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Posts posted by DoubleTrouble54

  1. I grant it to you that i havent seen proof for all .

    But deadly crackdown yes

    Banning opposition media yes (Prachatai f.e)

    Censorship yes (most websites critical of the governement are banned)

    SOE and continuous curfew damaging the economy

    Demonising the reds by saying they are terrorists Yes

    I would add double standards (the yellows extremist fringe at the airport stunt are not in jail )

    You tend to speak in absolute proofs which have no value without a context. If I say "Americans killed people" is true but without proper context meaningless.

    True ... let me correct .

    Killing of unarmed protesters . Note that am not blaming that much Abhisit , we both know the army in THailand do pretty much as they pleased .

    Abhisit had to put an end to the mayhem . But killings were not justified unless they prove that those killed had also firearms otherwise those responsible

    should face charge which of course will never happen . I doubt

    the japanese Reuter journalist was armed anyway , thats one too many . And please dont tell me he was killed by the reds

    Banning medias . Well in democracy this is unnaceptable and there i blame Abhisit . If he is unhappy bout some media reporting about him

    he should put his case in front of a court and get a verdict against those medias , if the court find the media guilty , its for them to

    impose fines or in extreme case ban the media .

    Same as above for website censorship

    Demonising the reds . If they are all terrorists why did he talked to them and proposed his roadmap ?

    Is it the policy of the governement to talk to terrorists? Of course not , Abhisit knows they are not terrorists

    A few are extremists yes I can say criminals arsonists , one can call them terrorists , anyway they should be in jail . And some of the violent yellows likewise

    if any justice in Thailand .

    Continuous curfew and SOE , yes it damages the economy and the confidence in Thailand . What will be next ? governing by decree , enabling act

    like in Nazi Germany ?

    Well you have your context ...

  2. The yellow leaders have been charged, went to court to acknowledge the charges, been granted bail. The judge decided there was only a small change they would jump bail and flee the country. Their process is moving with the speed of a snail, but that happens in Thailand. As long as the process is continuing, as long as they (or their lawer) answers court calls and be present when called upon, there is no reason to jail them.

    The speed at which the process is moving is politically motivated and depends on the accused political color

    We both know that . :)

  3. The definition of terrorism in this article makes it pretty clear that PAD's seizure was an act of terrorism. 18 months and still not one arrest warrant has been issued. The investigation has been almost 100% complete for more than a year now.

    I mean, please try and check the facts before posting, that way you won't impress people as being uninformed.

    Why ? Are they in jail (the yellows) ?

  4. Thailand needs two things, and they both affect the Armed forces.

    1. A constitution the Armed forces can not take down and rewrite at their pleasure (this means no more coup detats.

    2. It needs a constitution that clearly defines the Armed forces are for defense of the country. As with UK, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark the list goes on etc, within the framework of their constitutions the Armed forces are not allowed to turn weapons on their own people. This is the fundamental problem with Thailand. Until the day the Thai peoples vote is able shape politics, the rolling succession of coups determining the countries fate will never allow stability and a move towards a better democratic system.

    This is neither pro-red or anti PAD, it is a basic factor that the Armed forces in this country need to stop feathering their own retirement programs. That's what this is all about in the end. Anyone wish to argue to the contrary!

    Give us a bloody f'ing break. From neither pro red or pro yellow who are equally a blight on Thailand. It was only the Army that stopped this country from being over run by scum that would have seen Thailand fed on by wolves. Actually it was not only the Army but a government with some balls in coalition. Thaksin with control of the Army, cops and justice system would make Burma look like Disneyland. Seig Heil King Thaksin. Dreams of an Army that is at the beck and call like that of a western country is fantasy when your cop force is a complete and utter incompotent failure. At the moment Thailand has the governance it needs until such time as the Red mob learns some basic human manners and behavior, Thaksin's ambilical cord to Thailand is completely severed and a police force that actually does what a police force is supposed to do emerges.

    But back to the topic of does Thailand need major politicial reform? Of course it does when the two extremes of Thailand clash like standing on a dirt road in Isaan as the latest BMW cruises past cronic social poverty. Thailand is not a poor country which is what makes it so bloody appalling. To correct that the constitution needs completely over hauled by all parties.

    At such times as the last two months I thank both my god and my partner's god that Thailand has an Army to protect it from idiots that would take their pleasure at Thailand's pain.

    Thaksin popularity is not only because of his free handsout .

    He also represents to his supporters someone from outside that challenged the elite on equal terms

    An elite that ignored the plight of Isaan for decades .

    To solve thai problems , the army and violence is not the solution .

    A governement of national unity is . For i doubt that whatever Abhisit does for Isaan will suffice if

    Isaan dont have also a voice in running the country .

    If this is not possible a policy of decentralisation where provinces are largely responsible of their own affairs

    would be a secund option .

    All in all whatever the result of next elections , whoever wins or can form a coalition , will have to

    take in account the plight of the defeated party .

    PS : Of course the reds have also to understand that Thaksin can never return

  5. Violent crackdown.

    Banning opposition media.

    Removing/side-lining non aligned civil servants, police ect.


    Spurious charges against opposition figures.

    Targeted assassination of opposition figure.

    Demonising entire sections of the country.

    Demonising foreign media.

    Use of LM laws.

    SOE and continuing curfews.

    I course I could be wrong and Thailand is now headed for a bright future.

    I hear what you say but you don`t back it up with any proof... I think thats a list of whats in your immagination.. please give evidence and not spurious hearsay and The curfew is necessary since all the arson attacks happened at night..

    I grant it to you that i havent seen proof for all .

    But deadly crackdown yes

    Banning opposition media yes (Prachatai f.e)

    Censorship yes (most websites critical of the governement are banned)

    SOE and continuous curfew damaging the economy

    Demonising the reds by saying they are terrorists Yes

    I would add double standards (the yellows extremist fringe at the airport stunt are not in jail )

  6. Some soldiers/snippers shot dead unarmed protesters with live ammo .

    Most reds or supporters were unarmed according to INDEPENDANT western medias.

    Some extremists among the reds retaliated by burning down buildings including

    the Central mall .

    All those responsible should face legal action .

    Same would have happened in any western country if police or army shot dead unarmed protesters .

    Lets get on with it , hardly a subject to promote reconciliation among thais

  7. Some soldiers shot dead some unarmed protesters with live ammo .

    Only a very small proportion of the reds had firearms according

    to the western media

    Some protesters retaliated by burning down some malls

    All should be brought to account and face a court

    Same would had happened in any capital in Europe

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