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  1. 6 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    I don't think people ever said they did not exist. I believe people questioned the veracity of how many there were, who they were, who organised them and the skills they had. None of which has been answered. 



    Human Right Watch has give an answer to your question


    The extensive casualties also resulted from deliberate attacks by militant armed elements of the UDD, whose leaders contributed to the violence with inflammatory speeches to demonstrators, including urging their supporters to carry out riots, arson attacks, and looting. The heavily armed “Black Shirt” militants, apparently connected to the UDD and operating in tandem with it, were responsible for deadly attacks on soldiers, police, and civilians.


    In February 2010, Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawasdipol, popularly known as “Seh Daeng” traveled to Dubai to meet Thaksin.[48] Upon his return, Khattiya said he would focus his energies on “my duty as head of a unit of security guards to provide protection for the Red Shirt supporters,” and that “the guards will make sure the Red Shirts will not be put down by government security forces.”[49] It is unclear what precise instructions Thaksin gave him.


    Source Descent into Chaos - Human Rights Watch - Mai 2011

  2. 2 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

    As applied by Hitler and Tojo?

    No by all European government, US government

     Si vis pacem, para bellum is one of basis for the concept of armed peace.
    The expression of armed peace derives from the doctrine that military force is the first or principal guarantee to maintain peace 

    Peace through strength


    For your two idols that you quote, their goal was too far of Végèce philosophy  

  3. 4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:


    From the Army! why would you bother going to Cambodia for something you can get down the street. It's been that way for over 50 years.


    This is a picture from authorities show Red shirt weapons seize after April 2014 from Khon Kaen terrorist model.

    In red circle you can see a french made weapon PM MAT 49, in the region only Vietnam and Laos have use it. These weapons come from outside of Thailand





  4. 9 hours ago, Wonderboy said:

    Norway ordered 52 F-35 to replace the current F-16s, but was also considering buying Gripen planes. I am no expert on planes, but given this fact, I guess the ones writing that F-16 is superior to Gripen don't have their facts right. F-16 is at least a generation older.




    Norway is in the F-35 program since the beginning also Norway has reduce is order to 27 F-35 (USAF reduce from 2500 to 500 F-35), in the same way, Canada has cancel is order (more expensive and heavy delay on the program). He has launched a call for tender to another manufacturer to replace these CF-18's. 


    Elect President TRUMP also criticized F-35 program, and warn more cut in order.


    The F-35, which was to be the pride of the embarked aviation of the US Navy and the Marine Corps, has been transformed over the years into a financial chasm for the state budget. The program, launched in the early 1990's, continued to experience cost overruns and delays in manufacturing; Making it the most costly in American military history. The bill for the Pentagon is over $ 400 billion.


    The F-35 suffers from many design problems, many of which have not yet been resolved : 

    1 Aircraft Management Software problems
    2 Serious Fire and Flight Safety Issues
    3 Sagging of the wings
    4 Engine problems
    5 Dangerous failures of the pilot's helmet
    6 Aircraft Initial Operational Capabilities restricted to USMC
    7 Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for the F-35 report to the end of 2016
    8 Dangerous ejection seat
    9 Fragile pneumatic tires
    10 Overheating inside Cargo hold


    (Source   Defense Department's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)

  5. 9 hours ago, Morch said:


    Most neighbors (other than Cambodia and Laos) got Russian aircraft (Su-27, Su-30, MiG-29). Singapore is on an altogether different league with US made F-16's and F-15 (not to mention proper training).


    Malaysia look to replace his MiG-29 by French Dassault Rafale


    In 2015, SAAB make an offer with its ""Swedish air power package" with JAS-39 and Erieye Airborne Early Warning & Control system to Indonesia for replacement of 6 old F-5

  6. 16 hours ago, Boatfreak said:

    Selling is prohibited and if you do nothing they will complain that you are lazy. You can never win. I hope they speak Thai at the prefecture.

    Article 446-1
    La vente à la sauvette est le fait, sans autorisation ou déclaration régulière, d'offrir, de mettre en vente ou d'exposer en vue de la vente des biens ou d'exercer toute autre profession dans les lieux publics en violation des dispositions réglementaires sur la police de ces lieux. 

    La vente à la sauvette est punie de six mois d'emprisonnement et de 3 750 € d'amende.

    Article 446-1
    Created by LOI n ° 2011-267 of March 14th, 2011 - art. 51
    Selling or sale without the authorization or proper declaration to offer, offer for sale or exhibit for sale or to engage in any other occupation in public places contrary to the regulations On the police of these places.

    Selling is punishable by six months' imprisonment and a fine of € 3,750.



  7. 6 hours ago, halloween said:

    Why is a common criminal in a special prison?

    ' There is the Central Correction Institution for Drug Addicts (also known as "Bambat Phiset") "Bangkok Special Prison" .....'  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klong_Prem_Central_Prison


    Does Jatuporn have a secret habit?



    Like Chuwit perhaps he has discover certain part of his personality with some other inmate :thumbsup:

  8. 4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    I understand the Thais can do something, my question was can the French do something?  I am pretty sure if they were US citizens, the USA could bring charges against regardless of what the Thais do


    Ok no problem


    French justice has been seized for this case because the victim is French.
    The French law stipulates that all deaths of a Frenchman abroad will be the subject of a seizure of the justice and an investigation.

    Now that the crime has taken place in Thailand, the French suspects, the French justice will await their return to the national territory (in more than a few years ...) to close the French part of the case.

    The embassy can only provide advice (advocates favorably known to the embassy ..) but will not intervene in the debates.

    A French judge in Thailand faces the same penalties as a Thai national. To the extent possible, a consular officer will be an observer at trial hearings. However, he can not, under any circumstances, substitute a lawyer for your defense.

    France and Thailand are signatories to the bilateral convention of 26 March 1983 on cooperation in the enforcement of criminal convictions.

    This agreement allows French nationals sentenced in Thailand to request a transfer to France to complete the execution of their sentence. The application must be filed with the French Embassy in Thailand.
    Thai Law B.E 2527 Legislation Procedure for Co-operation between States in the Execution of Panel Sentences specifies that applications for transfer shall be considered only for detainees:
    • Not possessing Thai nationality
    • Having acquitted or being pardoned for the fine and damages set by the court.
    • Not having been convicted of a crime of lese-majeste.
    • Having executed 4 years of detention or one third of their sentence (at most favorable for the detainee). This period shall be extended to 8 years for any person sentenced to life imprisonment for an offense against the narcotics legislation.
    Furthermore, the Thai authorities will only agree to a transfer if, on the day of the commission, the remaining penalty is more than one year.



    I hope I answer to your question

  9. On 11/12/2016 at 10:13 PM, gk10002000 said:

    Assume for the moment that the Thais won't care too much, won't put them to trial, etc. since they are not Thai but from another country, i.e. France.  Will or does France or could France bring charges against the French nationals, request extradition I guess back to France for trial?  Can friends or relatives of the dead man file charges in France or in Thailand?




    The crime has been committed on Thai soil, Thai courts are qualified for instructed the case.


    One thing is sure, these trio will stay in Thailand for a long time. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Siameaze said:

    So USD 400 per tonne should calculate to about B 13.60 per kg.  (400 / 1000 x 34 = 13.6)


    Yesterday, farmers follow government's plan and sale directly rice to consumer 

    result rice sale in range between 22 to 30 THB per Kg


    for example in Nakhon Ratchasima , 4.5 ton was sale for 140.000 THB  (average 1ton for 31000 THB)


  11. 4 hours ago, chainarong said:

    Now you've got a crisis at last you have finally admitted you have problem and you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck,  the only redeeming feature about this popularity and  buying votes mess is that at least Ms Yingluck was elected..............................................................:coffee1:


     In its first year of his scandalous scheme, the cost to the Thai government was US$12.5 billion (Source The Economist Aug 10th 2013). since the beginning this scheme was already in deficit for the budget


    In 2011 Thaksin and his proxy try to manipulate rice market for their profit..... 


    Thaksin advisers said that withdrawing rice from world markets in this way would force up the price

    (Source The Economist Aug 10th 2013)


  12. 3 hours ago, bushmill said:

    If you read the statistic , I think you are wrong, sorry



    Price rice return to its price level before 2006, speculators are artificially rise raw materials (like rice) price to make profit during West economical crisis,

    now they are overproduction of rice in world, with Vietnam is always cut his rice price 


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