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Posts posted by Dellboy218

  1. Not sure if these will help but on the south side of town...................

    On the 3029 middle ring road which you have already been on to access Home Pro at Big C, there is Global House, a Km or so past the river bridge on the left. A bit further past there on the right at the start of the railway flyover is a smaller shop and if you go 7.5km past the superhighway, just before the 118 on the left is Home Sukkapan. Never been in there but people tell me its good. On the Hangdong road out of town, nearly opposite Kad Farang there is a rather large Captain paint sign. One of the shops around there used to carry a number of tiles but I havn't been aorund there for a while.

  2. Naaawwww .... You don't have to go through all that expense....... make your own...... adjustable to size required...


    Compliments of Todays The Nation


    Thank you very much for that photo Gonzo, its as wonderful as it is deadly by the look of it. I would imagine it would turn any 'victim' face down which is not the normal effect one looks for from a lifejacket. It may provide amusement when I return for another tour of sea duty, I am sure someone with too much time on their hands will replicate and test it.

  3. I agree with realthaideal about the motorbike parking at Airport Plaza. I won't even take my big bike in there unless it is during off hours. I just ride to the far part of the parking lot and park my bike there. To hell with the fact it's supposedly for cars. My dollar (baht) is as good as the guy driving the car or truck.

    I cann't get my bike around there either, darned awkward even when it is empty(ish) I park tight in by their defunct electric gokart, at least it has some protection from being hit and some security.

  4. Why don't you guys organize a protest march with signs and all, then spend Saturday and Sunday marching through the offensive parking lot?

    Did you see us all yesterday Marching up and down with our placards decrying the state of the car park? No? Splendid day out for all concerned, tea and biccy's afterwards. Much more fun that just complaining to management. Same again next weeks chaps?

    You were probably all marching through one of the 500 meter deep pot holes when I got there so I never saw you.

    Now you are exagerating arn't you, ten foot at most.

  5. Why don't you guys organize a protest march with signs and all, then spend Saturday and Sunday marching through the offensive parking lot?

    Did you see us all yesterday Marching up and down with our placards decrying the state of the car park? No? Splendid day out for all concerned, tea and biccy's afterwards. Much more fun that just complaining to management. Same again next weeks chaps?

  6. I don't think the owners have done enough in some ways to make life pleasant for customers but overall I would say this is just another one of the pitfalls of Thailand. If you come to live here you have to accept that customer satisfaction is not exactly at the top of their list. I always park inside even though I know the dangers and at least it saves playing chicken and keeps the car out of the sun. My complaint is that they don't open the damned doors early enough in the morning.


    This is Thailand and things like this are a part of it. Personally I hope they do nothing about it. If I wanted North American standards I would live in North America.

    There is suposidly a new Mall to be opening in Chiang Mai with out all the parking problems. It was talked about here a year ago. Not sure what is happening there but from what I read about it if a nice parking lot is your thing your wishwill be granted.

    Sad for the OP it is going to be a multi level Mall. How ever no buildings over three stories high.

    Gosh, the indignation level at my temerity of mentioning the state of a car park, what ever next. Thank heavens I didn't mention the fish tank................................

  7. Heres a couple. You didn't say whether thay had to be CNX topical so........

    One is inside a medium sized diesel with a man standing behind the crank and a con rod. The other is a self explanatory Ooppss!

    Actually he did, but i needed google translate to read it Dave2'S Best Of เชียงใหม่ -> Dave2'S Best Of Chiang Mai.

    Great pics though!

    Nearly forgot the pic, this is just too cold.

    Oooppss, I should have done the same shouldnt I. Well at least they are a bit different! I only wish I had the camera the other day when I saw a young lad peddaling on his bicycle down a busy road, whilst playing a guitar. Just when you think you cannot be surprised any more.!

  8. Why don't you guys organize a protest march with signs and all, then spend Saturday and Sunday marching through the offensive parking lot?

    Thankyou for your illuminating and constructive response. As always, your comments add so much. If you had read earlier, it was but an observation and now you and tother fella are getting all hot under the collar or simply trying to outdo each others post count. At least try to be a little bit constructive. Tell me I am wrong and that I dream foot deep pot holes in their car park which will damage customers vehicles, I wont mind but at least try and read the thread properly beforehand. Thank you


    Take your concerns to management if you wish to be constructive. Nobody on this forum is going to fix anything at AP.

    And yes, I do drive through the parking lot at AP without encountering any foot deep holes and I am sure many others do also. It is really not difficult for most people.

    Now thats better, at least we can discuss things now. As for your first line I would imagine that covers many things on this forum, there is no law to say you have to respond though if you do not like something or have nothing to add. As for the other, there are some rough patches around where the Tuk Tuk stops but mostly as I am sure you are aware it is in the exit lane on the far side, as someone has mentioned, where they grow their plants. Doesnt worry me as my vehicle will take it. However, if the car park is full and a visitor in his small city car doesnt know and then follows directions to that lane to exit then they might be in for some trouble. I am sure many do prefer to park in certain spots and use the other exits where they do not encounter these holes but that is not the point is it. They do exist and you may end up being directed that way in the future whether you want to or not. It is not as though they have just appeared either as they have been there for the best part of a year. I imagine with the food festival starting it will be absolutely packed and some will be in for a rude surprise when they try and leave

  9. Why don't you guys organize a protest march with signs and all, then spend Saturday and Sunday marching through the offensive parking lot?

    Thankyou for your illuminating and constructive response. As always, your comments add so much. If you had read earlier, it was but an observation and now you and tother fella are getting all hot under the collar or simply trying to outdo each others post count. At least try to be a little bit constructive. Tell me I am wrong and that I dream foot deep pot holes in their car park which will damage customers vehicles, I wont mind but at least try and read the thread properly beforehand. Thank you


  10. No, Dellboy's got a point. I mean look, Tesco n Big C manage to cover their outdoor parking. What ? Airport Plaza doesn't make any money so they can't afford it ?

    And then how about their motosai parking farce ?! You have to get routed around the whole fricking place, mixed in with cars, to finally get to one of 2 teeeny-tiny little overpacked jokes of a parking area ! You squeeze in thru the little gate and then can barely park or get out of that unmaneuverable place - 4 inches leeway between spaces and maybe .5 meter between rows. Genius ! What, Airport Plaza parking doesn't have enough space to expand the area ? Motosai riders are the minority of customers so they don't really deserve much attention ? Au contraire ! Ugh ! All that space and then you have to cattle-car your way in there. Totally bass-ackwards.

    And yes, I'm totally thriving on posting this rant !

    Hardly a Rant RTD, a valid observation. When it was Tantraphan they did have some covered outdoor parking, admittedly no multi storey but the place was a lot smaller then. I seem to remember that when they were expanding and the flyover was nothing but a proposal, the plans included a feeder from the flyover straight into Airport Plaza. A pity that was knocked on the head as it would have helped ease some of the daily jams outside.

  11. Well, mine was a general observation of a car park which is likely to do damage to peoples property due to it being ill kept. But you are right, some people just like to complain or just add what they percieve to be smart comments with nothing constructive to say at all.

  12. I can tell you what it was like on the 5th. I left this on another forum at the time so I will copy and paste. I will presume the work in Nam Nao may be finished by now and the minor landslide cleared up. From Khon Kaen I prefer to take the 2116 then head down to the Roit bypass. The 2116 was in good shape.

    Work continues at Denchai on route 11 junction, the traffic lights are working but not a lot else.

    For a few KM south on the 11 the road is good but the road works take over with a bumpy surface in places and carriageway changes. That hill section is still a horrible mess. All road works finish by the junction with route 1105

    Minor road works entering Uttradit by the first set of traffic lights with one (I think) carriagway change.

    South of Uttradit (I wish I had marked it) on the north bound carriageway there was a minor bridge that has been covered in tarmac. This has been very badly (dangerously) rippled in the middle of the road. Enought to give me palpatations driving a Fortuner, bloody dangerous to any one on a bike. The rest of the road is excellent which makes this all the more dangerous to anyone on a bike. Watch out for the short, just a few metres, section of tarmac.

    Approaching Khao Kho from the west there are some rough patches and holes appearing. God forbids it ends up like it was 20 years ago. The main west-east carriageway through Khao Kho itself is blocked off with diversions onto the frontage road. It looked like a big rip in the road surface.

    In Nam Nao national park, 14km from the western entrance the east to west carriageway has completely disappeared down the hillside. They were working on this yesterday with traffic control (!!) This leaves a short section of bumpy mud road for a few 10's of metres. In the same area there were a couple of other gangs out clearing up minor landslides. These were very recent.

    Road works continue west of Chum Pae and look like there will be for a long time. A number of carriageway changes and rough surfaces in various places. To a minor extent the same on the eastern side.

    The road into Khon Kaen form the west has shown a marked deterioration since last I drove this road a few months ago. It isnt the nice smooth road it once was.

    Road widening works on the northern side of the Yasathon bypass. The rest of it appears to be deteriorating in places as well.

    Road widening works continue on the western approach to Ubon. This dual carriageway looks like it will be meeting up with the dual carriageway through Khueang Nai when they finish that bit.

    If anyone is really interested in the 24 from Ubon to Det Udom, a fairly new wide road, pity its showing badly rippled edges and holes already. As for the road through Det Udom, it was bad the day day before they laid it and it hasnt improved any

  13. As someone has started one Airport Plaza thread...........

    I presume Central do not care too much for their customers as their car park just gets worse and worse. A handful of gravel gets thrown in the holes from time to time that lasts a few minutes but I would imagine anyone driving a low slung vehicle must be fearing for its safety trying to exit. Considering they have owned this building.....for what?..........15 years? After taking over from Trantraphan they really have not done too much to the outside car park except make it bigger. It would have been nice to see some trees or cover for customers cars after all this time let alone somewhere safe for customers to walk to the building without playing chicken. I gave up on the multi storey years ago as it became like a dodgems, you never knew which direction the next idiot was coming from!

  14. I see plenty of cheap barbeques used by vendors along the side of the roads. either you, or if you don't speak thai, a thai speaking person could ask them where to get one.

    The stainless rectangular box type used to be for sale in the day market along Witchayanon Road off Chiang Moi just before the river. There was a couple of hardware shops on the left when heading for Thapae Road. The asking price was 500B but that was some time ago.

  15. I seem to have a blown mains cable under some tiles and am looking for a live or dead cable detector/finder to save me digging up the lot. I don't remember seeing them in Amorn or Home Pro and I have just checked Global. Anyone seen them in town at all?

  16. What's next, turn your desk fans against the wind when a hurricane hits?

    What a wonderful analogy you two, made my morning. I wonder if anyone special owns the boats or is selling the diesel required or in fact owns the construction company that will put the bridges back up that they will tear down. Perhaps now they will look at dredging the rivers of centuries of silt and general crap (!) and then identify and preserve their flood plains. This echoes the article in that other newpspaper that cannot be named when a dozen boats tied to what is probably now a damaged bridge supposedly increased river flow by 20%!!! Well, isnt the new slogan Miracle Thailand? It certainly is!

    Where did you get the idea from that the boats will pull down the bridges, the "bollard pull" of a tug-boat especially designed for this type of work has a very small capacity to actually "pull" - a 200 ton tug-boat might on a good day achieve 20 - 25 ton pull. whereas the load from the water flow acting on any bridge supports in the river would probably a greater risk than the boats, actually the boats pulling up-stream would help counter act the load on the bridge supports which would be a plus.

    That was, as I am sure you knew, a little tongue in cheek. It does depend though on how they are connected to the bridge and whether they use any protection. Wire ropes can make a mess. And what type of work are these tugs designed for? Doesnt say anything in this article. Previously they mentioned 400HP tugs further up river. These are very small tugs presumably designed to to pull small barges. But pulling on a wire rope without any protection for hours on end. I think I would want that bridge examined.

  17. What's next, turn your desk fans against the wind when a hurricane hits?

    What a wonderful analogy you two, made my morning. I wonder if anyone special owns the boats or is selling the diesel required or in fact owns the construction company that will put the bridges back up that they will tear down. Perhaps now they will look at dredging the rivers of centuries of silt and general crap (!) and then identify and preserve their flood plains. This echoes the article in that other newpspaper that cannot be named when a dozen boats tied to what is probably now a damaged bridge supposedly increased river flow by 20%!!! Well, isnt the new slogan Miracle Thailand? It certainly is!

  18. Small or large? Either way they are available at the supermarkets generally. The small ones that are the size of large toothbrushes I have seen today in Tescos (Hangdong Road) in a pack of 3 in the tools section. If they do not have the larger brushes then either Home Pro or Global should have them.

  19. For a 4.5kW heater load, the recommended cable size is 4.0mm and a fuse/breaker rating of 20.0A

    I think I would use the next higher rated breaker/fuse size available. At 4500 watts on a 220vac line you will be drawing just over 20 amps already.

    I agree. It should be loaded at 80% and not at the edge so 25 - 30 Amp breaker.

    The info I gave was from a UK water manufacturer...........I didnt stop to work it out, maybe I should have done as it looks like they have had a typo in there. 20A would be right on the limit wouldnt it. 30A would be a bit over the top unless there are other items on the circuit. but a 23 or 25A breaker should do nicely.

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