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Posts posted by than

  1. its a shame that putting the names of Prayut, Abhisit and Shinawatra on a piece of paper and asking folk to place a tick in the appropriate box is too simple for Thailand. And yet that is how it is done in the majority of countries. This majority of countries are prepared to take the risk of getting a Sarah Palin or a Donald Trump into power. That is a risk worth taking in my view. But in the long run it is better for the people to make that choice. Let the Thai people decide, of course we would need to have a referendum on what exactly is a Thai person ( they would of course need a Bangkok Street address), such referenda are unnecessary in other states.

    When money choose for people..... whistling.gif

  2. So this lot are charged with Terrorism,for which was a peaceful sit in,although disruptive,

    while the Red shirts,who bombed,terrorized,used weapons of war,and committed arson

    on a large scale,were never charged with terrorism.

    regards worgeordie

    Hi Worgeordie, correct, but depends on what value you put on human life, 90 of them ( Reds) were executed and 2,000 badly wounded during the rampage by the Yellow Shirt military enforcers 2010.

    Do not agree with what they ( Reds) did in and to Bangkok but if you insist in oppressing the poor then Thailand will follow everywhere else that has had a revolution and expect further mayhem until the Yellow shirts withdraw their military occupation of the Prime Ministers office. There will be truckloads of potential for future unrest ahead.

    I fully understand you when you say it is against the law to be unhappy in Thailand but no govt can pull that one for very long.

    A red bias point of view........

    ...and your spewing is nothing but a yellow bias point of view. What's your point, fella?

    for this, my view is base on the Human Right Watch report who blame the two parties for what happen. I Know it so different the red liar stories....

  3. So this lot are charged with Terrorism,for which was a peaceful sit in,although disruptive,

    while the Red shirts,who bombed,terrorized,used weapons of war,and committed arson

    on a large scale,were never charged with terrorism.

    regards worgeordie

    Hi Worgeordie, correct, but depends on what value you put on human life, 90 of them ( Reds) were executed and 2,000 badly wounded during the rampage by the Yellow Shirt military enforcers 2010.

    Do not agree with what they ( Reds) did in and to Bangkok but if you insist in oppressing the poor then Thailand will follow everywhere else that has had a revolution and expect further mayhem until the Yellow shirts withdraw their military occupation of the Prime Ministers office. There will be truckloads of potential for future unrest ahead.

    I fully understand you when you say it is against the law to be unhappy in Thailand but no govt can pull that one for very long.

    A red bias point of view........

  4. I like it. It's hard to comprehend what repeated abuse does to someone. Eventually the person has to find relief and safety. I come down on the side of self defense.


    self-defense was not recognized during the two trials

    in French law for there to have self-defense requires the danger is imminent and proportionate response

  5. coming after the battle!

    the piece has already been positively identified as part of a japanese rocket.

    Positively identified by who? Bkk post running a story suggesting the serial numbers on the piece DO belong to a Boeing 777

    Out of all the speculations over this missing plane, our Tom Cahill likely hit the nail on the head in the other thread. It was shot down and there is a cover up. In this day and age we don't just "lose" planes. We didn't lose them 50 years ago before the advent of modern tech, sure as heck we are not going to start losing them now. All this 100% it came from a Jap rocket looks to be classic diversionary tactics.

    The serial number show is not a Boeing serial number, please next time refer to Boeing B777 Maintenance Manual.....

    B777 serial number is compose by 3 digits and 2 letters like 657 BB for the flaperon found in Reunion Island

    the more visible bolts on parts that are not Conform to aviation

  6. Is it snatching if he has been summoned by a court and refuses to turn himself in ?

    (if they deny having him and not sending him to that court but keeping him locked up somewhere I will agree with you but so far that is not clear yet)

    Can you pass me the photos of Kamnan Sia and all the other thousands of similar cases with the military picking them off the streets!!

    Or perhaps the CCTV of the police (allegedly) abducting the guy who Chalerm decreed was murdered by his driver even before the body was found.

    Or the Muslin HR lawyer, or Billy the Karen activist. Or all those murdered in the War on Drugs.

    Don't pretend this is one sided.

    But he did it first, he did it first.

    You have the same arguments as a 5 year old child.

    Typical from a red/shin fanboys when you are lacking an argument, you embark on the insult and provocation

  7. Is the Netherlands sponsoring ISIL?

    first one, a lot European country ban mercenary activity and people who join this activity could be prosecute.......

    second, justice in European country based on equality, and lawmaker on these countries have legislated on the matter. If you prosecute one of your citizen because he fought for DAESH (a foreign military group), you must prosecute a people who fight for kudish army (a foreign military group) in the name of Equality.....

    It's one of European freedom limit.....

  8. Before begin to speculated about this subject I recommend you to look this site.


    The information given by this newspaper come from this website.

    You can found how they rank company and why their downgrade... for all Thai carrier downgrade come from CAA of Thailand Operation concern from OACI and none approbation from FAA

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