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Posts posted by radiola

  1. I live here for a while now, and everygirl I meet wants money! They are not ashamed to ask for money. Everygirl I met wanted to have money. I got so sick, that I stopped contacting them. They are super annoying.

    This never happened to me when I stay in onnut, all the girls there never wanted any money. Ok for dinner, but nothing more. But here is just outrageous!!

    I mean what is going on. I think in onnut the girls are trained, and they know that this does not fly with foreginers, at least with me. So they dont ask, but in Ramkhamheng, it is just disasterous. It is all about money.

    And these girls work in shops, they are not prostitutes.

    I am so sick of this work taking care. I just want to leave. Is this the reality for thai men, everygirl wants money from them? But in onnut they dont ask because they know falang don't like this.

    Here is scenario, in Ramkhamheng they always mention shopping, and if I take care them....... how much money i make, how rich I am, what hotel I stay etc....

    In on nut, they never asked me that, they come my room, we hang out, ........ and then they go home. But here it is weird. I am moving away from ramkhamheng but I think girls have different manners in different bangkok areas.

    I think ramkhamhaeng is a very poor non educated area even though they have uni there.

    I need opinions from thai men, do you take care everygirl, like pay her all the time? Do they ask you for money everytime?

    • Like 1
  2. I met then anothr girl, very young girl, around 25, she had baby i think around 20 yo. She is thin, normal weight. But her stomach just falls down. Luke a spunge! It is so weird. It looks luke an old woman skind, When she has sex, she never turns around. Because she is so ashamed of it.

    I never seen this in Europe. I see many people on the beach, never seen stomach hangs down like that with thin girls. What the hell is going on in Thailand???

    My mom never had any sign on stomach, look at the celebrities too, nothing!!

    Is it just the thai skin that is not good, on one hand, thai faces look so young, but the rest of the body, is many times a mess. I am talking about stretchmarks on behinds and stomach bloated and hanging down in thin girls.


  3. I have two serious questions. Why many thai girls have stretchmarks after having baby. I would say 8 out of 9. Is this normal because of thai body. I never see this with farang girls. THe stretchmarks on stomach are sometimes very bad. Like the skin just hangs off. I am really sorry, this is sensitive topic, but i just want to know.

    Also another thing, why is it so easy for some girls to leave their baby with other people. For example a friend left her small baby with ex husband mom, after they divorced. She is very young. And ex husband mother just took her baby and she will not get it back. She havent seen her baby for over 2 years. I think this is disasterous. I think she misses the baby but how it is possible that they prevent her to see the child?

    Thailand is really weird sometimes. In our county, mother always have more rights regarding keeping the baby than husband.

  4. i went to true, they told me to visit apple center in bang krapi to change the phone if needed, sucks big time

    the problem is that if i put the phone few times in airplane mode and switch back, it does not want to connect to network, i had to restart it, that works for now, but before i had to restore it completely because it was jailbroken

  5. WOW, i just found out who the ex golddigger is dating, she always hated black men, she called tham ugly names, she was a pure rascist, now she is dating black guy! I just cant believe it! How can some thai girls be 100% gold diggers!

    wow, i was surprised, every time she saw black guy in bkk before, she called them names and stuff and i was pretty annoyed. But she is having now one for boyfriend!!

    What is with these thai girls, are they really fake 100% isnt there nothing real inside them?

  6. I like the phone very much, even though the camera images are not high quality, especially in teh dark, it is usefull to quicky shoot sometimes. YOu need good light though.

    Also the battery drains quick, but i like that i can use the iphone heavily for 10 hours i think. In stanby it takes like 1,5 day to drain the battery. Is any workouts around that. Other than camera problem in works perfectly.

    It should work good, the brick is expensive.

    Anybody have tom tom cracked app installed? I use offmaps for bangkok gps, they are not that good

  7. Good to see that building A is nearing completion....at long last!!!! Unfortunately for me I have bought somewhere else, so now have condo for sale in this building. It is in a Thai company name (which I am retaining). Asking price 1 million. Any interested parties please let me know. Thanks.

    any ideas if it is advisable to buy in building C, when will they finish, is it possible they will just give up and never finish the project? did that happen before in other places?

  8. Passed a new site up Chaiypruek 1 yesterday 40.5 m2 starting price 700k, you probably won't get a top floor for that though.

    You might have some luck looking at the older condos around, I remember when Yensabai Condo top floor units were 400k but they're a lot more than that now or maybe Center Condo on South Rd. or condos of that age.

    700000 that sounds good, is it old, like over 10 years, or projec t in development?

  9. It looks like a troll post, but i assure you it it now, so please keep your troll comments at bay

    my left cheek is sunken, it has a ridge going down the face. They told me to get a filler, but I dont want to do that.

    I heard about fat transfer to your cheeks, i need something long lasting and natural and that it would look good

    any ideas?

  10. PERFECT ENGLISH????? This guy has the worse english ever, even local fruit seler has better english, and when he starts to talk, you only understand him 30%

    I had to spell him the symptom, even then he did not understand and called another person. When he told me about the cost I said it is too expensive and he said something, mumbling in the phone and disconnected the phone

    bad experience, will not go near this place

    You really missed out because, though his English isn't great (he is in his late 70s, cut him a break!), he is an absolute master and did, in two sessions, what it took my very experienced acupuncturist in the east coast of the United States, EIGHT WEEKS to do. If you would have listened a bit harder and been more polite, you may have understood that the reason he is more expensive, is because he cures the problems very quickly, with few visits, and still has to pay the rent.

    sorry i do not believe that. He charges like 2000 per hour or something. Is his rent 40000 per month? I doubt it, if yes he can move to cheaper place.

    I doubt there is much difference in acupuncuturists schooled in China, i think this guy is thai.

    I used 2 chinese doctors, i have some improvement, not 100 % but still it helped a bit.

    I doubt this guy is more masterful then other chonese docs working in bkk

  11. wow you got me really vorried now, I am panicking

    she said the cyst is not cancer, they will make an incision under her arms somehow, her english is not that good so I dunno understand.

    but wow this girl is cute, and adorable too..... I go with her to hospital tomorrow, and i will talk to doctor for sure

    maybe she could aleviate pain with healthy diet like juicing and vegan diet, i think better then cutting her up

    it might be reaction to all the fried food that can be found in the streets, fast food etc.

    i feel for her, she is so young, i hope everything will be ok, she said she might loose possibility to give milk i think, not sure

    she said the doc will scrape the cyst out and will make an incesion, i watched few utube videos where they drain the cyst with needle, so i hope she gets the correct treatment...


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