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Posts posted by toonsai

  1. Ignorance and/or stupidity, it only shows the extremely low level of Education in Thailand. At this level, it is really scary.

    TL is still a developing country. Contrast this to Japan, an advanced economy. A lot of it's students don't know jack about the atrocities committed by it's military during WW2 in China, Korea and other parts of East/Southeast Asia.

    Without disrespect, I do not know if you are Thai, but every time we criticize Thailand or Thai people, they find an excuse... Yes there are bus accidents in other countries, yes there are corruption in other countries, yes democracy is far from being perfect in the west and yes Japanese students might not know what atrocities did their soldiers. Please, please, please, enough of these diversions. We are talking about Thailand here. For having many years experience in Thailand, I sadly see the country going down the hill in many aspects. One of the reason is to always find an excuse or an escape to avoid criticism and then avoid the need for improvement.

    Having said that, I am not sure that the use of Hitler and/or Nazi signs in Thailand is that innocent or only linked to poor knowledge or education It might be again an excuse to escape from the outrage caused. Thailand is very well known for its Ultranationalism and we all know that people consider themselves superior to their neighboring counties. Add to this a cult for uniforms and the admiration for the Army... A+B+C+D = it does not look so innocent, isn't it?

  2. Thailand is the 2nd deadliest country in the world for number of deaths on the roads for many good reasons. Soon they will be proud to be the first, then they can claim to be the Hub of deadliest roads.

    Just a matter of time

    Have you ever looked at why Thailand has so many road deaths ? Probably not.

    I will tell you why.

    Consistently over 70% of road deaths in this country involve motorbikes, one year it was up to 78%, go look it up.

    The high number of motorbike and the bad and underage riders with no helmets are what gets the stats so high.

    Mind you the crash master vans are doing a good job of helping.

    I avoid them as much as I can for while there are some very good drivers there are others who seem to think because they are still alive they are good drivers and they would be wrong.

    Don't know how much good complaining to the company would do but I would imagine this particular fella will be getting a good bollocking from his boss, if he still has a job.


  3. Thailand is the 2nd deadliest country in the world for number of deaths on the roads for many good reasons. Soon they will be proud to be the first, then they can claim to be the Hub of deadliest roads.

    Just a matter of time

    Where did you get that stat? I checked and in 2011 Thailand was number 6.


    Did it really change that much in 3 years?


  4. It is not only a problem of modern slavery. Thai shrimps are cultured and stuffed with pesticides and all kind of chemicals. Of course the exported shrimps are "EU compliant". Thais manage to get the shrimps, and all other products, "clean" for export.

    Why do you think there are always 2 qualities for products??? The export quality and the local market quality...

    You enjoy the cheap tasty Thai shrimps in Thailand, in lovely Tom Yam Kung? It would be declared dangerous for health in the US or EU. And it is the same for meat, veggies, fruits. Just name it...

    Greed, corruption, lack of standards and controls = DANGER for your own health. This modern slavery problem is just the tip of the iceberg.

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  5. What means quality? Like Pattaya? Yes you are right Supreme Good PM General, your latest declarations clearly demonstrate that you care for tourists and their safety, that you effectively fight against incompetence and corruption. Make sure that everywhere in Thailand tourists are warmly welcome like in Pattaya, then you will reach your target of quality. You are such a role model for us all, protecting business before all.

    Quality Thailand for quality tourists.

  6. Oh my Buddha... Thailand, the Land of daily new lows. The hub of nonsense press statements.

    How deeper can they dig further? What amaze me even more is that it seems the population still supports the Junta... I cannot believe they are all that brainwashed and blind. I really wish the tourist high season will see a sharp decline in tourists. Thailand really needs to understand that they cannot continue to BS the World like this. Then only, they might start to realize. I wish the good General PM will realize before the Thai population start to feel the pain. Or else we are heading toward another cycle of troubles. The population support for the junta will quickly vanish.

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  7. Is there any moral authority in Thailand that can stop the daily flow of lies, garbage, insults and insanities by the RTP??? They reach new lows every single day. Even the good General is completely intoxicated. This is really scary. For the victims, their families, the tourists and the whole country.

    The Authority has still a huge influence on Thais daily life, but for a few years already he stopped interfering and moderating. Incompetent people are driving the country down. This tragedy is yet another example. And unfortunately, based on what we see today, we can easily question the country outlook.

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