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Posts posted by mochafan

  1. Suicide destroys more than the life that's been taken. Loved ones left behind have to grapple with many unpleasant feelings, including self-doubt and even the fear that they themselves may be susceptible to those same feelings of depression. When someone makes the decision to kill themselves, they hurt other people who care for them-greatly.


    I am sure in this type of situation when someone kills themselves one of their primary motives is to hurt their ex, unfortunately his actions will also hurt many friends and family.

    It is selfish...

    They will get over it.

  2. Die is not solution for all as the spirit still live in until the time is done, I am sorry for posting in this manner but just want to help those to think that dead ends everything was wrong . It just a beginning as the pain for family members and loved one to accept the truth. Go to monkshood for few weeks or months until find the way out .

    Some people are glad to leave and are ready. They want no more part of this (<deleted> up)world. The world is not getting any better...it's obvious.

    • Like 1
  3. What a waste. I wish he had reached out. This is the worst and most selfish decision anyone can make only once in their life.

    It may seem like the most selfish decision. But does it really matter? Everyone is selfish. Some more than others. He was at a ripe old age. Maybe he had just had enough of this world and was ready to move on.

    • Like 1
  4. The only ones, that should be arrested here, are the bosses of Starbucks for overcharging the brown liquid, they call coffee!!coffee1.gif

    Overcharging is when you agree to a price beforehand and then charge a higher price later.

    What Starbucks does is called selling coffee.

    ....and overcharging. Your definition of overcharging is not the only definition...there are others. One is ..'to charge too high a price for goods or services. Which many people agree that's what Starbucks does. And some people choose to pay for the overpriced product (because they have the money to do it), and some people choose not to for other reasons.

    How about profiteering?

  5. I learned very early in life not to worry or concern myself with things I have no control over, lends itself to a stress free existence.

    That's just as bad as saying 'mai pen rai' to everything. Sounds like a Thai 'apathetic' attitude. And that's one reason why it's still an undeveloped country. Not assertive or proactive at all...except when it comes to grabbing money from 'foreigners'.

    • Like 2
  6. Nottacus... If that is all you can say then you should SAY NOTHING. This shows what's you are.., itis never too late to change.

    I commend the Thais, and their instant selfless response.

    Imagine the grief of having to deal with such a terrible tragedy.

    Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

    Yes, never too late...

    There are currently Lao and Thai people writing songs and posting them on the internet as a direct response to the grief and to wish the deceased good luck in their next life. I've rarely seen so many postings / online activity, especially in regards to the loss of foreigners.

    Owk Phansaa / Loi Kratong is on Saturday, there might very well be more and bigger floating rafts on the mekong as a result of extra effort and money spent to pay respect to all the victims (about half foreigners). Maybe something to check out and verify first hand what the true nature of most Lao and Thai people really is?

    Firsthand: either friendly, or xenophobic. Extremely common characteristic in Tland...Deceitful. honesty is not one of their virtues. I've met Thais who even admit that.

  7. Starbucks need to get over themselves and extract their head from their collective corporate arse.

    The only humorous thing Starbucks is hearing Americans rave on about how good the coffee is. Most of the world wouldn't even degrease their car engines with the stuff.

    And why are they are so popular then? I don't see any Australian businesses doing as well, do you?

    • Like 1
  8. "obliterated" "smashed" "plowed "

    Found a thesaurus, no idea how to use it.

    You beat me to that comment.

    We can probably expect Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced in upcoming news reports.

    Still, it makes for amusing reading.

    "obliterated" "smashed" "plowed " = Shitfaced

    I think only Australians know Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced. I've never heard of those. I'm not saying they are wrong..just not common outside of Australia.

  9. Why should they change or do anything about it?

    Seems to me most expats living in Thailand want to change the Thais and Thailand to be more like people and country they left behind, the same country and people they continually complain about...

    Why shouldn't they? Change is natural, isn't it? Especially nowadays. The world is rapidly changing and getting smaller and if they want the outside world to take them seriously, a few(even minor)changes would benefit them as a society and as individuals.

  10. Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

    In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

    So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

    Everyone's entitled to their religious and quasi-religious beliefs, Thais and non-Thais alike, as matters of personal faith.

    But relying on spirits and shrines as the basis for operating an international airline business is taking things to an entirely different level.

    When was the last time you saw one of the western airlines performing an exorcism on one of their jets or airports? And what do you think most people, including Christians, would be saying about it if they did?


    Excellent point!

  11. I hope all the guys who knock Thai justice read this. He is famous, connected and the still won't let him out. Well done.

    that's probably because he doesn't have the right connections or because he won't admit the truth. There is a reason and it's not because Thai officials are just enforcing the law because it's their job.

    My Thai students don't think good about Thai justice . They tell me there is a lot of corruption...so THEY knock Thai justice. THEY tell me MONEY TALKS. It's NOT a 'farang bashing Thai ' issue

  12. The problem is that you are living in a country where corporate punishment is the norm and not the exception.

    As a teacher i would be willing to be that everything else had been attempted to get the kid inline and he had not gotten with the program.

    Negotiation is the way to go here as there are issues that probably could resolve this at home. For instance Dad telling his kid to smarten up and get with the program so that teachers do not have to punish him.

    If the child behaves then there is no need to punish. I am sure a girl hitting him would not be the issue and there is no mention of how hard the kid was hit on the head.

    Remember folks that are from the US. Sometimes it is the kids fault do not start to blame everyone else if your kid is a pain in the ass. Be happy your kid is not in a school that has bamboo.

    The ombudsman that made the change before did nothing that tells me therr is a lot we are missing.

    So you`re saying that it`s ok to beat a kid who doesn`t behave? Please tell us where you teach so I can keep my kids away from there.

    Are you saying your kids don't behave? Have you ever been a teacher in Thailand?

  13. Certifiably NUTS! Of course, in the USA famous artists sing the songs of others all of the time (form of admiration). Dylan does it, Clapton does it, Mayer does it.....on and on. Copyright laws only enter into the equation w/ regard to recordings (as far as I know).

    Not at all. If you perform a song or music or piece of theatre or any other copyrighted creation in public whether for reward or not you still have to have the permission of the copyright owner, and there may be a fee payable depending on the owner. And you also have to have similar permission to record the creation, which again may be subject to payment depending on the owner.

    If Dylan or anyone else sings someone else's songs in public, or records them, then he has to have permission for each occurrence and may have to pay.

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Tell that to all the musicians in central park:lol:

    Dylan would be sued, not arrested

    Bob Dylan is quite dead.

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  14. PLEASE - stop using the word "hub" for everything - yes we know what it means, but its overuse has made the subject laughable... try using "center for" or "focus point" or something... probably just as bad though.

    In order to become a hub or center for something, it has to be recognised as such BY OTHERS... not by the ones setting it up and just naming it that way.

    There are some good comments on this subject, and I think support of a real e-learning programme at university is an excellent idea - but as one person pointed out - as long as the exams are taken seriously.

    I totally agree with the use of the word 'Hub'. Every time it's mentioned now, i can't take them seriously. It has become a big joke.

  15. i have seen 5 Thais attack 1 Thai, no racism there,just hate and idiot mob mentality,,,

    And of course you would NEVER see such a thing in a western country. Football hooliganism seems to come to mind as just one example.

    this is Thailand...not a western country people are talking about here. what does it have to do with other countries? 5 on 1 mentality...that is the issue here. It's a common characteristic of Thai men. Always attack in groups 5-1 or more. Instead of letting the police handle it...but that won't happen in this country.

  16. JEEZ the sneaky B@stards. Lets hope it doesn't catch on elsewhere. This giving something away for free needs to be stamped out now ! whistling.gif

    Where did you read that he got the second drink for free?

    I read that they charge fro 2 drinks,regardless of the OP wanting only 1.

    Well said jbrain!

    Disregarding those who think the OP is being fastidious, I would argue that we should always be entitled to know what is on offer. If it's 50 baht for one, and 75 baht for two, well fine, then we have a choice that we can make.

    I have often found that those who spout off on forums like this about how people should "get a life" are the first to complain when they're confronted with such "real life"...!!

    Londondan, how do you react when things aren't quite right? Do you just deal with it, or go around calling everyone a dick?!

    Well said.

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