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Posts posted by reggaebkk

  1. It's not the fault of the Thai Police. Real and well planned terrorist crimes are about impossible to solve. All the Terrorist acts we have seen in the past, in Europe and USA, have been solved very fast if not instantly because they were inside jobs and the scapegoat was already cooked and served on a dish before the act took place. It's not the efficiency of the Thai police that has to be questioned for if it is well prepared there is no reason why the culprits should be caught. What is to question is why and how terrorists in the West are so conspicuous... Ooops... some well brainwashed reader has associated me with a conspiracy theorist and his brain just shut down. Muahahahaha

  2. That's hardly news, I had a friend, Tony, a French singer in Skvt soi 3, who overstayed 7 years and all he had to do is pay 20.000 Baht, go home, change passport and return.... 86 days... wow... big deal... why do people bother writing about that?

  3. "Full-fledged western-inspired democracy 'unfit for Thailand'"

    That's funny to think about it when it is now clear that there is no democracy in the west, only the dictature of bank cartels using the media to marshmallow the brain of the greater majority... That's unfit for Thailand and unfit for every other country, no need to debate about this... it'd be like wondering: "is cancer good for me?". .

  4. I don't understand why one should be offended by a judgement from the US regarding human rights.

    The US are the most global human rights violators and we can't count the amount of assassinations, civil unrest, coups, illegal wars, torture and more and more committed by the US the past 50 years, and there's no sign of a slow down.

    So being called human rights violator by the US is like being called a pervert by a serial child rapist... a drop of water on my duck's feather would have more impact.

  5. Apes and monkeys are not same-same.

    Follow the recent American trend - inclusion is the key to minimizing the impact of monkeys on people and visa-versa.

    Thai monkeys cannot be bad for Thais.

    If you feed them well enough - they will be discouraged from foraging.

    Time to think - "What did we do to make monkeys happier?"

    If I was living in an area where monkeys start to settle, why would it be my responsibility to make them happy and feed them well? Or to pay taxes for that? I dont accept racketeering from humans, I wouldnt start with monkeys.

    relocation to REAL and large reserves where tourism is completely banned and poaching REALLY prevented is the only sensible approach. Reserves where not even scientists and doctors try to play God in order to allow a natural echosystem do settle. It would be the cheapest and most effective solution, but ot is not in the modern human habits to find that giving up control is a solution to anything.

  6. Dont be duped, this was a fake terror attacked destined to tighten the grip of the system on the people even further and bring us one step closer to a profitable (for some) global war on Islam.

    Meanwhile france has now completed its own little patriot act and democracy is turning into a dictatorship of classes in a round of applauds.

    Wake up people!

    We are so near the caricatural model described in 1984 that i am wondering when the 3rd player of the permanent war, probably china, with or against india, will start to make its move.

    Meanwhile democracies in the weat are rotten and manipulated to the core, the whole news and media system is corrupt, useless and sells illusions on a massive scale, and people there vote mindlessly for thei own demise.

    We are the people, this is our planet, let us not let that happen.

    There is only one way: hide your assets, stop voting and paying taxes, let the system drop.

    We have been conditionned to fear a scenario where goverment in europe tumble and fall, but this is also an illusion. We are the people, we made our countries, we can do it again. What we need is to get rid of those who live to ride on our backs. They manipulate each of our world using tricks and illusions. We have the power to stop ot by stopping oir involvememt altogether.

    It seems scary, it is not. Most our needs are illusions, and our weaknesses.

    Man-up and stop believing in all tue crap in the news! Got off the system or be its unknowing accomplice... Well... Now you know, no more excuses...

  7. ...is it hatred, stupidity, wickedness? Maybe a combination.

    It's racism pure and simple, it's always been there in Thailand, nothing new.

    We're just starting to talk about it, that's all.

    Racism? Yeah I love being called a good looking white and rich foreigner!

    Wake up baby, what you hear and what is meant are not on the same cultural platform and dont originate from the same set of motivation... But live your dream as long as you have cash, that is your purpose here after all.

  8. ...is it hatred, stupidity, wickedness? Maybe a combination.

    It's racism pure and simple, it's always been there in Thailand, nothing new.

    We're just starting to talk about it, that's all.

    I don't believe the Thai people are any more racist than any other country, but there is a minority everywhere.

    Strangely, there used to be a joke about the definition of a racist, which actually has some unfortunate truth.

    A racist is someone who spends half of his/her life condemning those of other colours and then spends the other half trying to look like them.

    This stems from the days of racism about black people by a minority of white people who lambasted black immigrants and then spent their holiday time sunbathing to turn brown. It can easily apply the other way. Look at all the 'whitening' products on sale in this country and other parts of the world.

    No conclusions from me, just a sad thought.

    If you think that thais are not more racist than any other country it is because you dont understand what is being said around you, or that you have never lived anywhere else.

    Thailand is surely the country where racism is the most institionalised in the world... After Israel maybe...

    • Like 1
  9. As tourism rightfully drops in thailand, attacks on tourists will multiply. Travelling to thailand has always brought many attacks and deaths, but all that was hidden in the numbers and silenced by police the media. Now there are not more deaths than before, they are just noisier in the press.

    Wait after a couple of years of touris draught and crisis and you will see 10 times more attacks on tourists. Get out of there when its still time.

  10. It is a good thing for everybody if tourism drops drastically in Thailand.

    It is good for other countries that are at a development stage where they need tourism to prosper. Thailand has long passed that stage and still squeeeze that lemon.

    Thailand has so much more capable industries while the tourism industry is corrupt, full of scammers, based on whoring... Most Thais could regain their pride by working in other other sectors. No more beeing a mop for people who think they look good because they got cash.

    It is also good for the tourists who have taken the habit to travel to thailand just because they feel good in its always artificial athmosphere. Lies and fake smiles to get to your wallet is exactly what tourists want, they come from usa or europe where they are lied to on tv, by politicians, journalists.... Everybody lies, everything is fake... So when they go to Thailand they feel right at home, fooled like they are used to.

    Tourists have to wake up and actually travel the world, not just go to thailand to stay numb brained.

    Thai tourism has to disappear for the good of all.

    • Like 1
  11. How is it possible to drill such a big hole and nobody hear it. In my shop house if the guy 3 doors down farts, I hear it. Drilling a hole to hang a picture sounds like it is a foot from my ear. Either something is very fishy here or this has to be a very well constructed condotel.


    Good thing you don't live three doors down from me....you would be hearing a lot more farting !

    If I lived there youd have this conversation wearing respiratory masks.

  12. Some day in the near future Thailand will gain a negative reputation on the European caprid market, The Thai government will replace this cow milk with chinese caprids and it will be the end of it.

    Governments in Asia would rather do without us big egos big mouths, heads full of tv crap; goverments in Europe would rather see us stay home on welfare and watch tv... And vote accordingly...

    Expat quality of life in Thailand has been on tue decline for the past 10 years, and dropping.

    And in a few years from now it will be about impossible to live in another country. Well all have to plug in our tv sets in an appartment somewhere and wait for life to stop.

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