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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. i am happy to be corrected but where does it say that the bar owner is Male????

    In the original article, which apparently since has been amended. But it still mentions Soi Paradise in the article.

    Can't say I saw the gender of the bar owner in this news article. To be honest I just assumed it was a lady bar owner. Just becuase it's a bar in Soi Paradise does not automatically make the owner a gay man ... but who knows ..

    The guy is from NZ therefore he is gay

  2. what happened to the days of a fare fist fight ? caught at the airport that got to be an admission of guilt

    I presume you mean a fair fist fight, those days are long gone. 50 years ago as a schoolboy i watched a fight between two 17 year old students, when one went down the fight stopped, he got up, they shook hands and that was the end of the matter, that was UK 50 years ago, now a knife would be pulled out or the guy on the floor would have his head kicked in. In some segments of social behaviour we have moved forwards in many others we have moved backwards.

    I am somewhat surprised that the Egyptian didn't just hit the guy with his shoes...no joke. What happened to his culture here? OK to attack me now (with your shoes) but that is the way things were done in that culture when I was there. (I won't mention drinking alcohol which is 'haram'-forbidden).

  3. The numbers you are giving in your article are very correct. A single may be able to do that, but add a partner and it becomes at least 45k.

    Prices in Pattaya have been on the increase for 2 years quite significantly.

    blink.png I just spent a few days in Koh Samet and was surprised at the cost of stuff at 7 11. I actually thought prices were controlled in Thailand but found I was paying 30 to 40% more there or USA prices. Yeah, it is 30% nicer there.thumbsup.gif

  4. smile.png

    Pattaya is Thailand like Los Vegas is the USA.

    Vegas is cheaper especially for seniors, and disabled people are respected there. Not to mention the newest/best Veterans hospital in the USA for free medical care if you're a Vet. Bus transport and senior transport is cheaper than Thailand and again Vets are transported across Vegas to the hospital for free. I've had it with this place and am moving back. I'm tired of living on mark down stuff at mini C and Tesco. blink.pngbah.gif I live on the Dark Side, ever try to get a cop or ambulance here. ? 911?

  5. 1) The guy raised his voice at his Thai wife = loss of face.

    2) Raised his voice at a Thai baht bus driver and demanded a fair price upfront = loss of face.

    3) Scared 2 Thai security guards making them run away = loss of face.

    There was only going to be one outcome!!!

    1) he pulled a knife on a woman

    2) he was hitting the bus

    3) he was shouting at the driver

    he is a lunatic


    Only one side of the story so far.

    Robbed? Of his knife?

  6. these drug partys should be brought to astop.....about 20-30 years ago khopgan was a beautifull secludet island with the creation of international drug partys (incl all the gangs thai and international ) that ar einvolved in tha tbusiness (incl thai police tha tcloses its eyes because of big dollars ) the place went downhill step by step.....

    You are correct of course.....but...from a yahoo, party hardy, drink to you drop, drug popping, dope smoking, bonk your brains out "hedonist" point of view then the islands are a paradise of sorts....and then up and leave the mess behind.


    biggrin.png hmm..'It is better to burn out than rust'.

  7. "Police charged Mr Chanin with hiring others to carry out a crime in a premeditated attempt to kill others. He denied all charges. The officers also charged Mr Sihanart and Mr Jirat with colluding in the attempted murder and illegal possession of firearms without permission. Mr Sihanart was arrested earlier but Mr Jirat has fled."

    Sounds like Thai names to me?

    What did the foreigners do?

    Apart from sleep in their beds?

    bah.gif Yep, I smell a Jirat.wai2.gifwai.gif

  8. Young people do this all over the world. Get over yourselves those giving the big adult lecture. I did similar stuff when I was a teen. Did I continue with that irresponsible type behaviour. No. It's a tragic event and sadly will probably continue.

    coffee1.gif There are always the sanctimonious parade of jerks who cry foul when they probably did the same when young. I did, and twisted my gas grip so hard to go faster that the handlebar bent. I survived and now people cry foul when I go slow. Mi Pen Rai & it's up to you. RIP rider

  9. facepalm.gif Sukhmvit Rd near Highway Police station: Stopped on bike by HP, showed int'l license and still had to hand over B300. No receipt, no thank you. I went to tourist police immediately and they took me back where the guy was drinking beer. They made him give me my money back. I put it in the police station orphan box. The T. Police smiled.wai2.gif I now have two thai licenses via the Pattaya City Expats Club help. Thanks, Hans

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