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Posts posted by Dellboy218

  1. Seems to me your previous post below would make you the king of assumptions riding atop an especially high horse yourself. But whatever, your the man in your potholed mooban. In my 16 years in Thailand ive never been diverted through a paddy field, how could you there full of water. But that is not an assumption.  People do those things and those Repo Mercs were in Tescos car park.  I do not have a horse high or low, I am merely responding to a particulary agressive response from you. You are wrongly, yet again, assuming that my village has pot holes, fortunately it does not.  If you have been around CNX for 16 years you perhaps should remember the fracas in Hangdong over the building of an incinerator.  The local inhabitants threw rubbish across the road and traffic on the Hangdong Highway was diverted across paddy fields, or the tracks around them.  Not so long back truckers protesting about freight rates blocked off the highway at Denchai.  A diversion was put in place.  Have a guess where.......yup, dirt tracks around the paddy fields.  Like I said originally you never know and if you have a low slung sports car you might end up with problems, depending of course where you drive.  The other poster replied that he was sticking with his Range Rover, lucky him.By the way you still have not answered where this ''hatin'' rich Thais came from in your post.  Have a nice day!P.S The inner lane on parts of the Ubon bypass are badly rippled by heavy trucks.  If you are driving your Lambo on the Ubon bypass stay in the outside lane!Was on it this morning.

  2. <p>Yes i do, i ride these roads up north frequently, 20,000 kilometers in 5 months on a bike. Saying roads last only a couple of seasons is pure speculation from someone who has obviously never traveled them often. Maybe in a little village with soi dogs running around the wat. But for the most part thai roads are excellent. There are even roads which have been designated as scenic routes and have been paved with the scenery in mind. Paving a road only to last a couple of seasons seems extremely counterproductive, and i dare to say you are mistaken !

    Get out of bangkok or your little village and stop speculating, there is road work worldwide no matter where you go and being in thailand doesnt make them anymore inferior than any other place on earth. If you cant slow down before seeing an upcoming pothole, you will trash your ride wherever you live.

    Wow, your chain really does rattle doesn't it.  I have no idea why you have come out with all guns blazing on a simple observation that should not have upset anyone.  As for getting out of my small Village in Sanpagwan well, for the past 20 odd years I have been driving from here down to the Emerald triangle as well as the south and around the north.  I have seen the roads evolve and get better over the years.  I learnt a long time ago, when I had a low slung saloon car that it was the wrong type of vehicle for driving across country because you never knew what you would come across.  As for seeing holes well in advance, this is true.  It doesnt help though when you occasionally get diverted across paddy fields though because the road is blocked or a new bridge is being built and you have to follow in the ruts of large trucks.  Many roads are built for a short life span, it all depends on the highway department in the area you are in.  Even the once excellent roads around Khon Kaen are falling apart especially on the east side.  and yes, I too ride a bike.  I still dont know where this ''hatin'' rich Thais came from. Or where this ''yes I do ride'' comes from, I dont believe I ever questioned it. And yet, you seem to presume to know where I live and have the arrogance to give out advice.   Please, get off your high horse and leave your false indignation where it belongs, it aint on here!

  3. Sorry mate but if you went on tour in a Lambo you would probably get as far as the first road works or hole in the road.  Its nice to dream but there is a reason why you do not see many of those nice motors on tour!

    Thailand has thousands of kilometers of smooth glasslike black top roads, especially up north.

    Stop hatin' on rich thais.

    btw, i'll be purchasing a Lotus next year, if i can get over the fact its made by the British.ermm.gif

    I didnt know I was ''hatin'' on anyone, Rich, Thai or anyone else, just a fact of life. There are some smooth roads but you never know when they are going to run out or when there will be roadworks do you? As they are laid with such a thin surface they are only designed to last a couple of seasons before they crumble which means they have to be rebuilt. Just right for someone with a low slung car to get snagged. Regardless of their wealth or nationality.

  4. Of course one phenomena here is that some will put a downpayment on a car they can never hope to afford and enjoy driving it around for 6 months before it gets reposessed. Just because someone is driving around in a new posh car doesnt mean they will have it for long. Those that remember the crash at the end of the 90's may also remember all the repo Mercs parked in Tescos (Hangdong Road) car park trying to find an owner!

  5. In other words someone who couldn't make the grade but the force is so short staffed and over stretched that they have no choice but to make use of pretend bobbys. Hobby nurses? Hobby doctors? Hobby paramedics? I don't think so. 😘

    For the benefit of CaitlinHappyMeal, Special constables have been used for decades for duties such as traffic and parking control at events to free up personnel better employed elsewhere. A mate of mine was a sergeant in the specials for 25 years, he retired from that 10 years ago.

  6. Maybe David that is so you know where to take the both of us out to dinner after I get back next week! On my last New Guinea - China run with another load of gas then its the steam chicken home!

  7. Provinces Launch Road Safety Centers

    Many provinces are opening road assistance centers to welcome the New Year holiday.

    Motorists will be encouraged to wear helmets, fasten seat belts, to drive within the speed limit, to drive only with a license, and not to drink and drive.

    Encouraged?? They should be forced with horrendous penalties if found in breach. It is after all the LAW!!!

    Sorry, have I missed something or perhaps this is a language issue. When did it become law for a motorist to wear a helmet (a motorist being one who is driving a car). To the list perhaps could be added ''Stay left of centre, especially on blind corners''

  8. Provinces Launch Road Safety Centers

    Many provinces are opening road assistance centers to welcome the New Year holiday.

    Motorists will be encouraged to wear helmets, fasten seat belts, to drive within the speed limit, to drive only with a license, and not to drink and drive.

    Encouraged?? They should be forced with horrendous penalties if found in breach. It is after all the LAW!!!

  9. I had severe leg pain after a minutes walking along with a twinge in the lower back when lying flat. I also had an MRI taken with three doctors not noticing anything seriously wrong. I showed them to Dr. Suthee, whose name appears regularly in this forum and within 5 minutes he told me I had a broken vertebrae. He also operated and told me that I had broken it 40 years ago with the symptoms only appearing shortly before my operation which I am glad to say was successful. The worst thing I ever did was to see a chiropractor who also did not see anything amiss in the MRI's. Keep trying, it maybe that the right person has not seen your scans yet!

  10. If your shower unit is switched off and your breaker is intermittently tripping I would suspect a fault on the cable/heater unit first of all. If you do not have any test equipment available but happy to use screwdrivers then as has been suggested, turn off the breaker, discconnect the wire(s) at the breaker and see if it still trips. Then try the same at the shower end. That should tell you whether it is the breaker, the cable or the shower unit. If this rply gets disjointed. Then apologies but am currently working on a Chinese gas boat and the internet connection leaves a lot to be desired.

  11. I wondered if there may be any electricians on this forum?

    I have anxieties about the electrical switchboard in my new apartment because one of the switches (relating to the water heater in the shower ) keeps " tripping " sporadically about once or twice every day even when the shower heater is not being used. I am not sure what the proper terminology for this switch box is but it is similar to the one in the picture below although this is not the actual one in my apartment.

    The maintenance man from the apartment building has already looked at it a few weeks ago after I reported it then and had a look at the switch and for a while everything was okay. But now the same fault is occurring again.

    The reason I am so anxious is because it is only the switch relating to my shower which is the one that keeps tripping and so I keep wondering whether this is a signal that the water heater itself is malfunctioning even though it is brand-new because I'm in a new apartment building .

    You read so many stories in Thailand of people being electrocuted in the shower that I think it's better to be safe than sorry which is why I decided to post this question.

    In my switchboard are 4 single switches and 1 double am from left to right they are labelled as being

    1 the shower


    3 electrical sockets

    4 lights

    The double switch at the right side of the panel doesn't have any labeling at all.

    I am just wondering if anyone here with a knowledge of electricity can tell me whether I am worrying unnecessarily or whether my anxiety is indeed founded and that it is the shower heater itself which is showing signs of some fault which is causing the switch in the box to keep tripping?

  12. I use my Nokia N95 mobile phone. It has GPS and I have bought a little extra GPS receiver that I put inside the car window that is comunicating by bluetooth.

    I also pay 495 baht per year to get voice command when driving from one place to another. It works fine and I always have my GPS with me as long as I have not forgot my phone.

    The maps are fantastic, every little soi is there. I download the maps from Nokia for free and I can download maps from all over the world.


    Is the 495 Bt voice command only for Nokia or would it work for my Samsung?B)

    I don't know, check with Samsung. They might use same system!?

    The product name is "Drive Southeast Asia". In my GPS and I choose a place to go to and click on "Drive to" then I got the alternative to get voice-command. First I got one week test for free and then I ordered one year for 495 bath and now this week I renewed it for another year. I can choose any language and also if I want a male or a female voice. I choose to take nearest road (can be dirtroads) or fastest road, if I want to take tunnels, ferrys etc.


    You can put Route 66 on a Samsung, put it on my Jet for free

  13. Good News in the fight against the winged Rat,s.

    I E-mailed [email protected]

    They came back with a price for 15 meters at 6K...

    Not needing 15m, they have agreed to send a 5 meter strip to Pattaya for 2K.

    Happy days.

    After reading your email I had a look at Amazon.com, lots on there as well, very tempting!

  14. If you plan on using it in a car I've been informed that getting decent map software for it may be more difficult than finding the GPS.

    Be interested to hear anyone else's opinion on this.

    Good Day

    When someone asked me a while ago about GPS and which receiver to buy I did suggest that they investigate what maps were available and make their choice of manufacturer based on that. There are one or two makes in there but I guess Garmin comes out on top. There is the Garmin map for Thailand. There is also the locally produced map for Thailand from Rotweiler which, although not quite so comprehensive as the Garmin one does offer quite a lot for the money. I believe it is 50 USD now for various S.E. Asian countries, with easy updates to your computer. There are also topo maps available and northern Thailand roads and tracks are available also from a local producer. The prices here for receivers can be high but if you wish to import, Mr. Amazon makes things quite easy (.com site is a lot cheaper than the .uk site on many items) with import duties notified on the site so you know exactly what you are paying. There is also one website where you can find just about any map produced for Garmin recievers for immediate free download.

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