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Posts posted by Crushdepth

  1. Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information on the internet. I'm afraid our days are numbered.

    They didn't cut it last time. Too much stuff depends on it these days, I suppose.

    This coup has few similarities to "last time."

    People, good or bas, operate by a certain pattern, modus operandi.

    Look at what the illuminati killers do all the time. Same pattern.

    Comparing the coup now with the one in 2006 is just not on....this is a dramatically different affair..... And that's just in the first few days.

    I don't agree at all. This coup is if anything more reluctant than the last. It's going to be make changes, handover to civilian government, call elections and get the hell out just like last time. The only people that can expect harsher treatment are the Shinawatras, who should be looking for new day jobs if they have any sense.

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  2. No. Yingluck's mistake was believing that the EC would act ethically and permit the farmers to be paid..as per their legal entitlement under the elected govt's program.

    wrong..as you well know 7 months they waited she should..have paid them on the due date...dont spread dis-information..lies.lies ..lies ..

    No, it's not wrong. Yingluck and the govt tried every measure to secure the release of funds to pay the farmers. They were blocked at every turn by forces opposed to the payment. That included Suthep who tried to bully and browbeat the banks into non-cooperation. Either you are ignorant of the facts or your memory is faulty...you choose

    No YOU are completely wrong - selective memory I think - if you recall, the government had not paid the farmers when the payment was due - which was before the protests even started.

    One of the reasons for the protest was that the rice pledging scheme was not paying the farmers.

    The payments to the farmers were due MONTHS before the protests, not after - so how did the protesters block the payments before they started protesting?

    I hate to contradict but you sir, are wrong and have selective memory. PM Ying Luck did try everything in her power to pay the farmers and as the previous poster stated, Suthep blocked her at every step of the way.ignorant

    Give it a rest. The government had many months to pay the farmers but did nothing. They could also have set the money aside before declaring an election and entering caretaker mode, but did not. Why?

    What they *did* do was pump out a lot of propaganda.

  3. Well it didn't take long.

    No hesitation on this one.

    The squeeze has begun. It won't happen overnight, nor will the United States do it alone and anyway won't have to do it alone. There will be lots of help from both inside and outside of Thailand.

    US Cuts Military Aid To Thailand Following Coup

    Although the U.S. provides other forms of aid to Thailand, including $1.3 million for narcotics and law-enforcement, there was around $3.5 million requested for specifically military assistance in 2014. Today's announcement wipes out nearly all of it

    Yesterday, Joshua Kulantzick, a senior fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, explained to Business Insider that the U.S. has little to gain from the military's moves and every reason to want to isolate the coup's organizers. He says that military rule following the ouster of an elected government will likely erode existing civil institutions and could destabilize a significant southeast Asian country.

    "The military is incapable of actually running the country in terms of the policymaking we would need to see with a pretty complex and high-powered economy," he said, adding that "the potential for violence is now higher because the military has intervened." In 2010, 90 protestors were killed in Bangkok during a rash of political violence.

    Read more: http://www.businessi...5#ixzz32aqOl98p

    I hardly think the former government was capable of sane policy making. The US isn't going to dump a friendly Asian ally and most of the "aid" it has cut off is capacity building it wants Thailand to have for its own selfish reasons. Kulantzick needs to get a clue.

  4. Ah yessss!

    9:05 pm

    Former head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order Chalerm Yoobamrung and his sons were arrested by soldiers and escorted to the First Infantry Regiment of the Royal Guards.

    What do you call Suthep, Chalerm + sons, Jatuporn, Nattawut and Thida sharing a cell?


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