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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

    You are right!!

    Every time a bunch of illegal Mexicans put a white American to farm with them on the fields......the American die before the end of the day.

    Those hard working Mexicans doesn't have compassion for lousy people!

    Gee, how is it possible that anything ever got done in the US until Mexican illegals started coming across the border? How do Australians manage to grow citrus without Mexicans? BTW, automation is increasing. Soon, no need for mexicans or anybody else in the fields in large numbers.

  2. One of the most fundamental steps that would make America safer is ridding the country of the 5-6 million illegals that Obama and Democrats want to amnesty. And that is the reason this funding is on hold. More Americans are killed by illegals every day than by ISIS since its inception. The threat is from within, not without. And Homeland Security is currently devoted to rolling out the red carpet for illegals, whether overstays or border jumpers. That is at the core of this funding argument.

    And, " Give me your tired, your poor, your humbled masses yearning to breath free..."? How do you propose throwing 5-6 million people out of the country. Not matter if they are facing death in their home country? I understand your frustration, it is indeed a complicated matter, however, so I am afraid a lot of thought has to go into any comprehensive immigration bill. A slap at Obama might be a feel good moment but it would not address the issue which is, afterall, immigration not slapping Obama. The courts are addressing this Presidential Powers issue.

    What are you saying, because somebody put a poem on a statue (years after the statue was built) that the US cannot have immigration law enforcement? The Statue has a name, "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World."

    • Like 1
  3. Nouveau riche Brits, Americans, Russians.....from anywhere really, are loud, boorish, unsophisticated, and rude. It's not just the Chinese.

    But that's not a defense of them defecating on the floor or countless other examples of their rudeness.

    I hope the "Queuing is cool" message gets through! I did a border run on the 19th (New years day) and trying to get back into Thailand with the hordes of Chinese and Malay tourists was a nightmare. They literally stampeded the rope barriers down and it was a free-for-all to get to any Immigration window. I ended up putting my manners aside and joined the fray. If I hadn't, I'd still be in Malaysia.

    I agree with this.

    Whilst the behaviour of the Chinese tourists in the video is far from pleasant, I'm sure someone could just as easily make similar videos on the behaviour of British, German, American, Russian, Israeli, Swedish, Dutch or any other nationalities which visit Thailand in large numbers.

    If they could, they would. They can't.

  4. Prez Obama going on tv to call on Muslim leaders globally to get their billion people off their to oppose radical jihad (my words) is just one stark indicator of how serious the problem is of ISIL and that the immediate future looks like a lot of wildfires spreading fast into populated and dense areas.

    We're possibly looking at a global insurgency of fierce dimensions, disruptions, disorder.

    Did I just read that ?

    Did someone slip a hallucinogenic in my coffee ?

    What a difference a day makes !!

    live 'n learn eh....

    It's every day.

    Read my lips....the 99.9% of Muslims in the world are not the enemy.

    Take the 1% that are 100% the enemy and annihilate 'em...obliterate 'em swiftly and decisively.

    Rinse and repeat.

    This is not the clash of civilizations. The 99% of Muslims globally want peace and prosperity, that's all....there's a buck to be made in this too.

    How do you tell the one percent from the 99 percent? Before or after they blow themselves up?

  5. My Grandfather was the squadron leader who led the fire bombing of Dresden et.al.

    I agree that tactics will win. But right now the tactics are wrong.

    Your grandfather was a great man, if I knew him the drinks would be on me........forever!

    He was.

    But you understand what I'm saying about tactics? It's easy to kill the man. But so difficult to kill the ideology. Choosing the easy option simply isn't going to work this time. Yes, ISIS terrorist all need to go, but until you change the mindset against Islamic extremism this will just keep rolling on down the same old road.

    Not as difficult as you might imagine, I think. Simply make it prohibitively expensive to express or practice the ideology. In Europe, being a National Socialists after the war put you in prison. It still might do so today. It robbed you of employment and economic opportunity. It still might do so today. Make practicing Islam a prohibitively expensive exercise on the part of its adherents and 98 percent will immediately change for a life of ease and economic well being.

  6. Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


    "Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

    MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

    Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

    Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

    There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

    West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

    This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

    It's actually long been my fear that this is the case. However, I suspect ISIS will cause Islam to reconsider the way it values human life, the rights of women and children.

    Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

    This will be forgotten in a few weeks. Just like the Muslim Australian hostage taker and, even, the Charlie Hebdo hullaballoo which not only has begun to disappear but has now begun to be attacked as intolerant and racist against Muslims by mainstream media. Anybody remember Daniel Pearl? Darned few, I bet.

    • Like 2
  7. There is no way on god's green earth the Thai police, masters of business shakedowns

    and traffic checkpoints, are going from a blurry CCTV video to arrest warrants.


    1. They already knew who the bombers were

    2. The warrant is a Thai version of a John Doe, meaning they have no idea who it is,

    but really want to appear to be doing something.

    You have been around. You know that when they want to that the Thai police can get results immediately. The network of informers in this country produces real results faster than the FBI data bank.

  8. What an improvement on one year ago where Chalerm's police stood back and let politicially motivated killers shoot and bomb to their hearts content.

    was this politically motivated? Both sides of politics have denied it.

    Are you suggesting that the attacks and murders of anti PTP government protesters, which also claimed the lives of innocent people including children, wasn't politically motivated? And that the inability of the RTP, DSI and CAPO under the direction of Chalerm and Tarit to prevent attacks or catch one single attacker wasn't politically motivated?

    Have the red shirts ever claimed responsibility for any of their attacks? Has any side apart from the Southern insurgents?

    I was talking about this specific incident and not those that may have occurred over the last 20+ years. Yes I agree both the yellows and reds have been involved in such incidents over the years. Dragging up historical events is only shifting things away from this event.

    I guess I should be choosing a side to satisfy those on this forum.

    Except we're not talking about 20 years ago. We're talking about PTP terror auxiliaries operating ONE year ago. It's not unreasonable to suspect that this is a continuation of their actions. The pipe bomb MO is part of their "warning" strategy, as is the hand grenades without the pins pulled.

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