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Posts posted by toonsai

  1. Dear All, I appreciate the information and help provided here. I would need some advices on my situation.

    I am a French citizen and I will relocate in the coming 2 months from Thailand to the UK (London) for a new job. My daughter (French) and my girfriend (Thai) will relocate with me.

    I live with my girlfriend for several years but we are not married. I looked at several websites and several visa options available. My initial thought is to apply for a "Settlement - Unmarried Partner" visa. Is this the best option?

    We do not have yet an address in the UK. I will need to find a new home after my arrival there. What address shall I mention on my application? My employer?

    What kind of evidences do I need to produce to show that my girlfriend and I been living together?

    Any other important I would be missing?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. Unexpected loss with the current political mess in Thailand... What do they expect? Poor planning as usual...

    To be fair with Thai, it is a good company but the political crisis comes at the worst time with the new aircrafts (A380 and others).

    Anyhow, even though I have a pretty good opinion of Thai Airways, I am 100% confident that there are plenty of "inefficiencies" in the company management and accounting.

  3. Congrats to the Pattaya Police for this major arrest. This guy is probably the boss of an international crime ring or a major international terrorism organization. If not, he is Russian, so he is guilty.

    Congrats also to the Buri Rum girlfriend...

    Congrats also to the Media for this very well taken picture. Sharp, plenty of drama and finger pointing

    The best of Thailand in this news.

    By the way, what is done to reduce the carnage on the roads? I just would like to take the opportunity of this brilliant, superb victory to remind that 150+ people died on the Thailand roads in 12+ bus accidents for the last 6 months.

    Congratulation for the off topic post of the year coffee1.gif

    My advice: Why not copy paste those bashing (and stupid) lines of you and gave this very same answer to 100% of TV OP in the future ? Same-sameblink.png

    Please tell me, what is off topic here? Thank you for your kind advice; you are probably Thai, so proud of your country. Yes you can lol.

  4. “We are very busy identifying [missing Russian expat] Mr Slabinskiy. Please give us some time. We will get back on the Taylor case as soon as possible,” he said on Thursday"

    cheesy.gif Completely amazing TIT. They are also busy tracking down the culprits trading fake passports? Busy taking care of the road safety, especially double decks on Patong hills?

    The whole Phuket police squad working on this case? How many people are there at Phuket police station? 2?

    Seriously, how can they give such poor excuses. Really, shame is not part of their World. Don't they lose face releasing such poor statements?

    • Like 2
  5. Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

    "Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on..."

    You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick, this police operation was targeting human trafficking not girls who choose to provide perfectly legal massage services of their own volition. Also you need to do a bit of checking into your broad brush assertion that "ALL" massage parlours need cleaning up.

    I can understand that Police targets human trafficking, but volunteer or not, prostitution in Thailand (call it the way you want) is a huge Industry enabled and promoted by corruption and wide hypocrisy. And this is a MAJOR source of Tourism for the country. Against please spare me the usual hypocrisy: Thailand would not be so popular without the Prostitution. We can elaborate for ages about offer and demand but the point here is that the country is living - like for many things else - on huge hypocrisy. Police fighting against Human Trafficking in Thailand!?!?!? This is a joke, they do not give a s...t. Let's talk about all illegal immigrants, Cambodian slaves on Thai fishing boats, Burmese cheap labors working on hiso shopping malls in central Bangkok and so and so on....

    About "All" massage parlors. of course I am not talking about all traditional legit Thai massages.

    • Like 1
  6. Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

    Tell me, have you bought a place here or just renting?

    What is the point? I will never buy a place if I cannot put MY name on it.

    • Like 1
  7. The Dems should be able to make headway in an election but it would still be hard for them to make significant inroads in the North and Northeast. They lack party infrastructure and candidates in those areas and the militant red shirts are likely to murder anyone who tries to build out the infrastructure. PT relies on controlling the village headman system through the Interior Ministry. On the night of the howling dogs it is these government officials who hand out the vote buying money and tell villagers which candidate to vote for and they fear, often with good reason, that their ballots will not be secret. Sometimes they are even forced to write they names on the back of the ballots. The reds are certainly loosing support but only small numbers of armed enforcers are needed combined with the control of the village headmen.

    The Dems also need to reform themselves to make themselves electable. So far the leadership has strenuously resisted all attempts at internal reform.

    You probably got a very valid point... The feudal society will not change tomorrow. My statement maybe seen as "naive" but that's the only hope I can see for some real changes. Ultimately controling the villages heads is critical.

  8. "Thailand has been used by some international terrorist groups as a zone of operation, to raise funds or to plan attacks," said Rommel Banlaoi, an analyst on terrorism in South-East Asia.

    Surprised? Not at all... What are the root causes? Exactly the same and for the road accidents, the scams and other major problems that have been increasing in Thailand for the last decade:

    No standard + No control + No safety + No authority + No implementation or respect of laws and regulations + widespread corruption = Total laxism and anarchy!

    it does not mean that Thailand directly supports or funds Terrorism. Of course not. But indirectly because of laxism and corruption, the country has become a major playground for all kind of mafias and terrorists. Remember a few weeks ago, this story about fruits and veggies sold containing formalin? One seller was saying that is only concern was to increase profit!!! Somehow this is the same root cause. Here in Thailand, money can buy absolutely everything. There is absolutely no (more) moral and common sense. So, of course, it reaches a point where a total failed State leads to all kind of abuses and extremes; from road fatalities (Thailand rank 2nd in the World), food full of pesticides and chemicals (No law, no control), widespread tourist scams and the latest, Terrorism activities.

    Actually I am very surprised that a major terrorist attack has not happened yet in Thailand. This country is such a failed State managed by a bunch of clowns.

    Most probably just a matter of time...

    We want to say "WAKE UP THAILAND", but after saying this for 10 years, there is no more hope.

    Blah! Blah! Blah! Thailand has a friendly and open policy for visiting and immigration. And foreigners can move around inside the country without being harassed. People can go about their business without the authorities sticking their nose in at every turn. Unfortunately this also makes it a comfortable environment for criminals. Any tightening up and you would be screeching like a bird in a cat's mouth.

    Absolutely not. Between total "freedom", uncontrolled "ultra-liberalism" and total harassing police State, there is a reasonable middle position. Thailand has indeed a friendly and relatively open "policy", the famous "Land of Smile". But take a look at what is behind the smile. Freedom does not mean "no authority" and "no control". It is not about being harassed. It is about protecting people and avoid the usual extremists of all kinds that will infiltrate and take advantage of failed States like Thailand (Not only Thailand, but let's sweep our own door first). I would welcome some tightening and most importantly seriousness in Thailand controls. I have nothing to hide and from my perspective, Thailand has gone way too far in laxism (you call this freedom, fine with me). Keep the freedom but make sure that all mafia, illegal and terrorists activities are kept away. Fail to do so and I can only guarantee you that Thailand will continue to go down the hill.

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