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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. I had a Filipina gf back in Canada she had only been in Canada for a year. I used to love taking her out and show her how good life is in Canada.I remember one night we were in a very good restaurant on the top floor of a 5 star holtel having dinner. She had never in her life been to such a place. I was so happy to be able to give her all my attention and time to assist her in understanding what was going on and making her comfortable in her new surroundings. I could have cared less what others thought in the restaurant.Giving total attention to her being comfortable made me feel so strong and caring,plus she felt relaxed and truly cared for and at ease with what was going on.You know I donot know if others were even watching.I couldnot tell you other peoples responses to what we were doing because I wasnot interested in what others were doing. If you love a woman any nationality, you should learn to show it in a mature way.
    Did she used to hit you on the arm and call you "gagoo" ?

    I had a Philippina partner once , she was totally inawed with escalators and wanted her photo taken on them all the time , but I wasn't ashamed . Eventually she told me I had to meet some real people and open my mind and then she left . Funny old life this .

  2. Where is the option for Scottish? I agree that roughing someone up for their lack of Engiish is wrong, however! Very often as we know, it's not 'what is said, but the manner in which it is said, is wrong'. It's the nature of the beast on internet forums that the language is truncuated as 60% of communication is body language. The emoticons help but they can't replace body language. Also the time taken to communicate is so much longer, hence leading to sometimes unintentionaly brutal exchanges as we don't take the time to frame our responses as we would during conversations. Some of the topics do turn brutal though, I am as guilty as anyone of rising to the bait, especially when the Wingeing Brit Pensioner Brigade kick in ( did you know they do my head in? ), but we should all refrain from taking things personaly, as we are only getting input through the prism and filter of the internet.
    Scottish is not an option, as it's not understood verbally by non Scottish. tongue.png
    You've caught us Semper. It's our must cunning secret. It's called plausible deniability. We can speak Engiish perfectly, however we are taught how to speak broad Scots at school. This gives us the competitive advantage of being able to deny everything when we are caught being devious. The stock response is 'I didn't say that, you must have misunderstood my accent'. Why do you think there are so many Scottish politicians? They can lie there way to the top and not get caught.
    "Ahllhaeanauryin" "Eh?" "I think he said "more drink, landlord" "Ayeiseedeefdorwhit" "No, landlord, I have no idea what he said there either." On the other hand, as I understand it, Chinese is a written language with two variants - traditional and simplified, which is used by the speakers of countless dialects, and I suppose you could consider that the Beijing dialect based Putonghua or Guo Yu or Han Yin were the spoken form that most closely related to the written. SC
    Written Chinese is fascinating . Mainland Chinese including at least 26 ethnic minorities , Koreans and Japanese all use Chinese characters with the same meaning but diffrent word sounds . The Koreans and Japanese have also phonetic alphabets . I speak Cantonese with a Glasgow accent and no one seems to care . Noisy bunch the Chinese .

    Edit ; I know there is 26 ethnic minorities because that is the number of secret agents I counted dressed up as herders and weavers with fake white beards on dancing a dirge at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony hidden amongst the procession .

  3. Where is the option for Scottish?

    I agree that roughing someone up for their lack of Engiish is wrong, however!

    Scottish? You mean Celtic? You grew up speaking that? Excellent . . . so, it Isn't English, right?

    no such language as Celtic anymore either...its a football team, think you are talking about gaelic, similar language to the Welsh, Irish and Breton's

    The original Celts spoke German anyway..

    Celtic was probably mire Hindustani when it started off travelling west .

  4. As the Thai document is in Thai script.

    And the British passport is in Roman Script.

    You will need to tell me how exactly one can be spelt wrong, as they usually don't even sound the same, when each is pronounced by native speakers.

    My boys British passport name is Geoffery (yes spelt wrong by the idiots that can't copy roman script into a computer properly in Bangkok)

    But his Thai birth certificate name is Gairnfarey (when read out loud by a Thai person)

    As long as you have a translation that the Thai name = the English name by the translator, it doesn't matter if they are completely different.

    What chance you do think you have of someone who can read both Roman and Thai script, seeing both versions of the name and trying to make a problem for you?


    You might want to get a translator who is a little more flexible with their name translations.

    I quite like that name Giarnfarey , it has an arturian ring to it .

  5. Where is the option for Scottish?

    I agree that roughing someone up for their lack of Engiish is wrong, however!

    Scottish? You mean Celtic? You grew up speaking that? Excellent . . . so, it Isn't English, right?

    Celtic is a dead language with few words still in usage , car being one of them . Various Gaelic languages are , on the other hand , alive and used daily by fisher folk and the like along the Atlantic coast of western Europe .

  6. ...

    I was more likely to end up in the Red Lion next door to Ned's ( sadly gone too) , I never was in the squirrel on Hart but used to frequent the Stag's Head instead .

    Nowadays I been visiting the Old china Hand but not with much success as my boozing abilities are hitting an all time low , sadly .

    I went into the Red Lion with a friend who said "I've not been here for about five years" and to be honest, I don't know why he hurried back. The Stag was my favourite; our office was nearby, just opposite the Knight's, where beer was $13 a pint in Happy Hour. It had a little wooden bridge over a stream as you came in, as I recollect. In those days the Stag had a Happy Hour 3-4 for the staff from the other pubs, if I recall correctly. The place I had the Deuchars IPA was on the other side of the road, up towards Cameron.

    Nowadays I go over to the White Hart to see Johnnie from the Stag's, though I've not been there for some time. I don't know if the DJ from Kilmarnock is still working in HK - he used to do Friday night in the Stag's; presumably that's you ...

    I suppose HK would rate in my top few of places to live, and in terms of bagpipe music, I would rate it no lower than second.


    True about the pipes , the polis band in their white tunics and kilts , many of them schooled in Glasgow , Otago street . I know Johny and remember the DJ , he had a collection of 80's stuff and would play the Toy Doll's and the like . I guess the Red Lion was , for me , like a time warp ,with the decrepit lounge at the back of the 60's era bar and all those old dragon ladys . I used to get up with the band and murder shakin all over every now and then . Ever frequent the Winestube ?

    Was that (Winestube) on Pratt?

    You'll need to give us all a rendition of "Shakin' all over every now and then". For a German pub I would go to the basement of the Miramar shopping centre atrium (or was it the Kimberley? - just opposite the Kimberley hotel, and there was a cinema adjacent. I'm sure it was the Miramar Centre), and drink outside, almost. They used to have a beer buffet of an evening, and it was almost like drinking outside.

    Happy days, and happier evenings, as I recall.


    Winestube upstairs on Ashley across from tNed Kelly's . I remember a micro brewery in the basement of Mirimar that had an outside feel . Airconditioned outsideness.

  7. I'll go for Scotland then seeing as another poster bought my vote with a pie supper on another thread .

    Oh for the Squirrel Bar and a deep fried macaroni pie , Stevenson Street on a cold winters morn and money to be made . Forget not the old vans wi' hooky MOTs and knocking off early on a saturday and walking up to see the celtic . I shudder to recall beating a dwarf at pool up in the Scotia pool hall and then staggering home westward , stuffed into my y fronts , the days takings . One never knew who one could happen upon in old Glasgow town , on the banks of the Clyde in the west of Scotland .

    I used to drink in a pub called the Squirrel in Tsim Sha Tsui - or was it the Squirrell 2? That was the one with the gin in the vodka bottle... That close had gone quite up market last time I was there, about four years back, with some Western pub where there used to be a squirrel. I forget how the Terrace had fared. But on Hart Avenue I was able to stop for a Deuchars IPA - not a haggis supper, but there's no point in pining for the moon when you have a bird in the hand

    (repeated quote of clip deleted)


    I was more likely to end up in the Red Lion next door to Ned's ( sadly gone too) , I never was in the squirrel on Hart but used to frequent the Stag's Head instead .

    Nowadays I been visiting the Old china Hand but not with much success as my boozing abilities are hitting an all time low , sadly .

    I went into the Red Lion with a friend who said "I've not been here for about five years" and to be honest, I don't know why he hurried back. The Stag was my favourite; our office was nearby, just opposite the Knight's, where beer was $13 a pint in Happy Hour. It had a little wooden bridge over a stream as you came in, as I recollect. In those days the Stag had a Happy Hour 3-4 for the staff from the other pubs, if I recall correctly. The place I had the Deuchars IPA was on the other side of the road, up towards Cameron.

    Nowadays I go over to the White Hart to see Johnnie from the Stag's, though I've not been there for some time. I don't know if the DJ from Kilmarnock is still working in HK - he used to do Friday night in the Stag's; presumably that's you ...

    I suppose HK would rate in my top few of places to live, and in terms of bagpipe music, I would rate it no lower than second.


    True about the pipes , the polis band in their white tunics and kilts , many of them schooled in Glasgow , Otago street . I know Johny and remember the DJ , he had a collection of 80's stuff and would play the Toy Doll's and the like . I guess the Red Lion was , for me , like a time warp ,with the decrepit lounge at the back of the 60's era bar and all those old dragon ladys . I used to get up with the band and murder shakin all over every now and then . Ever frequent the Winestube ?

  8. Some places are still sheltered from this storm of interacial dating .

    OP ,

    don't worry about it , she may tell you she is not really from BK but hails from Issan , she may tell you she is not actually half chinese bloodline , she may tell you she was married before , she may even tell you she is the father of three children from her previous marriage . Who cares ? But if they do , don't let anyone make you feel daft because you live amongst them .

  9. I'll go for Scotland then seeing as another poster bought my vote with a pie supper on another thread .

    Oh for the Squirrel Bar and a deep fried macaroni pie , Stevenson Street on a cold winters morn and money to be made . Forget not the old vans wi' hooky MOTs and knocking off early on a saturday and walking up to see the celtic . I shudder to recall beating a dwarf at pool up in the Scotia pool hall and then staggering home westward , stuffed into my y fronts , the days takings . One never knew who one could happen upon in old Glasgow town , on the banks of the Clyde in the west of Scotland .

    I used to drink in a pub called the Squirrel in Tsim Sha Tsui - or was it the Squirrell 2? That was the one with the gin in the vodka bottle... That close had gone quite up market last time I was there, about four years back, with some Western pub where there used to be a squirrel. I forget how the Terrace had fared. But on Hart Avenue I was able to stop for a Deuchars IPA - not a haggis supper, but there's no point in pining for the moon when you have a bird in the hand



    I was more likely to end up in the Red Lion next door to Ned's ( sadly gone too) , I never was in the squirrel on Hart but used to frequent the Stag's Head instead .

    Nowadays I been visiting the Old china Hand but not with much success as my boozing abilities are hitting an all time low , sadly .

  10. " yes, the 'Saraheid'...nice location across from the barras and a Glasgow institution...but when the italians bought it about 15 years ago and turned it into a tourist destination it lost a bit of it's charm...my FiL useta like the place because they served a 1/4 gill measure; no longer, I'm afraid...

    but an excellent place to take Glasgow first timers I gotta admit...what did the wife say when she tasted real whiskey? "

    She said " Oooohhh" , but was more preferential to a 60 shilling or the like .

    We had a great night along at the Oran Mor , down in the basement watching The Five Aces playing some old hammond driven sounds .

    " You dancin' ? " , "You askin' ? " .

    Edit ; I nearly forgot the White Lightnin' .

  11. the Horseshoe bar in Glasgow?

    yeah, I was there a couple of years ago one afternoon with my son (now 17 y.o., born at the old maternity hospital on Rotten Row) and we had to sit upstairs in the dining area 'cause he was underage...good grub but no atmosphere like downstairs...my FiL Mick died some years ago, he had a stroke and couldn't talk and it broke my heart...he was a dear friend...my MiL is in her 90s and manages on her own in Dunbarton (the ex-wife''s family live nearby; I'm still part of the family although we divorced over 10 years ago) and I haveta scold my son: 'don't be messin' up yer gran's place now ye sloppy little shit...pick up after yerself...' to no avail...

    When my son was born we all headed back to Glasgow . The first Glasgow pub experience for my dearest wife was the Horseshoe , in with my sister for an afternoon pint or two . There then followed a list of boozers about 3 weeks long , finishing with the Saracen's Head and all that went between .

  12. I'll go for Scotland then seeing as another poster bought my vote with a pie supper on another thread .

    Oh for the Squirrel Bar and a deep fried macaroni pie , Stevenson Street on a cold winters morn and money to be made . Forget not the old vans wi' hooky MOTs and knocking off early on a saturday and walking up to see the celtic . I shudder to recall beating a dwarf at pool up in the Scotia pool hall and then staggering home westward , stuffed into my y fronts , the days takings . One never knew who one could happen upon in old Glasgow town , on the banks of the Clyde in the west of Scotland .

    • Like 2
  13. As a German i feel ashamed. Sorry.

    ‘Lammbock’…..I don’t think you have anything to be ashamed off!

    So your German, did you commit any of the atrocities carried out by the Nazis. This happened in a different time and it was not just Germans.

    I have a friend, a German guy who tells me how as a child in school they were constantly battered about how bad the German people were, I think he also is affected by what happened and feel guilt.

    I’m British, and we as a past nation have many skeletons in our closet, I believe we are responsible for the first concentration camp, among other thing. But when you finish on the winning side…….You get to write the history.

    If the Axis powers had won the war……How would history have been written?

    As far as all this Hitler thing now in Thailand, I think it’s funny, OK, it’s done out of ignorance for sure, but do you really think any Nazis that are lying in the wings and rubbing their hands and thinking the master plan starts with ‘Ronald Hitler’

    What if Ronald Hitler and Lala Hitler and Hello Hitler et al get together to form a group ? Don't under estimate the power in numbers .

  14. Kripe ,

    I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

    Tutsiwarrior ,

    I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?

    I am not too much in to beans, and hope this is the correct type:

    Runner Beans - cooked 100g CARB:0 FIBER:2.5 FAT:0

    ENERGY:85 Kj

    Seems like you are lucky if you like Runner Beans, I could eat them without having to pump as much as 0,1U of insulin


    Thanks for the links fellas .

  15. Kripe ,

    I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

    Tutsiwarrior ,

    I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?

  16. I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

    google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

    once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

    and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


    First of all you should check your BG in the morning fasting - if it is normal (below 120mg/dl or 6,5 mmol/L, the pills will do, if not you might need another dose or insulin - contact your doctor.

    To keep your BG within limits (normal limits for a DM1 is below 180mg/dl or 10 mmol/l) I try to keep my peak below 160mg/dl, and my fasting target at 100, you should limmit your intake of Carbs, be aware that in Thailand Carbs are hidden everywere even in salat.

    Salat in natual form contain carbs but approxematly only a 1/3 of the carbs in rice, however in Thailand they use sugar in everything so be aware.

    You have just been diagnosed, but you will lern to tell the difference of a Tom Yum Goong that contain sugar and on that dosntlicklips.gif

    "No sugar please" or "Mai sai nam dan krap"wai.gif is very usefull here.

    Check your BG before you have a meal and 2-3 hours after, if you are high after meal you had too many carbs, too little medicine or need insulin. Buy a home BG meter - I use Accu-Chek Performa the sticks is 456-460 THB for 25 sitcks. Ask for discount at the Pharmacy, list price is 560THB.

    As mentioned above carbs is found in among others: rice, bread, pasta and ofcause sugar - try a search for carb counting on the internet.

    Kripe ,

    is salat like lettuce ?

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