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Posts posted by Max4243

  1. >>than those thieving idiots laughing at me behind my back

    I doubt they're even laughing, just SOP ( Standard Operating Procedure).

    Spot on, it is always SOP when the customer is a farang. If they can get away with this cheating, it is an extra profit for them. Must avoid these cheating shops at all cost.

  2. This article claims there were about 5,000 people at the rally while, in a different article of TN, the new police chief informed the PM that the police estimate was wrong, as the figure was more like 10,000.

    Does someone need to go back to school to learn how to count??


    Looking at other photos of other papers, the number of 10K or more is more accurate. Anyway, it seems that the red crowd are more from Bangkok instead of from the provinces and many are students and many speak English as reported by some posters in other website. This is a new bunch of supporters.

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  3. Got give the op some credit for imagination...I mean we've all got this story from bum farengs on the street...but to post the exact same sad-luck story on T-V...that's a new one for me :o

    One reason I know it's a lie is that you don't need a passport to receive money from Western Union. Western Union is often used to send money to people in poor Third World countries where the recipient often doesn't have a form of picture ID. Therefore, W-U allows the sender to provide a PIN code to W-U that the recipient must provide to W-U at the receiving end to get the money. The sender provides the PIN to the receiver either by telephone, SMS, or email...and with the PIN, picking up the money without an ID is possible. But nice try buddy!

    And of course, anyone without excess funds in a bank to get home in an emergency has no business traveling outside their own hometown city limits.

    I like your reply and it is true about WU. Like the poster said he is stupid but not that stupid.

    You like FarangBuddha reply is like the saying goes "birds of the feather flocked together". Please check with WU before you post as it is not true about WU as I have already posted in my reply to FarangBuddha. BTW I like your quotes though.

  4. Got give the op some credit for imagination...I mean we've all got this story from bum farengs on the street...but to post the exact same sad-luck story on T-V...that's a new one for me :o

    One reason I know it's a lie is that you don't need a passport to receive money from Western Union. Western Union is often used to send money to people in poor Third World countries where the recipient often doesn't have a form of picture ID. Therefore, W-U allows the sender to provide a PIN code to W-U that the recipient must provide to W-U at the receiving end to get the money. The sender provides the PIN to the receiver either by telephone, SMS, or email...and with the PIN, picking up the money without an ID is possible. But nice try buddy!

    And of course, anyone without excess funds in a bank to get home in an emergency has no business traveling outside their own hometown city limits.

    I like your reply and it is true about WU. Like the poster said he is stupid but not that stupid.

    You like FarangBuddha reply is like the saying goes "birds of the feather flocked together". Please check with WU before you post as it is not true about WU as I have already posted in my reply to FarangBuddha. BTW I like your quotes though.

  5. You can try going to Microsoft answers forum and search on how to fix your problem. If there is no such similar problem or answers, start a topic on your problem and I am sure you will get some good solutions posting in that forum. Microsoft technician may also provide you the answers to solve your problem. Good Luck and hope you get the correct solution to your problem.

  6. If you think Thailand is bad, you should try other countries to live in and you will appreciate living in Thailand. The neighbouring countries are having the same weather since your only consideration is the warm weather. Maybe you should try and compare if you are tired of Thailand.

  7. There are many forms to detox. I did this at home in a very simple way and safe. I took a tea preparation called "Nature's T Infusion" once daily after each meal. It makes you clear your bowel totally. You can google this for full details. This tea, in teabag is available in Bangkok and maybe in other areas. When you google, you can get the distibutors contact so you can find out where this is available.

  8. I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

    Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

    Well, it takes two to tango in anything. Any 18-20 year old has a mind to do what she wants to do - right or wrong. It is not for us to feel annoyed or compare them as the pados....

    Anyway I feel these old fellas you mentioned are pretty lucky.

  9. When you want to do cash foreign exchange, my experience is not to use any banks, but to use a money changer and one I can recommend for really good rates is at Super Rich. Their rates are always much better than other money changer and obviously much better than the banks around.

    As for using bank's ATM services, it is always idea and you really get ripped off. Don't use this if you can help it.

  10. Looking at some of the Avatar in this forum, I am very impressed and very interested on how this can be done. Can members please help as to how to get these moving Avatars. Where can these be obtained and how? Assistance appreciated.

  11. It is always better and safer to sent your laptop to the manufacturer's workshop, if they have one here or send to their authorized repair outlet. At least you can be assured of proper parts if needed and trained tech personnel to work on your laptop. I recently sent my NEC Versa laptop for repair and got it back in perfect condition. Better to trust the manufacturer repair outlet than at Pantip or the other shops around. A lot of them will rip you off.

  12. Last time I came though the airport here, I made a point of checking the exchange rates. The major banks here give the exact same exchange rates at the airport that they do at their branches in other parts of Thailand, and carrying that much money around looking for the "best" rate is not without risk.; You really want to waste your vacation trying to "beat the system" for a few extra Baht? Not worth the risk or the opportunity costs.

    At last someone is posting sense about the exchange rates at the airport. The banks' rates are changed at a central computer and displayed automatically at the exchange points throughout the country. It is a fallacy that the rates at the airport are different to the rates elsewhere. There are misleading posters who can't see further than their nose and think that the rates at the airport are different to the rates elsewhere because, after they've made the journey to Pattaya (or wherever they're headed) and then made their way to a local exchange booth, the rates ARE different, but then it's several hours, if not days, later. Compare rates like for like...i.e. same bank, same time of day, different location....same same. Next they'll be saying that the rates displayed at arrivals are different from the rates displayed at departures, in order to cheat the travelling rich farang when he changes his baht back to farangland currency.

    About the exchange rates at the airport, I think bahtboy got me wrong and was quick to shoot from his hip about other posters not able to see further than their nose. What I meant was to advice that don't make changes at the airport before checking with other currency exchange counters in the city. By the various posting, my suggestion that there are other non bank exchange counter like Super Rich that can offer higher exchange rates as compared to banks is true. Everyone knows that exchange rates moves up or down, even within the day. So just can't understand bahtboy comments about misleading posters in this forum.

    If poster like bahtboy cannot stand different views from other posters and have to resort to name calling, it is better for bahtboy to move out of this forum and join other forum in the internet that suits his type of posting.

    Anyway, the exchange rates at the airport of a certain bank is different from the same bank in town and this can be done through technology, even from the bank's central computer. I have checked this fact with a buddy of mine who happened to work in a bank involved in this.

  13. My recommendation is for you to exchange your US dollars when you are in Thailand. There are a number of money changer operated by the various banks, but I suggest that you shop around for the best rates. My experience is that the bank rates are not that good. Don't even try changing at the airport. If you are in Bangkok, there are a number of non-bank money changer. I can't mention the full name, but try the one with the name of Super........ This money changer always give you a few points higher than other money changer.<BR><BR>After changing your US dollars into Thai baht, then you can deposit it into you bank in Thailand. This is the best solution you can take.

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