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Posts posted by reggaebkk

  1. Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

    Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

    He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

    That's because they are the people who believe what they read and watch from the mainstream media. We need those, or else who would vote and pay taxes? Somebody's got to be the donkey or the chariot won'd budge.

  2. a great advocate for peace?...

    How some people can say that, he publicly denies the holocaust and it's ok for you to have some people like that doing shows around the world saying this?....

    Please share with us any links/articles, where "he publicly denied the holocaust" ... you won't find any.

    If he had, it's a serious offense in France:


    I have no opinion on the subject, but one thing life taught me is this:

    when it is forbidden to say something, it is because it is usually the truth for when it is a lie it can proven wrong and used against the emitter.

    So it's not the holocaust denial that worries me but the fact that debating it was made illegal.

    This said, I was not yet born and I don't care about it more than the native American, Tutsi, Armenian and any other horrible holocaust that may or may not have happened as long as we don't make new ones in the future (nor in the present).

  3. Good.clap2.gif Happy to hear Thailand kicked out that horrible Jew hater.

    Not so long ago a Thailand was selling Hitler T- Shirts and putting on a Hitler pagent.

    Thailand could not give a rats a-rse who he is.

    Bit hypercritical coming from one of the most xenophobic countries in the world.

    I wonder if the same would have happened if it was an Israeli telling jokes about Palestinians ?

    There are many Israeli jokes about Palestinians:


  4. I don't understand what they are upset about...

    Is it because the corner stone of they Thai economy and development is mass prostitution?

    Or because somebody talks about it....

    With experience I understood that people dislike to be told the truth and will hate you for it... Also that when people make it forbidden to say something it proves that it's absolutely true... but this is probably off topic... ananananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! nana!! nanas!! tsoin tsoin!

  5. That's still fishy... 4 times over the drunk driving limit is nothing.

    The drunk driving limit is reached after 2 glasses of wine... 4 times over driving limit doesn't kill you, it hardly makes you smile while considering the color of the next bottle.

    still if he drunk as much as is described, surely it's dangerous, but his blood should be 20 times over limit or more if he downed all that. Not only 4...

  6. Lifted sanctions against Iran? They must have given up on their independent central bank structure then. Did you know that there are only 3 countries left without a ******* (<----- forbidden name) controlled central bank? Iran, North Korea and Cuba. A few years ago that list was including Iraq Lybia and Afganistan. Notice a trend here? no? forget it then, keep on voting...

  7. I am still puzzled by the fact that we vote for politicians who sanction Iran for trying to make nuclear electricity while they should be concentrating in disarming the countries that actually used them on civilian populations...

  8. We shouldn't accept to be led by governments who actually create terrorists to invent wars, pillage, create refugees.

    The great debate about who should pay for the bowl of soup is so useless when the real problem is to stopping the refugees by not making war by not having terrorists made by our secret services by not voting for them, by not voting at all because all the candidates work for the same devil and because we make a revolution and put a halt to all that nonsense.

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