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Posts posted by seasia

  1. There is an Italian restaurant serving pizza on the small Soi beside Foodland (not sure of the restaurant name), has anyone tried this place?

    Could this be Valentinos?

    If so, I`ve never been but fancy trying it so would also appreciate opinion from anyone that has been.

  2. Can you give hours, phone number, website? Any information?



    Before the revamp I think it was open until at least 11.00 PM, unsure of opening time.

    An air-con indoor area and slightly smaller out door but covered area.

    Appeared to be a wood fired clay oven and pizza made fresh, size large, thin crust.

    From the Dolphin roundabout heading in to naklua, about 10 minutes walk and on the right hand side, before Antons the Austrian/German restaurant.

    I didn`t think it was anything special when I last went there.

  3. I feel for the OP.

    He is trying to run a business in Thailand and keep his guests happy.

    Dogs being noisy almost 24/7 hinders that..

    A similar situation in the soi I live on, management at the apartment building where I live seem aware but also powerless.

    Dogs, both soi and domestic out at night, all night and noisy.

    Even worse they attack passers by.

    Easy solution for me, I`m moving, not so easy for the OP.

  4. Nothing so far but went to look at a new place to live and noticed it has a big balcony with both a street and beach view.

    As hard as she tries my partner shouldn`t be able to fill it up with clutter as she has done the current place and I`m looking forward to sitting out there in peace and quiet with a beer and watch the world go by.

    16 days to go.smile.png

  5. I feel I can only wish the OP Good Luck in whatever he decides, shouldn`t judge but comes across as a nice person and quite likely in the right.

    Some of the replies have made me think so a good thread.

    Although far from perfect the partner I am with cleans, cooks etc. whilst also holding down a job,although is prone to complete silence at times( won`t talk) which annoys me.

    She would probably feel she is failing if she didn`t do those things which she seems to regard as her duty/responsibility.

    Good Luck loong in whatever you decide, genuinely.

  6. Fascinating thread, I was going to answer a lot earlier however I deleted my reply. I deleted my reply as I reckoned what I had to say was far too abrupt and unsuitable. I can now see it was not, so here goes.....

    The OP, you are chronically isolated and chronically lonely, walk away.

    Instruct a divorce lawyer and go for your share of the assetts. Change your sim card and disappear.

    Don't continue enduring this drip drip drip of emotional torture, just walk away, silently.


    That was the reply I had deleted earlier, I stand by it. The land issue is a red herring, the issue is that the brother has more authority than the idiot farang.

    The OP is far from an idiot, he is a thoughtful, trusting and loving man that is being undone for the crime of planning for the future. Not even his future, but the future of his step son.

    To me it shows a quite scandalous lack of respect by the OP-s wife. Phuturica said trust your instincts, others mentioned listening to the little voice in your head.

    I agree, walk away, take out of the marriage what you are due, not a penny more, not a penny less. Do it quietly, do it clinically, do it without drama.

    You will feel a massive weight lift from your shoulders, I would say most of your fellow members here remember that feeling, including me.

    It's almost a cliche, this is not the end, this is a new beginning, life is too short to be servile to someone who is treating you like a clown.

    Walk away Quietman, with a clear conscience, you tried your best but it was never going to be enough to make up for your wife's lack of respect for you.

    That's an error on her part, don't compound the error and misery by staying with her.

    Let the divorce lawyers do their work, take what you are due and allocated by the courts, and get ready for the new chapter in your life.

    Your too good a man to endure any more of this misery.....and I believe that many of our fellow members will join with me in telling you that in retrospect, the day they got divorced was one of the best in their lives.

    From the wreckage came a new beginning.

    Edit, oops, I see the OP has sorted the problem out, that's really annoying, it took me ages to write this reply.

    Why annoying?

    I don`t know if you are right or wrong in this case and I hope the OP reaches a satisfactory conclusion whatever that may be but you, amongst others have at least expressed views that might provide guidance/warning signs for others.

    It`s not only the OP that is reading your response.

    Fascinating thread.

  7. 3 people that I know here in Pattaya were bitten by soi dogs and all went for the post exposure shots.

    I would do the same if I was unfortunate enough to be bitten, as much as I dislike going to doctors or hospitals.

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