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Posts posted by barryofpattaya

  1. " As chair of the National Rice Policy Committee, Yingluck established 12 subcommittees to oversee and suppress any graft problems arising from the project. Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung was given the job of looking into corruption related to the scheme since early 2012. "

    This is Yingluck's defense ?

    Mr. Chalerm in charge? We don't have to know anything else. That explains it all.

  2. Former Bangkok governor candidate Kosit Suvinitjit was on the flight and even though he didn’t join the complainants at Suvarnabhumi airport he agreed with them.

    "I would have liked to have seen more ground staff helping passengers. There should have been interpreters in several languages to inform passengers of the situation, as many were tourists," he said.

    Thailand: Needs to be ASEAN Hub of airport interpreters despite restrictions on non-Thais.

    Kosit, you have a new slogan for the next election.

    In order for an aircraft to get certified you must be able to evacuate all passengers within 90 seconds.

  3. Yep, that's what happened. The big Boss fired him. Put him in a safe position behind the scenes

    There was a video posted on this forum last week that was taken in Hong Kong where Dr. Thaksin was meeting with mendicants wanting this or that. As Dr. Thaksin's car was pulling away, Mr. Chalerm appeared on the video, staggering and having to be pulled back to the curb. I believe Mr. Chalerm has let the demon 'ear medicine' control his life, loosen his tongue, and ruin his health. I believe the Big Boss noticed this and became afraid that Mr. Chalerm was losing his grip.

    Mr. Chalerm cannot admit to himself that he has a 'ear medicine' problem so he is looking around for other reasons for his demotion and the person who probably stands up to his unreasonable behavior the most is Gen. Thawee. Gen. Thawee is a serious man with a hell of a lot of responsibility, with soldiers and teachers dying regularly under his jurisdiction. He probably had many arguments with Mr. Chalerm but who, on this forum or in Thailand, believes Gen. Thawee has the clout to unseat Mr. Chalerm from power.

    Having scared Dr. Thaksin with his excessive drunkenness, big mouth, and failing health, Mr. Chalerm should be very careful in the future how he bad-mouths Dr. Thaksin's government. Mr. Chalerm is a loose cannon and may have to be permanently retired for everyone's safety as he is jeopardizing the entire operation.

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