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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. Thailand is the most racist of the SEA countries. Somehow a large number of businesses relate the color of the skin to the spending power. Fortunately most of the hotels do not operate on this policy. Indians are some of the highest spenders in Bangkok. A large number of hotels down Sukhumvit and Silom are owned by Thai Indians.

    Nasa Vegas is a dump. There is a freelance pickup area near this hotel and there are many short time room rentals available. What a so called Rap star be doing checking into a place like this is puzzling.

    Then again I do respect the right of an establishment to reject service to an individual within reason. If the policy of this place was to not service people of Indian and African decent, this fact should have been made clear in the first place. Make it clear on their website, or on the hotel booking form. If they had failed to do this, they should have refunded the advance payments made.

    I am not surprised by this. I've seen Thai's discriminate on other Thai's based on their skin color. Then again, this is Thailand, if you have money I'll ignore your skin color. That apparently did not happen here, huh!

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  2. The only person who has thrown a tantrum over Khao Phra Wiharn has been dear Hun Sen who has just had Sam Rainsy sentenced to 20 years in jail for moving a few border posts back to defend Cambodian territory from Vietnamese incursions supported by Hun Sen.

    The World Court never ruled on the 4.6 kilometres surrounding the temple.

    Btw, I suspect 99.9999% human members of planet Earth have never heard of Kha Phra Wiharn.

    I still don't see the problem, you claim only 0.0001% of this world is aware of Prear Vihear. That is roughly about 6000 people or 0.01% of the Thai population. I say why bother.

    I respectfully disagree and believe Thailand is making the bigger fuss. They are trying too hard to please PAD, calling in the favor.








  3. The relevance lies in your own words- the Norman castles no longer sit on French soil- because the French lost its English territories in warfare, and as the Angkor empire collapsed, so did its territory, no longer resting on Cambodian soil.

    The Thai- Cambodian border follows the watershed of the Dangrek mountains with the plains of Cambodia below and the mountains in Thailand,except for Khao Phra Wiharn- due to the French map.

    It's a moot point as the World Court decided so long ago, but as watersheds define borders, the placing of Khao Phra Wiharn in Cambodia defies common sense.

    I was under the impression that the temple rests on Cambodian soil. I was also under the impression that the Thai ruler during the early 1900's had agreed to this French map. I was also under the impression that the world court had ruled in favor of the Cambodians. I was also under the impression from the attached article that your previous government was in agreement.

    What defies common sense is why Thailand is still throwing a tantrum? That is the moot point. Today, the whole planet Earth, with exception of Thailand recognize this temple as being Cambodian on Cambodian soil.


  4. Most sellers at JJ are Thai's of Chinese heritage. The Chinese believe that you have to make the first sale of the day to ensure a profitable day. My wife used to use this info to get some real kickass bargains. If you get to JJ early in the morning on the weekend as the shops are opening and happen to be the first customer, they will try their hardest to make the sale even if it is at a loss.

    Just thought I'd share the tip.

  5. On the issue of Thaksin being a 'financial advisor to Cambo I can understand and his demise accordingly was a good move. Thailand and Kampuchea should always maintain civility and having the red leader in their camp was a poor move and not very smart. Now at least that one is resolved.

    The issue of the temple my school of thought is out. There are land boundaries in place and if the temple falls within the Thailand boundaries then maybe it should be a Thailand monument. If however it is actually on Cambodian land then give it over and let's all go home. But from an historical point I understand Thai boundaries were a long way further into Cambodia and Thailand reduced its boundaries in a gesture of goodwill thus putting the temple in a 'borderline' position. If history showed this was Thai land previously then I would think it still is Thailand's irrespective of the third party claims. Food for thought anyway.

    It was clearly Thailand's until about 1900 when the maps were redrawn, apparently putting it into Cambodia ... which is where the whole mess is now - arguing over whether the maps were done correctly.

    But how many times has the land changed possession over the centuries? When did Thailand take possession? Who had possession before that ... and before that? Where do you want to draw the line?

    I agree. The temple was built by the Cambodians before the Thai empire was even formed, it sits on Cambodian soil. So, it's Cambodia's. It just takes a little bit of common sense to figure this one out. Now if only the Thai's can find this little common sense.

    Common sense tells me that a temple built on a cliff with the surrounding land all belonging to Thailand belongs to Thailand.

    The Normans built many castles in England, does that mean the English should give that land back to France?

    Firstly, it is not surrounded by land belonging to Thailand as you claim. Please get your facts straight. It is bordering Thailand.

    "The temple sits atop Pey Tadi, a cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains which straddle the border between Thailand and Cambodia. During different periods it has been located in Cambodia and Thailand in turn. Following Cambodian independence and the Thai occupation of the temple, it was listed as being in Bhumsrol village of Bueng Malu sub-district (now merged with Sao Thong Chai sub-district), in Kantharalak district of the Sisaket province of eastern Thailand. It is 110 km from theMueang Si Sa Ket district, the center of Si Sa Ket province.

    After the 1962 ICJ majority ruled that it belonged to Cambodia, it was listed as being in Svay Chrum Village, Kan Tout Commune, in Choam Khsant District ofPreah Vihear province of northern Cambodia."

    Secondly, the Norman Castles in England no longer sit on French soil. Neither does it have a land border to France. I fail to see the relevance here.

    I seriously question your common sense.

  6. On the issue of Thaksin being a 'financial advisor to Cambo I can understand and his demise accordingly was a good move. Thailand and Kampuchea should always maintain civility and having the red leader in their camp was a poor move and not very smart. Now at least that one is resolved.

    The issue of the temple my school of thought is out. There are land boundaries in place and if the temple falls within the Thailand boundaries then maybe it should be a Thailand monument. If however it is actually on Cambodian land then give it over and let's all go home. But from an historical point I understand Thai boundaries were a long way further into Cambodia and Thailand reduced its boundaries in a gesture of goodwill thus putting the temple in a 'borderline' position. If history showed this was Thai land previously then I would think it still is Thailand's irrespective of the third party claims. Food for thought anyway.

    It was clearly Thailand's until about 1900 when the maps were redrawn, apparently putting it into Cambodia ... which is where the whole mess is now - arguing over whether the maps were done correctly.

    But how many times has the land changed possession over the centuries? When did Thailand take possession? Who had possession before that ... and before that? Where do you want to draw the line?

    I agree. The temple was built by the Cambodians before the Thai empire was even formed, it sits on Cambodian soil. So, it's Cambodia's. It just takes a little bit of common sense to figure this one out. Now if only the Thai's can find this little common sense.

    • Like 1
  7. Best news I ever heard. Dem never won an election (where they are a majority) in history.

    If this were true, I'm sure that the Democrats will be calling for elections ASAP. With a possibility of winning the election out right, they should do it now.

    Just out of curiosity was this survey done in Bangkok only, or did it cover the whole of Thailand?

    I suspect it was only in Bangkok and the Nation is taking the opportunity to spread it's pro Dem propaganda. If there was any truth to this poll, the Dem's would be calling for elections now.

  8. My two baht's worth. While I would dearly love to have access to 3G and the abilities it brings to advanced telecommunications, enabling devices like iPads and smart phones, I have to agree that most Thai citizens have no need of it. I asked my 26-year old Thai stepdaughter why she is so eager to lay hands on an iPhone4. I asked her if she understood what abilities that phone would give her and if she truly required those capabilities. To which she replied to me: "Loong, I want one; all my friends want one, and that is good enough for me". She will never harness 10% of a smart phone's capabilities...and doesn;t quite understand yet what that harnessing will cost her every month...but she 'wants one'. And this is coming from an MBA holder who holds a solid job as a commercial loan officer with a major Thai bank.

    What my stepdaughter relishes so much is what every other techno-brand name- conscious young Thai in this Kingdom also relishes. They have no idea what 3G will deliver, but because it is new and sexy and desireable, they have to have it and will bankrupt themselves to get it, shelling out a month's wages to acquire it and a goodly amount to sustain it. In this sense, the Thai Supreme Court has it right...people need to be fearful of their dreams...they might actually come true.

    I classify Thai people as living with the "Flash in the Pan" mentality. I've seen this so many time in the last 13 years. They have to have it, because the neighbors bothers wifes 3rd cousins uncles mistress has one and she was seen using it while rubbing shoulders with some socialites. No specific reason for owning one. That is why Thailand has been selling 3G phones for the last 5 years or more, way before they even had 3G support. Unfortunately with this decision, we will probably have to wait for many more moons before we even have an idea of when 3G will be available nationwide.

  9. In a statement released Sunday, the Saudi charge d'affaires in Bangkok, Nabil Ashri, said the move to promote someone charged with murder was "utterly incomprehensible".

    If I understand correctly, the Saudi's are pissed at the move to promote someone who is charged with murder. I believe the case in still pending, not sure. So to this point, whether he declines or accepts the promotion is a moot point. The are unhappy that he was considered for a promotion.

    So, nothing would have changed with Somkid's move to decline the promotion. Thailand is still not coming out and saying that they were wrong in giving him the promotion in the first place. Which we all know will never happen.

  10. The big "Mai khao jai". This is like most government agencies. Everyone tells you something different. The more people you ask, the more confused you get. The ancient Thai art of "Cluster Fornication".

    I would think the Foreign ministry should be the only department responsible for coming up with a story for the Saudi's. I do not understand why everyone is trying to explain the situation to them when they themselves can not get their stories straight.

  11. I can access FB through my iphone. I think it is logging in through FB mobile. Thanks for the Facebook.com tip, it worked for me as well.

    I did find however that I can not go back to my Wall or Updates from Mafia Wars by pressing Home, it gives me the same message. Not sure if this is the same with all Games.

  12. RIP to those who died and condolences to their families. I hope for the best to those who were injured.

    This incident brings to light the issues of responsibility of drinking. It is easy for anyone in Bangkok to go out drinking and take a cab back home. It will only cost you a price of another beer or two.There is no excuse.

    In Pattaya however, I'm not sure of the Taxi service. However if the is an instance that you have to drink and drive, you have to follow the speed limit and the traffic rules. Just because it is in the wee hours of morning does not mean you do what you like. Regardless of the state of this Canadian, he had to follow protocol. This was his mistake. Everything else only compounds the issue.

    All I'll say is that he is lucky that this happened in Thailand where he has an option of paying his way out of it, if he has the money. Anywhere else, he would be sent away for a very long time.

  13. If you're on Windows, just make sure that you do not attach more than 3.9TB of storage. Anything more than this is not recognized by Windows. If you have 2.5TB (2TB + 500GB) internal storage, your PC will not recognize your 1.5TB or 2TB external storage. Mac does not have this problem. Mac can recognize up to 1PB (Peta Byte).

    I'd go with WD drives, they rock.

  14. I buy my beer once each month. About 12 boxes of large bottles does the trick.

    Didn't realise that this level of forward planning intelligence was triggered by iodised salt consumption in my formative years. Maybe I should up the intake, or is it too late in my degenerative years?

    But as has already been pointed out, restricting sales at certain times is BS. And why is it considered worse to die on Buddhist holidays, surely more auspicious?. And what on earth prompted the 14:00-17:00 ban, unless buying enough for a massive binge?

    1) The ban of alcohol between 14:00 and 17:00 was for the times that CHILDREN are going home from school and just before "rush hour". Doesn't England etc still have bars close at dinner time?

    2) What do you suggest the government do, throw their arms up and just let it happen? At least they are trying.

    3) These alcohol bans on Royal days and Buddhist days are ment as a means of RESPECT. Weather it works or not the Thai system is still trying to show respect.

    4) I like my beer but TIT and I can take a day off evry once in awhile.

    I don't think the bans are ment to impose arrests for some folk sitting at homw on one of these days having a few frosties but to keep SOME hold on the respect. Not easy you must admit but it's not like there are road blocks set upon these days the same a say New Years, Songkran, Christmas etc.

    That is what I thought as well the ban from 2 to 5 was to curb underage drinking, so all stores selling alcohol were banned from selling during this time. I walked in to Fuji the other day for a late lunch at about 2:30 pm and was refused a beer. No way in hel_l would I be mistaken for a school kid, 40 year old, beer gut and a thick beard. What is up with that?

    Why is it that I can walk into any restaurant in Siam Paragon or Emporium or Sukhumvit at any time and order myself a beer? but I can not for the life of me get a beer with my meal everywhere else. Is this law also enforced at restaurants? or Is this another Thai thing?

  15. I got one for my son at MBK, 5th floor I think. The thing about buying the Wii is to check if it is Japanese or US edition. The US edition has the menu's in English. When I bought mine about a year ago it was 11,000 Bhat. That included 2 genuine controllers+nunchuk, 20 free games. You got to watch out as the cheaper priced models might have a non genuine or copy controller.

    I was told that the copy controllers break easily and do not last long. I got 2 genuine controllers. I think a genuine controller goes for about 2500 to 3000 bhat each and a copy is about 1000 bhat.

    The one I got had Gecko and all other softwares installed. You need to use Gecko to play copy games.

    Well good luck.

  16. Data recovery will depend on the severity of the damage to your HDD. If it is a fault on your PCBA or a broken motor or some form of firmware error, you can probably recover all your data. However, if the drive does not work due to some form of head to disk interaction. Then the level of data recovery would depend of the severity of the contact, only damage to that particular surface or due to gross particle release other surfaces were damaged as well. Data recovery on this instant is not all that great. Like the other readers have asked, you need to give a more detailed description of what is broken.

  17. Cost/GB for a SSD will never come close to beating a HDD. I think the market now realizes that SSD is not HDD replacement. However SSD has a unique market that HDD can not compete with especially when dealing with smaller devices, and usage at extreme altitudes and temp. There is also a strong demand for SSD in the medical and defense industries.

    You also need to realize that everyone who purchases a SSD, will also end up purchasing an external HDD. HDD cost/GB is low compared to SSD and using SSD for large data storage for long periods is just not that wise.

    Companies like WD have gone ahead and purchased a SSD company as there is a growing market here. A new market not a replacement market. It's just a matter of time before we start seeing hybrid drives that have a SSD combined with a HDD to utilize the benefits of both these technologies.

    As for storage, I have a couple of WDTV Live that is hooked up to my HDTV sets. I only download HD quality or bluray movies. Each movie can be anywhere from 6 to10GB. I have close to 6TB worth of movies, music and pictures. The wife has her selection of movies and series, my son has his selection of cartoons and movies and I have my own. Trust me, you'll find a way to use up the additional storage.

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