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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Thanks for the pointers all .

    I am showing 11.0 mool/L in the morning with a peak of 15.4 mool/L after lunch and now back down to 12.2 mool/L before the evening meal . I have an appointment for the 5 march to discuss test results and further medication with a doctor .

    I am sold on the GI diet , I must give it a try , after the last pint of lager and packet of crisps please .

  2. Its all the people who won't let me form my opinion that make me cynical, telling me what I should think, what kind of opinion I can have. I'd be quite happy if I could just be my usual sardonic, cynical self. Surely that's all that we all want?

    I get a bit fed up with people asking so many stupid questions, as well. You're not bloody Magnus Magnusson, and you never will be. Anyway, I'm not a mastermind, so I think I'll pass on this question...

    And another thing. Look at these shoes. They cost me six times what I paid for the last pair, so they'd better last more than a few months. Anyway, you can't go wrong with shoes from Nottingham, even if they were made in Vietnam


    Surely cobblers in Northampton would be better ?

    You're quite right, but as I found out, they're from Somerset in any case.

    Read - Learn - Post is better than

    Post - Learn - Edit...


    Edit: Just goes to show - I don't know cobblers...

    Whilst we're talking cobblers, as I was following up the research on my previous post, I happened to notice that Dr Martens are made in Thailand, and that they have also resumed production in Northampton, for all the cynics that say British manufacturing is dead... and that made me pine wistfully for my ten-hole cherry reds that I wore when I was much younger than I am today. Used to take longer to lace them up than to cycle down to the paper shop, except in the winter when I would fall off my bike on the ice at the cross-roads at the foot of the hill. The joys of being up before the gritters...

  3. yes I googIed and it said boiIed eggs in sausage

    the picture Iooks a IittIe Iike the thai 'khai Iuk-keoy' which is basicaIIy boiIed egg that is then deep fried [just so the outside is brown and a bit crispy], served in tamarind and paIm sugar sauce

    Is that 'mother-in-laws eggs'? If so Scotch Eggs are nothing like them.

    Dare anyone scotch yer egg mindedness >? LOL

  4. it is a boiled egg wrapped in sauasge meat (sour?), then coated again in breadcrumbs and , er deep fried , please see Pizza Scottish .

    thats why I ask what sausage do they tend to use for this dish?

    theres so many variety - the spicy type chorizo? the german types? I dont know what traditionaI scottish sausages are Iike, so trying to get a sense of what sort of fIavours I can expect smile.png

    what sort of meaI wouId you eat this at?

    a heavy snack? big breakfast? Iunch with no other carbs needed?

    edit to add that the more I taIk about it, the more yummy it is sounding!! hope Im not over-buiIding my expectation :P

    I would say any old sausage . I like the idea of a sour garlic or spicy sour , but when I made this recipe at my home economics class circa 1980 it was only seasoned pork mince and boiled egg . Chorizo was a Scots lads unknown luxury .

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