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Posts posted by toonsai

  1. Not only Koh Tao (renamed Koh Rupt) but THAILAND. It is exactly the same everywhere. Pattaya, Phuket, Samui and so on and so on... Just name it. The whole country is so deeply corrupted that there is not anymore a single inch of Moral. I have seen the country going down the hill for the last 10 years. No where you can see some improvements. Just and only going south. More craps, more traps, more rip off, more deaths, more drama.

    Most of Thai people know about this and are also tired of the RTP-Mafia. This is going way too far.

    Unfortunately it is pretty clear now that the good PM General will not clean or change anything. Just good words, blah blah and cosmetics.

    Thailand becomes really a tourist trap. I love Thailand but again, it is going way too far in so many areas. I wish they learn some lessons. To do this, tourists must start to understand that behind the nice smiles and beaches, there are piles of lies, BS and garbages.

  2. RTB (Rotten Thai Police), you can be proud of you:


    Because you are also responsible; not only for the incompetence and the corruption; but also for the murders. Without your "protection", this might have never happened. But because you are so corrupted, because you are mafia, some people act like this because they think that they are covered, protected. You RTP are insane, disgusting, a shame for Thailand and Humanity in general.

    Mister Prime Minister General. I am sure that many Thai people are furious against the RTP you even said you would reward for their "perfect" job. I am naive (or stupid) enough to be believe that you have been misled by your own hierarchy. So instead of blocking CSI LA and continuing of restricting freedom of speech, I would highly encourage you to take some decisive actions and in the right direction: JUSTICE. Among others, CSI LA has greatly helped the investigation, not like your incompetent and corrupted RTB you want to reward.

    • Like 1
  3. Even Sean MCAnna believes the Myanmar boys are scapegoats.


    Of course, he not only believes but he knows.

    Here is - what I believe - is a probable scenario.



    My theory on what may have happened - Sean, Fresh Milk, AC Bar owner and 1 other staff member were on the beach playing guitar. David and Hannah walk by and they stop and say hello to Sean for a few minutes. David and Hannah walk down the beach and the three Thais and Sean follow them. A fight breaks out and someone hits David in the head with the wooden stick and he falls down. They then start punching him the the push knife and Sean tries to separate them and get in between the attacker and David. Sean then gets stabbed in the arm and he takes off running away from the area. The blood is coming down his arm while he is holding the guitar. He then goes to the bar and gets cleaned up and goes home. There are a lot of pieces to the investigation that I don't know about because they are in Thai and the Google Translate is not very accurate. This is just my theory that Sean was there, he wasn't involved directly but he knows partially what happened. When he said this: "I loved you so f****** much brother. I know you tried to save her. "You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met.' it has some truth to it because HE WAS THERE at the start of the attack.

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  4. Why would they be so protected? Protection has its price, and no one can afford to cover it up at this point. If this is a paid cover up, what is the price? Who is being paid? How could the government of Thailand allow it at this point with all the international pressure?

    Unfortunately the guy might also disappear... I agree that, at this point, protection can very hardly be held. The whole case is falling apart and I cannot see how the RTP can play more dirty and tricky games. Only option I can see: have the guy vanishing...

  5. You can think it is a scapegoat as much as you want but they have the right guy this time.

    You probably mean "You can think it is the right guy as much as you want but they have a scapegoat this time." clap2.gif

    Anyway, just and only bring the Koh Tao mafia suspects have a DNA test. I have been convinced since day 1 that they are involved.

    Actually since he offered a THB 1 million reward to anybody who can prove that his family is involved.

    If he was not, he would just have proposed his DNA test.

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  6. I hope the RTP (Rotten Thai Police) will now understand how they are a shame and an embarrassment for the victims, their families but also for all Thai people. Yes they can be sad and continue to threaten us all. Yes we are now all insulting officers. Shame on the 200 RTP that paraded on Koh Tao island. All, from top to bottom. All with their clean and nice uniforms. For the good General PM, let's say that he has been mislead by his own hierarchy. I hope he will have the balls to take drastic actions against the whole RTP mafia organization. Lead by example! Give them a well deserved Reward!!! Let the show begin and most of all, bring true JUSTICE to the victims.

    • Like 2
  7. I cannot believe the UK stays inactive. I am sure plenty of discussions have been taking place behind closed doors. The UK government will not go public unless no tangible progress can be made by the Thai authorities. Of course the UK authorities are not blind, probably fully aware and concerned by the total fiasco around this investigation. But condemning publicly the RTP would be the ultimate decision. A lot can happen in between, directly or indirectly.

    If everybody sends the link to the change.org petition to the British embassy and also the FCO in the Uk and numerous other goverment and media agency's then things will start to happen!

    Spend 10 minutes and send 10 emails! Google is your friend.

    Together we can make a difference!

    Done long time ago. Was in the first 500 I believe

  8. Interesting development; according to Sanook news the public prosecutor on Samui has doubts about (at least part of) the story and evidence provided by the RTP, as he wont accept what's in the current 800-page report and just sent the entire case back to the police. So it's far from a shut case at this point.

    This could be the start of an interesting dynamic. Is it possible that the police have been allowed to do whatever they want with the investigation, while quietly some words have been spoken to the prosecutor to go over the police submission with a fine tooth comb? So in effect, the police have been given enough rope to hang themselves. Figuratively speaking of course.

    I just wonder whether this might end up in the revamp of the BIB at the top, that many people seem to believe is necessary.

    Revamp the BIB from the top will not change anything. The beloved General PM already changed the top shortly after he took the power. The system is so deeply rotten that BIB would need to be cleaned from the bottom in every single branch, village all around the country. It would probably be a bloodbath...

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  9. I cannot believe the UK stays inactive. I am sure plenty of discussions have been taking place behind closed doors. The UK government will not go public unless no tangible progress can be made by the Thai authorities. Of course the UK authorities are not blind, probably fully aware and concerned by the total fiasco around this investigation. But condemning publicly the RTP would be the ultimate decision. A lot can happen in between, directly or indirectly.

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  10. Apparently Irrawady Magazine is reporting in its Burmese edition online that some one from the Burmese Embassy managed to visit the two suspects in the Samui court prison with a lawyer. The magazine claims that the visitors found that the two suspects were green with bruises from police beatings and said they had been forced to confess to the murders. It also claims that the suspects had been injected with something like a date rape drug which made them highly malleable and suggestible. The magazine said the visitors found them to be still dopey from these injections.

    If only it can be confirmed, it would be a major development. Just missing UK to step in and we are on the way for a major embarrassment and lose of face for the Royal Thai Police. Well deserved RTP!

    Go go go, keep it up!!!


    35,000 people signed and growing...

    Will RTP charge us all? What a bunch of clowns, pathetic.

    • Like 1
  11. This afternoon I saw Sorayuth on Channel 3 interviewing a police forensic scientist who was saying there was DNA found on Hannah's nipples from two males, neither of whom were David or the two suspects. I wonder what that is all about.

    There is a Youtube clip in Thai of Khunying Pornthip saying the the Koh Tao case is a "cover-up" (kati ampran). Haven't seen any reports of that elsewhere.

    Link for the youtube clip pls

    • Like 1
  12. Of course no human trafficking. Only slavery, this is different.


    The whole fishing industry in Trat employs tons of illegal immigrants - mostly Cambodians. Of course, as usual, Thai will blast the illegal workers; omitting that 100% of this illegal worforce is employed by THAI companies.

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  13. Any update of the investigation? suspects? It seems authorties are now keeping low profile and/or silent.

    Final stage to cover up the whole case?

    Even the great PM cannot change the mafia rules in Koh Tao (and probably all other islands)? Where is the promised clean-up?

    Mister Prime Minister, isn't it time show some actions besides the words?

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