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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. ^ no worries there yermanee.

    i mean look at the spurs lot, youd think they would have developed a sense of humor after supporting a joke of a team for most of their life. wink.gif

    To be fair to the spurs fans, the players change, as do the managers, but you're right the joke remains the same.:D


    Another season of so near and yet so far for your most successful manager.....you did win the league back in the mists of time......bye bye Fabregas and bye bye Wenger......

    Much as I'm enjoying the current season next year will be even sweeter. :D

    In the words of the immortal Frankie Laine :

    Jealousy !!!

    Night and day you torture me !!

    I sometimes wonder.....

    What's the spell that I'm under !!

    Arsenal perhaps ????:cheesy:


  2. ^ no worries there yermanee.

    i mean look at the spurs lot, youd think they would have developed a sense of humor after supporting a joke of a team for most of their life. wink.gif

    To be fair to the spurs fans, the players change, as do the managers, but you're right the joke remains the same.:D


  3. Santisuk has made a good post there, and i agree with most of it.

    What does'nt sit well with me is the total and utter hypocracy of Arsene Wenger when it comes to the issues of tackling, fouls etc etc.

    Some of us remember the disciplinary record of his team in the earlier year of his management at Arsenal. ;)

    As many pundits have used as an excuse for some British managers, one plays with what one has available, and if some are thugs then so be it.:o:(:o


    p.s. I'm sometimes trying to be funny, but as you all know us yerman's are not well known for our sense of humor.:D

  4. Great result. I don't buy that it was simple after we were gifted a 10 man opposition. Plenty of cases where 10 men play as strongly as 11. If anyone gifted it to Arsenal it was Mantovani (or whatever his name is). Experienced managers don't play new boys from the start, they don't leave crocks on the field for 15 minutes in the hope they can be patched up at half time and they don't leave in-form wingers on the subs bench when the team is clearly losing the plot in midfield.

    I loved the suggestion that refs should ignore the rules in the first few minutes of a game. Try writing that one into Referee Guidance Notes. Those who call for common sense from one side create incense on the other side.

    One thing that is beginning to pee me off about the English Premier League is the yellow card hacking that goes on in the first 20-30 minutes of many EPL games. Arsenal were as bad as Man City and neither were any worse than many other teams. It's obvious that players can avoid doing it - 95% of those who hack once demonstrably can avoid hacking again, so it must be just a function of having a relatively cost-free chance to make a physical mark and maybe even take a player out. It adds nothing to the game, I think it is rubbish to suggest that it is somehow all a necessary part of a contact sport (as suggested by all these TV pundits trying to look hard and macho) - does anyone think that the first 20 minutes of a game when all this hacking goes on is somehow more attractive to watch than the rest of the average game?

    I reckon it is not the refs that are creating a potential for a contact-less game but it's the punishment for single yellows that is not sufficient to stop the ritual avoidable unnecessary and disruptive hacking that goes on. IMO The EPL needs to experiment with a two match suspension after 3 yellow cards with a slate clean after 10 games (or some such). It's the hit to the pocket of players (loss of appearance fees) that is the biggest incentive. A bit too bureaucratic perhaps but they have to address this issue somehow.

    {If you respond with 'here's another Gooner complaining about poofy Arsenal being beaten up' then either I am not explaining myself well or (more likely) you are reading what you want to read.}

    PS The Arsenal defense still looks like porcelain to me but with a full complement of midfield and forward players in the offing we should be able to maintain momentum by scoring more goals than most oppositions. Fabianski is getting Wenger out of jail on his lack of goalkeeper acquisition strategy - good for him and thank goodness we can put the other clown back in his box for now.

    Hear hear, and you have said it a lot more eloquently than I ever could.

    Poofy Arsenal is no more and that doesn't sit well with a lot of people.

    Thanks and cheers,


  5. Your advice to me was "lay it to rest", but you yourself there have dredged up a discussion from months ago. Bit of irony there i would say. No?

    Anyway, i understand why you would have taken offence to having your view dismissed just because of your user name, and i'm sorry it led to you leaving the discussion.

    Here you go again, since that discussion was the last one I participated in, which other more recent would you like me to dredge up ?



  6. One of your red cards was for the foul by Wilshire which was one of the worst you are likely to see all season. So please don't use your two reds as an example of equal treatment.

    Incidentally, if you saw the game last week, why was'nt Eboue sent off then?

    Maybe, but in my opinion the foul from De Jong that broke his opponents leg was far worse than that.

    And Arsenal have had more than their fair share of broken legs don't they.

    Anyway three points in the bag.


  7. question is now though whether we can use this result as a spring board to move on to better things and become a strong outfit once again both at home and away.

    The answer to your question is no you won't. :D

    Unless every team they play only have 10 men :D

    Well theres an interesting point. In the few league games that have been played this season, how many players have been sent off whilst playing Arsenal? I don't actually know the answer to the question but i'm thinking its three, which if correct is a rather high average isn't it.

    Why am I not surprised over these reactions. If Chamakh hadn't been mowed down it probably would have been 0 - 1 in the 4th minute of the game. And if I remember correctly Arsenal have had 2 red cards themselves so maybe the conclusion might be that the referee's are finaly doing something about foul play.


  8. [

    Differing opinions is exactly what I come here for. Why not give us yours, but this time, not on the debating merits of the thread, but on F1. I for one am interested to hear.

    I tried that once, remember my claim that Coulthard admitted he was in the wrong in the Spa incident with Schumacher.

    Remember the flack I got, before someone actually verified my claim and I was proven correct.

    I was branded as a Schumacher fan, which seems to be a mortal sin on this forum, just because of my chosen user name.

    Enough said.

    I was just trying to give you some good advice.


  9. Dear Rixalex,

    For someone that invited other peoples views in your topic title, you should have realized that some of the replies would be from people that are no fans of Lewis Hamilton.

    Anyway imho this topic has gone over the limit in clashes of personalities and differing opinions.

    Please lay it to rest.


  10. Arsenal/Shaktar Donetsk 5 - 1

    Nice result, but what makes me proud to be a gooner is what happened at the 82nd minute.

    That's what being a gooner is all about.


    Someone in the crowd raised their voice ;)Actually I was one of them so must have been more than 2.

    The crowd sang there first song ;)But what a nice song !!!!

    Arsole Wenger smiled ;)Was more than twitchy harry did yesterday wasn't it ?

  11. Arsenal/Shaktar Donetsk 5 - 1

    Nice result, but what makes me proud to be a gooner is what happened at the 82nd minute.

    That's what being a gooner is all about.


  12. I seem to remember the boats thinning out as the sun set and though it is a short trip, I've no real desire to take a long tail in the dark, especially with a child in tow. Also, the benefits of less nightlife (and more quiet) and the lack of cars on Railay seem to be somewhat offset by the inconvenience factor if we want to stay out after dark.

    As for hotels in Ao Nang then, does anyone have any up to date recommendations not too far from the beach and preferably toddler friendly ?

    Have a look at Lanta Cha Da resort on Koh Lanta at Latestays.com.

    All rooms are suites with ample space for up to 2 children.

    I know it's not Krabi, but nowadays I stay away from Krabi because prices have skyrocketed in the last couple of years because of the influx of scandinavian tourists, plus it's not the pristine environment anymore. Too bad really.

    Just my opinion.


  13. A couple of times i have used electronic check-in which is supposed to avoid the hassle of getting to check-in early , but if you have luggage to check-in you still have to line up. I persnonally hate the stress of being rushed for a flight.

    Bit of a bugger that. What airline was it? If an airline offers web check-in and don't provide a designated 'bag drop' counter, you should ask to speak with the supervisor. In lieu of a 'web check in' counter, most airlines at most airports allow any passenger who has checked-in on-line to use the Business class or other premium check-in desk regardless of their travel class. If the supervisor tells you that you have to get in line like everyone else, file a complaint with the airline and fly TAA until they sort it out.

    A bit unfair to the people who booked business class isn't it ? They pay the business class fare for a reason, and one of these reasons is NOT to stand in line.

    Just my opinion off course.


  14. skytrax is blocked for me

    skytraxresearch.com is not the same website. It's the corporate website where they sell the research. The skytrax OP wants is the rating results.

    Indeed its the rating and review site I'm interested in.

    What's even more curious is that their - flatseats - site opens normally at least last time I tried yesterday.

    Anyway I found what I was looking for, thanks to all who replied.


  15. Your pond obviously suffers from green algae. We had the same problem for years during rainy season.

    In the fish shops at Khamtiang market you can buy chemicals which will kill them but do not harm your fish.

    Of course this can only be a short-term solution; for long term Khun Yermanee is right: You need a biological filter. In case you don't want to make it by yourself: You will find qualified advise and help in the same fish shops over there.

    Thank you,

    I also tried with chemicals years ago but as you said short-term solution.

    BTW the 3000 Baht included a 150 watt pump, which has to run 24/7 and NO cleaning the filter.



  16. I thought; you pig! I walked smartly out the shop caught up with the man and said, at least you could have said thank you.? The man without looking me in the eye, replied in a begrudging way ; thanks and he was gone.

    This episode has not put me off helping people, but yes, there are some real pigs out there and a few are Thai visa members.

    good on you, bettlejuice! too many times it has happened to me too....but i never do what you did. perhaps i don't have the guts or perhaps i deem it not my job to teach manners to some people. i have stopped holding lift doors open for people though.

    Me, I still hold doors, I don't do it for a thank you, I do it for my own satisfaction of having done something polite and positive.

    I couldn't care less about how people react to kindness or politeness.

    I do it because its the way I was brought-up a very long time ago (when politeness still mattered), and I'm too old to change.



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