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Posts posted by seasia

  1. Just now, sekmet said:


    Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

    Former British Honduras. Glanced at it as a possibility, seemed not difficult for a UK passport holder to stay there long term.

    English widely spoken as it is the official language. Not for me.



    "Fiction writer and retired beach bum Ray Auxillou says he and his wife, who live in Santa Elena in Cayo District, get by on less than US$600. a month, though they own their own home and so don’t have to pay rent. Ray however lives in a back of town low income housing area with dirt or mud roads depending on the season. A middle-aged expat in Corozal says she rents a nice small house for US$250. a month. A couple in Caye Caulker, who own their own home, say their monthly budget is around US$1,000.

    Combining some elements of both North American and Belizean lifestyles, you can live well for less than you would pay back home. Health care, the cost of renting, buying or building a home in most areas, personal and auto insurance, property taxes, household labor and most products produced in Belize are less expensive than what you’re used to paying....."


    Website with some details of costs etc.



    • Like 2
  2. Argentina has just got even cheaper. Peso down v. US% about 15 % after falling as low as 30 % down.





    "Argentine President Mauricio Macri vowed on Monday to win a second term despite a surprisingly strong performance by the opposition in the primary election that set off a shockwave through markets, crashing the peso currency and sending stocks and bonds tumbling.

    Macri said he would "reverse" the result of Sunday's primary, but acknowledged that a weaker peso triggered by the surge in support for Peronist opposition candidate Alberto Fernandez and his running mate former President Cristina Fernandez would fuel inflation.

    The peso closed 15% weaker at 53.5 per U.S. dollar after plunging some 30% to a record low earlier in the day after the primary election prompted market fears over Argentina's potential return to the interventionist economics of the previous government.

    Refinitiv data showed Argentine stocks, bonds and the peso had not recorded this kind of simultaneous fall since the South American country's 2001 economic crisis and debt default."


    Source reuters, via IG Index,



    Steak chips and wine for dinner everyday ?


    Could suit a young nomad with a high risk tolerance.





  3. Just now, KittenKong said:

    Not sure whether I was wrong or whether they have changed something, but it seems to be closed on Tuesdays rather than Wednesdays.

    The latter. The owner changed the closing day only recently, noticed that as I read through some of the facebook posts.

    Yes, changed to Tuesday closing.

    He is working mega keen pricing, appears very good value.

    • Like 2
  4. On 8/6/2019 at 11:25 PM, Jingthing said:

    Me and everyone else.

    As I think my fall was mechanical, I am considering switching from my beloved beach resort SANDALS to something more sturdy like sneakers. 

    Interesting topic, useful also.

    I had a couple of light falls earlier this year, no harm done fortunately, uneven surface, perhaps not paying enough attention.

    I prefer sandals but actually considering changing to wearing sneakers.Already have some but sandals are more convenient.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Jimbo53 said:

    Enjoy it while you can,see if you still feel the same in 5 years!

    14 years was more than enough for me,too much BS,and only holidays there for me now,moved 2 years ago,never looked back!! should have done it 5 years before that!



    May I ask where you moved to pls.?

    If you care to share any comparisons that could be interesting.



  6. Just now, rumak said:

    I have been looking at the world map and can't figure out ....... are there two countries called Thailand ?


    I live 70 km from Chiangmai  THAILAND  and I can't think of one thing that costs me even 50% of what it would in the west.  my water bill averages 100 baht a month .   tank of gas for cooking 420 baht (will last 4-6 months)  oh, delivered and changed out !  worker to cut grass  400 baht day     fruit and vegetables dirt cheap , wash with baking soda or vinegar (as does my daughter in Canada).   bike rides ...FREE... and no one yells "go back where you came from"  or throws cans at us.


    Maybe I am misunderstanding you but currently in a 1st world country and many items are cheaper than Thailand.

    Good quality food is.  beer is half price, buying 660 ml bottles for equivalent of 28 baht. wine 80 % off.Sub 100 baht a bottle.

    Fruit tastes far better.Fruit juice is cheaper.Pasta is cheaper, sub half Thai price.


    Gardener, got me there, here looking at 3500 baht a day. If you can get them to turn up.


    Roads are better, drivers are better, pavements are better.

    Internet is better, electric supply is better.


    Service standards are higher.


    It is not about being cheaper for some though, just some want higher standards.


    • Like 2
  7. Sorry but very few reasons to stay full time any more.


    Positives, 24 hr. convenience, stores open round the clock, ATMs on every corner almost.

    Bahtbus is cheap ( naklua/pattaya based )

    Climate good for 6 to 8 months of the year.


    The list of negatives which I shall not post as it would not be welcome outweigh the positives for me personally.



    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, Inn Between said:

    I'm interested in Vietnam and assume you're comparing it to Thailand. I have about 17 years experience living in Thailand and none in Vietnam, so please tell me how the place is inferior. I'm not asking for an exhaustive list -- just the top 5 or so aspects of Vietnam that make it worse.


    I'm not looking to challenge you -- just interested in your perspective. As I've never been to Vietnam, I can't really challenge anything that's said about it, but can you give a little background -- where you stayed...how long, etc.  





    Although the question not asked of me, I will give a view, from a Thailand resident POV. v. VN tourist


    In VN talking of Saigon and Vung Tau.

    Saigon, plenty of choices of restaurants/bars.

    Meals out ( western type )  cheaper. Service levels, way higher.

    Beer/wine cheaper.


    Roads safer.

    Better communication skills.

    Transport, only used taxis, they were OK.

    Accomodation, hotels seemed a touch cheaper.


    No idea on medical costs/standards, fortunately never had to find out.


    I found the people there to be generally nice.


    Worth a visit 





    • Like 1
  9. On 7/23/2019 at 7:35 AM, tingtongtourist said:

    Salami (Italian)  definately number 1. 


    Imports i seen here 2-3,000 baht/kg.


    local made, over 1,000kg

    to much fat, not enough spice/pepper.




    Good idea.

    Am in Italy know and buying good quality salami at between 500 to 600 a kilo ( converted from Euro Price )

    Big difference to Thai price. Might have to pack some when leaving  here to go back.


    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, sanemax said:

    The Pound remained quite stable in the days after Brexit and only began to lose once it became apparent that the Uk Gov had no idea how to proceed and didnt know what to do 

    No it did not remain stable.

    There was an immediate fall.


    I happened to be looking at a 5 year chart.

    Look at the GBP drop when a referendum was announced followed by a further fall on the result.


    Old stock exchange saying " The only truth is the tape "



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