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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. I know that jewelery stores in the States and Europe are not interested in purchasing Thai gold or asian gold unless they are specifically asian owned stores selling to asian customers. Tried it with no success.

    My Thai g/f tells me it is the same in Thailand, not interested in farang gold or will only offer a very low price for it.

    Perhaps there is no demand for it in Asia.

    Spent some time yesterday researching it and it seems that there are places that will buy it, gold4cash buys it and so does other avenues it seems buying peoiple old gold jewelry has grown over the past few years, lets face it its still 58.3% real gold and gold is over $1000 ounce still, so its still worth scrap value which looks like most dealers will offer 50% of the gold content as they have to melt it and seperate the other 43% base metals.

    There was a CBS inside job on cashforGold who hold partys for people to bring there old gold to and they weight it test it and then make an offer to purchase it apparently the fair price is 20% below the cost of the gold content but they were ripping people off by offering less than 40% of its real value.

    I agree Asians like min 95% personally when the missus bough me a chain I could not wear the stuff its just too soft and kept breaking I think the only reason they like 95% is they can go the gold shop and change it for cash I think that's the only reason :D

    Interesting post and hope you get a fair price for your gold.

  2. I know that jewelery stores in the States and Europe are not interested in purchasing Thai gold or asian gold unless they are specifically asian owned stores selling to asian customers. Tried it with no success.

    My Thai g/f tells me it is the same in Thailand, not interested in farang gold or will only offer a very low price for it.

    Perhaps there is no demand for it in Asia.

  3. She could be genuine.

    If you are the gambling kind, place your chips on the table and see where the ball lands. I know what outcome I`m placing my bet on.

    The original question, are you being played/? How should we know? I wouldn`t entertain or become involved with these people in the first place, they will only cause you problems.

  4. What I don't understand is where are these expats going to go if they can't afford to live in CM? I understand Korean students not coming to CM and expats who lose their jobs here, leaving for "home".

    But if the Australian dollar and GBP have collapsed against the US dollar (not really against the baht), and Aussies and Brits can't afford to live here, or if a retiree has lost his life savings because of the stock market, how are they going to afford to live in the west if they can't afford to live here? Unless they're going to move in with their kids, they're stuck here. I'd certainly rather be poor here than poor in the west.

    I think the opposite. I would rather be poor in the West than poor in Thailand.

    At least in my country when times are bad, I can work as many jobs as I need, receive health benefits if I get sick, take out a bank loan according to my earnings if I`m low on money, maybe borrow money from family and friends if I become desperate and claim social security if I am out of work. None of it good but at least I won`t starve, end up on the street, thrown out the country because I was not able to satisfy the immigration police or end up in jail if I let my visa expire or working illegally.to survive.

    In Thailand if you fall down there are no means to pick yourself up again, we are on our own. No money, no honey, sweet FA and dont slam the door on your way out, that`s Thailand.

    And Loaded is so right in his post above.

  5. Nice, Beetlejuice. Don't tell me she doesn't have an orgasm.

    I met my GF at a Coffee World. I found out later she was the head of international business operations at Siam Bank. She likes coffee.

    You are going to hold this orgasm thing against me forever.

    Look I tell you want we can do, you and I meet up, hire a hooker and if she has an orgasm, I will pay for the whole evening.

  6. If I was young, handsome and looking for someone, I don't think I'd go much further than the DTAC shop in the Airport Plaza in Chiang Mai. Unfortunately, I'm none of those things. I think DTAC has its priorties correct. They only hire attractive young, smart women who speak fluent English. At least they are a lot smarter than I am with those cel phone thingies that do everything but cook your supper.

    Why not try the True move shop instead. They are not so fussy in there and will go with anymore.

    So I`ve heard.

  7. :) beetlejuice, how frum was he (the dog?) : did he eat the salmon and matza with dairy or without (the morrocon jews dont mix fish with dairy on same plate... )...

    the most popular dog's name among the thais here is 'black'-- as contrary to popular belief here, the thais here enjoy keeping a few pets around, usually cats but various and sundry dogs get fed and played with too, and no, not as food items, the dogs are camp followers, usually belongint to other people but the thais always have meat and scraps which they toss out the door, so lots of israeli yard dogs eating non kosher :))...



    In fact the dog was so frum that he wouldn`t let my uncle take him out walkies on a Friday evening.

    I heard that Moshi run off with Fifi, the French poodle next door, but later left him for some mongrol she met in a park.

    Typical female, all the same whatever the species.

  8. To make this possible, first Thailand would have to give those of us that settle here, marrage to a Thai, retirement, whatever, full immigration status.

    How could a white and I am not talking about half Thai, half farangs, become a politician in Thailand if they can`t first accept us as farang communities part of the Thailand population and Thai citizens.

    It is possible for a farang to become a Thai citizen, but these are rare exceptions to the rule and hardly worth mentioning. Probably have more chance of being struck by lighting and winning the lottery on the same day then becoming a Thai citizen with full rights as the Thai people.

    No, it will never happen, not in my lifetime.

  9. He should have been given the death penalty, because he was a cog in the wheels of the machinery that aided in the murder of innocent men, women and children. No one was exempt during the reign of that brutal regime.

    How is this justice for victims that survived and the families of the murdered?

    I wonder how this beast wrangled a prison sentence and avoided a death sentence. I smell a payoff in the air.

    post-110219-071287800 1280148187_thumb.j

  10. You could shorten it to Heini.. no wait... nvm :P Sorry!

    Why give a dog a Jewish name?

    Sorry, I thought you said; Heimi.

    no beetlejuice, if u really want to give jewish names, they have to be double: yossi efraim, chaimi mordecai... and its really hard to yell at a dog with a long name like that. just imagine: moshe david, off the sofa!. it just doesnt work. us jews use short names for our dogs...

    either way, a name is a name, as long as the dog comes when u call him/her...



    My late uncle had a dalmation called; Moshe Pipik.

    He was a very frum dog, used to love smoke salmon with matzos.If anyone offered the dog bacon, it would attack.

  11. Neverdie is right.

    It is easy to do. Google in as neverdie says or animated graphics. When you have found one that you like, right click and choose save onto your desktop. It will be saved as a gif file.

    Open your profile page on Thai visa and upload the animated graphic from your computer into your profile as an avatar. Done.

    Click on photo:

    post-110219-083359200 1280131736_thumb.g

  12. Please Please Please get on meals on wheels delivery! :)

    I'm hungry :D

    Good news for you! We are scheduled to go on it when they do their next update. Below is a tentative list of what we will offer. Most of our baked goods are listed here with the exception of products that either can't survive the heat, or if they do, you might not survive eating them. In the latter case I'm referring to baked goods that contain custards which have egg in them. Most of our cakes with icing are in the former category.

    If there's anything else you might like, let us know. We are considering shipping the blintzes frozen.

    When I copied my excel table into thaivisa all the formatting got lost. The numbers are the prices in Baht.


    Bagel Plain 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Whole Wheat Bagel Plain 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    English Muffins 25 Real Traditional English Muffins

    Deli Rye Bread with Caraway Seeds 85 Authentic Deli Style Light Rye Bread

    Italian Bread 35 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

    Italian Bread with Sesame Seeds 40 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf with Sesame Seeds

    Seven Grain Bread 55 Multigrain Bread with a Touch of Honey

    100% Whole Wheat Bread 55 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

    Challah Bread 55 Traditional Bread Rich with Egg Yolk & Butter


    Butter Scones 30 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream

    100% Whole Wheat Scones 30 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

    Butter Blueberry Scones 35 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream & Blueberries

    100% Whole Wheat Blueberry Scones 35 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

    Brownies with Walnuts 40 Dark, Dense, and Fudgy

    Chocolate Chip Cookies 25 Made with Dark Belgian Chocolate & Butter

    Oatmeal Cookies 25 Made with Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, Raisins, & Butter

    Apple Pie 285 With a Flaky Buttercrust and Granny Smith Apples

    Blueberry Pies 285 With Wild Blueberries and a Flaky Buttercrust

    Cinnamon Buns 35 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing.

    100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns 40 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing. NO WHITE FLOUR

    Sticky Buns 35 Tender Buns rich with Egg Yolk and Butter. Lots of Caramel Syrup

    Blueberry Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk and Whole Wild Blueberries

    Banana Walnut Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk, Bananas, and Walnuts

    Banana Bread 125 Also Known as Banana Cake. With Real Banana and Walnuts

    Chocolate Torte 240 Very Dark Dense Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Icing


    Are these the real mccoy genuine real genuine bagals like they make them in New York or in London or just plain rolls shaped like bagals?

    For the real thing you can put me down for a couple of hundred, I love em and will store them in my freezer. I`m serious.

    These are genuine bagels. They are made with a dense dough and boiled before baking. That said, they are not quite the bagels of my early childhood. Back then, there was still a bagel maker's union and they had very strict standards about how to make a bagel. So you had to use 100% high gluten flour. Originally. I made them that way, but we were getting lots of complaints about them being too tough and chewy. So I lightened up the dough a bit. Not a lot, but still. At any rate, I would love to give the 100% high gluten flour bagels another go, if there was enough demand for it. Our whole wheat bagels are made with high gluten flour but because it's whole wheat, the gluten can't develop the way it does in white flour.

    I have been searching high and low for real bagals in Thailand with no luck.

    I am going to come down and try yours out. I am not the fussy type and not expecting them to be anywhere near the same as they used to be in the kosher shops of my younger days in New York and the east end of London, but if they are reasonable, I will be your no 1 customer and fan and so will several of my bagal loving friends.

  13. There has recently been some publicity about people being murdered, raped and assaulted directly as a result of contact made with people via the internet.

    I have not hidden my identity - even though many posters object to my opinions and my politics. I have been threatened many times on the Internet over the years, but not one of these Internet Warriors has ever had the courage to come by and insult me to my face - even when I have invited them to drop by the shop. The truth is that most of these blowhards are nothing but social inadequates who are scared of their own shadow when off-line.

    I have had the pleasure of seeing a few of them sitting alone scoffing up the free ribs at Thai Visa parties - where they had to wear a badge with their TV sign-in names - but I actually just felt sorry for them. Once I realized who these types are, it became clear why they have to hide on the Internet and bother other people to feel better about their own sad and lonely lives.

    I am not saying that there are no dangerous nut cases out there, but they are few and far between. Most are of them are of the "bark is worse than the bite" variety.


    After almost 200 years the UK census is going to be scrapped. This tells us something. It means that the information is already there stored in databases somewhere.

    And Ulysses G, perhaps one day you will cross paths with that few and far between. Letting others know who you are and where you are on open forums is like playing a game of Russian roulette, especially if you have a reputation of being expressive. Who knows what sort of mental cases may take it personal and decide to pay you a visit at your shop one day with a loaded gun.

    Putting yourself at risk like this on the Internet is not wise, not in today’s world with so many head banging cases lurking about out there. There is nothing cowardly about hiding behind a computer, it is stupid not to and also dumb to aire too much about yourself in the public domain.

  14. I have seen these for sale everywhere, from the markets to the big stores.

    Problem I have with most of them is that the zips always break after a short time. It is OK to wear them in Chiang Mai, but would not fancy wearing one in Bangkok or Pattaya. Not safe.

  15. It's not about having things to hide; it's about not necessarily wanting everyone to know everything about you.

    And yes, there are some weirdos out there.

    Perhaps with the internet we have reached immortality.

    There has recently been some publicity about people being murdered, raped and assaulted directly as a result of contact made with people via the internet. Obviously children, women and the nieve are most at risk.

    Some people may have perfectly innocent reasons for wishing to remain anonymous.

    Each to their own but as the article indicates there is no going backwards as it may be impossible to remove certain things should the need be required.

    Sure but your still most likely to be killed and raped by someone you know. So why worry about the big bad internet so much. That does not mean you have to be sensible when using it.

    I am not real anonymous but i dont care but i respect others reasons to stay anonymous. I don't see that as worrying too much.

    I have never been raped by someone I know or do not know. But I live in hope.

    Oh, BTW, this is off topic, I tried the Thai visa chat room tonight for the first time. It was full of depravity, obscene talk and nonsense. Had a good laugh, worth a gander.

  16. Yeah but, we are all anonymous here...right?

    Wrong, we are far from anonymous.

    Everything we do on line will be hanging about somewhere on the system for years, perhaps forever. IP addresses, email addresses, on line subscriptions, it is all there for those that know where and how to look.

    The Internet has far exceeded it`s self as a record of peoples what they think is private activities.

    Pure and simple, we are not anonymous on the Internet that includes Thai visa.

    For example, lets say that you display your email address in your Thai visa profile. And have used the same address for other activities on line, subscriptions to porn sites, Genealogy websites, MSN chat, Windows live and social networking sites, anywhere you have used your email, name and details.

    Type the email address into Google or other search engine and the chances are all will be revealed about you.

    Be careful out there.

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