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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. 7 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    If this Swiss man is charged with any offence at all, the Thais can kiss goodbye to attracting the high rolling Foreign people that they are so desperately seeking.

    The potential 1 Million or so Digital Nomads Etc Etc Etc, will just say " <deleted> that, if I cannot defend myself , and what is mine, without prosecution."

    We all know that it’s a pipe dream, but why not enjoy the ride

  2. 12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    but no vaccine for these super wealthy A type demanding expats who will be leaving Monaco to live in Surin and shop at Lotus? 555.

    and i bet after all is said and done you will still have to do 90 day reporting . 

    And undoubtedly get transcripts of final qualification translated into Thai by the Thai embassy, along with grandads birth certificate.. just what digital nomads love.

  3. 9 hours ago, realfunster said:


    I wish these polls were in hard copy, sure I could find a good use for them in my bathroom. 


    As usual, the politburo has manufactured very agreeable results to support the wonderful job of our “democratically elected government” which recently showed it’s colours by abstaining on a UN motion regarding Myanmar’s military junta. 


    Nice conflation of two related but distinct items in this quoted answer.

    I thought we were looking at a very best case scenario of end of 2021 for all Thais to have had a first dose. How does that reconcile with a 120 day tourist re-opening?



    The only way they can hit the target is to fire then define the target

  4. 9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    If they say from October all you need is your UK vaccination card and nothing else I'll be back to the wife and daughter asap. I just fear whatever hoops they get rid of, they'll add a dozen more more awkward ones

    3 million baht extra insurance for example, even if you have one.... probably from a single supplier, why not? After all, if you have a foot, you may as well shoot it...

  5. 5 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    Looks like the beach area was not sterilized enough in the last make over, so they are coming back to finish the job.......What's left of the big trees could very well be headed for the chopping block.....But boy do they love palm trees........Looks like they will be planted by the thousands..........


    They plant Palm trees absolutely everywhere....And I think they pretty much hate all other trees.....

    There’s money in palm trees.... depending on specie$.

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