seen a taxi driver open the back door for me as he was pulling up to pick up a fare. Can they even do that?

    Long arms help . . . long_arm.jpg

    @Naam - it can close the door, not open it. A simple answer to the Honkies who just do not think their part of the deal is to close the door. Also, in HK, a taxi has to take you anywhere you ask them to. Its the law, and if they refuse just say you will call the police. Job done.

    Half true. HK taxis are restricted to fares to and from certain areas, certainly from the airport.

    Hong Kong taxis are colour coded .

    Red taxis service HK Island and most of Kowloon , green taxis the New Territories and blue taxis Lantau Island.

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