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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Find cheap VW camper vans that drive and are solid underneath and export them to Blighty if thats where youre from, you can pick them up for 50-75k bht, shipping is about a grand and taxes are 6% plus VAT, id imagine you could double/triple your money ... or alternatively go to PI where there is an abundance of them and theyre currency is pegged to the USD i believe.

    Arent i good to you.

    That's a neat idea. Have you tried it?

    Lots of people import them from America to the UK, my friend has a carbody repair shop in England and will import them from there in the New Year ... so long as it drives theyll buy without needing to restore them, apparently they like them in its original condition.

    Ive not done it but it is definitely feasible, PI has more vans though but if you put the word around 2nd hand car garages im sure you'll get some offers.

    Chances of finding any here that are still original though are like finding virgin bar girls on walking street.......Not that I would know anything about that mind you :whistling: ..............

    Her uncle who used to be a car dealer offered me 2 recently, i should say the bodywork was original the rest i dont know, probably not due to difficulty getting parts.

    I bought one half way through restoration for 2k recently in England another 2k in kitting it out 10 days labour ... and he tells me itll go for 15K when done in the next couple of weeks .... just shows some people really have got more money then sense.

  2. Open a fat camp.

    He! That is my idea! :) I have the land available only not the time, yet. I am planning to do another business first that will be more easy to setup.

    You could make extra revenues by charging horrible people like me to come along and hurl abuse at the fatfux. wink.gif

    Find cheap VW camper vans that drive and are solid underneath and export them to Blighty if thats where youre from, you can pick them up for 50-75k bht, shipping is about a grand and taxes are 6% plus VAT, id imagine you could double/triple your money ... or alternatively go to PI where there is an abundance of them and theyre currency is pegged to the USD i believe.

    Arent i good to you.

    That's a neat idea. Have you tried it?

    Lots of people import them from America to the UK, my friend has a carbody repair shop in England and will import them from there in the New Year ... so long as it drives theyll buy without needing to restore them, apparently they like them in its original condition.

    Ive not done it but it is definitely feasible, PI has more vans though but if you put the word around 2nd hand car garages im sure you'll get some offers.

  3. Open a fat camp.

    He! That is my idea! :) I have the land available only not the time, yet. I am planning to do another business first that will be more easy to setup.

    You could make extra revenues by charging horrible people like me to come along and hurl abuse at the fatfux. wink.gif

    Find cheap VW camper vans that drive and are solid underneath and export them to Blighty if thats where youre from, you can pick them up for 50-75k bht, shipping is about a grand and taxes are 6% plus VAT, id imagine you could double/triple your money ... or alternatively go to PI where there is an abundance of them and theyre currency is pegged to the USD i believe.

    Arent i good to you.

  4. Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

    They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

    Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

    Mind you simple deportation doesn't work either.

    It would certainly be a deterrent, and for those who werent detered by it, it would in a small way pacify the average guy in the street.

    But in the UK the problem of lords and MP's getting away scotfree after being caught stealing is beyond a joke, the fact these 3 after being caught defreauding from the taxpayer will get a few month suspension sums it up ... id say that lack of punishment is far more extremist then anything ive offered.

  5. Hey - Samran's Law

    Godwin's law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches."

    Samran's law: "As a TV discussion by British Expats grow longer, the probablility of an immigrant bash approaches".

    There, my claim to fame.


    These are immigrants who have been put in a position of power and have abused this and then claim ol whiteys being racist.

    Even a bleedin heart liberal prat such as yourself should accept the honest tax payer of Britain shouldnt be ripped off like this by foreigners.

  6. EastSaxCol posted here under his newest alias "Englander" :( he's had more names than Lord Lucan :D

    Ive never been EastSaxCol, but having common sense right wing views and being a Republican (not in the US context of the word) doesnt go down to well with the mods. ;)

    PS How many names did Lord Lucan have?

  7. IFinally you're on Sky today! Looking forward to seeing evidence of the good form you've talked about recently singhy.

    For the first 30 minutes they looked ok playing some decent football.

    But <deleted> me the 2nd half WHam were worse then dreadful, i cant remember seeing a team give up so easily at 2-1 down against a very bad Newcastle team, both teams are in for a very long season. Tiote was the major difference he broke up WHams play time after time.

    WHam need to <deleted> the Israeli off, he had Pompey playing nice football last year and it didnt do them much good. (bar the cup)

  8. Times are about to get better for everyone - the baht bubble will soon burst - happy days once again!! B)

    Really???. I see the dollar going down to 25 baht , euro to 35 baht, and pound to 45 baht by June of next year.

    Very possibly but its hardly the numbers a nation that relies on exports desires, though i do think things will get a lot worse in the west before they get better.

    But if i predict that whats currently happening in the west will eventually bite Thailand i'll get called stooopid blink.gif and get links to all sorts of wonderful charts of how the Thai economy has previously performed.

    If the Tea Party starts getting a say in the coming years which is looking likely then balanced trade agreements will happen to the detriment of Thailand ... thats if there arent trade wars which is also very possible imho.

    My biggest blind hope is that sterling drops V the dollar, to hover around 1.45 would be nice.

  9. If you're tired of exhausting work, the bustling city where you live, the bank credits that you want to lose, you've got a solution. You can get your head and leave the world in an exotic place where live a carefree life and minimum cost.

    Life is short and if you want to experience something else besides going to the office every day and sit in front of a computer between the time you became, willy-nilly, best friend, think you could live on the sunny beaches all year and that more than $ 500 a month.

    This is the same line of thought that brought thousands of expats to Thailand when the Bht was at a historically low level (and in the lea of a financial crash that anyone with two brain cells could figure out would pass leaving the way for the Bht to return to a realistic level.

    No doubt you invested extremely heavily into baht /baht assets as when it was at historic low levels anyone with 2 braincells could figure out it would pass ... though it hasn't passed for Aussies, Kiwis/ Swiss/ Canadians/ Japs and the Euro is just below its long term average .... A genius in your own mind. rolleyes.gif

  10. These 3 (2 pakistani + 1 thai dealer) are not the one time amateur offenders so there is no need to feel sorry for them.

    Dead sentenced is justified for this type of crimes.

    Conduct a fair trial and if found guilty execute the sentence by giving them the lucky shot.

    . How many people drink and drive and kill others by having an accident?

    Would you kill them too with the 'lucky shot"? :jap:

    Alcohol kills more people per hour than heroine does so per year... not to mention the massacre caused by nicotine

    I bet alcohol is responsible for creating more babies then its kills adults .... but seriously round my way a significant amount of the kids i went to school with got into heroine 10-15 years ago, as in the outgoing jack the lad types ... several are now dead and 100% of the others have completely lost their personality and arent quite with it.

    Whilst im for legalising of many drugs i cant quite see how crack or heroine could possibly be legalised, though it seems the death sentence isnt even enough to deter people so i dont know what the answer is.

  11. I don't get it. Isn't the US government in massive debt whereas Thailand enjoys little debt and huge a trade surplus? Why is the US gov always giving stuff away to anyone and everyone?

    That's simplistic thinking. While it is true the US has a large federal debt, it is still the largest economy in the world and Thailand's biggest trading partner. 50K USD is indeed a rather embarrassingly small amount of aid though.

    So aswell as having one sided trade agreements in Thailands favour, the US should also give Thailand further aid for a minor problem.

    Id be willing to bet this money will go straight on a downpayment for a BMW for some politician.

  12. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Portsmouth-Football-Club-Adminstrators-Set-To-Close-It-Down-And-Liquidate-Club/Article/201010415768604?lpos=UK_News_Carousel_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_15768604_Portsmouth_Football_Club:_Adminstrators_Set_To_Close_It_Down_And_Liquidate_Club

    Administrators for Portsmouth FC are set to close down and liquidate the club.

    The club has issued a statement saying it faced going out of business unless a deal with former owner and creditor Alexandre Gaydamak and prospective buyer Balram Chainrai can be struck.

    But this has been described as "impossible" in the statement.

    Portsmouth were delegated from the Barclays Premier League amid financial strife last season, during which they were docked nine points for falling into administration.

    The club remains in administration.

    It was revealed in April that Portsmouth owed a combined total of £38.2million to previous owners including Gaydamak and Sulaiman al Fahim, out of a total debt of £119million.

  13. The detainees earlier planned to deliver the drug to a Thai woman customer in Pratunam and she hoped to sell the heroin to Thai partygoers and tourists.

    What a dreadful party it must be with a bunch of smackheads sat watching TV monging out.

    Ive have sympathy for people caught with ecstasy, marijuana and such like, but Heroine does kill and genuinely ruins lives, so some you win some you lose for these guys.

  14. :rolleyes: LOL, all of them were Asian! I am shocked that I am shocked.

    Im shocked that the people running the country are so arrogant that when they get caught thieving they use the race card, i knew things had gone too far but this is just bizarre.

    We know most of them are at it, but at least come up with a better excuse, or just tell us proles we are taking your money so p7ss off!

    I think a life of complete ignorance about this kind of corruption would be far better.

  15. Former England football star Paul Gascoigne has been arrested on suspicion of possessing Class A drugs after a raid on a house in North Tyneside.

    Gascoigne, 43, has spent the night in custody and is still being questioned by officers.

    The troubled former Newcastle and Tottenham player has faced two drink-driving charges this year and has already been warned he could be jailed when sentenced next month.

    A Northumbria Police spokesman told Sky News Online: "At shortly after 5.30pm yesterday, police attended a property in North Tyneside.

    "A 43-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a Class A drug.

    "A second man, aged 43, was later arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of drugs.

    "Both men are still in custody and enquiries are ongoing."

    More to follow...


  16. Now these fukwits show whats wrong with the country, take them out to the woods and shoot the fcukers i say!biggrin.gif

    Wayne Rooney faced an angry mob outside his home on Thursday night as enraged Manchester United fans reacted to the possibility of their star striker making a sensational move to arch-rivals Manchester City.

    Rooney felt the full force of the anger among supporters over his desire to leave Old Trafford when a group of 40 protesters turned up outside his £4.5million mansion in the upmarket Cheshire village of Prestbury.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz134cpDhSA

  17. ^^^

    Got to agree with you Abrak about Rooney having a good point about Manure not being able to compete financially anymore.

    Never understand the calling him a chav bit though, as a kid he must have trained at every given moment and been 100% dedicated , hence he wouldnt have got into any bother despite being raised in a bad area .... the few kids that i knew who got a YTS contracts at 16 were nothing but 100% focused.

    The worst thing he seems to have done is sleep with some brass, we shouldnt be hypocritical.

  18. I took my mate 400 hundred benson and hedges back the other year, saw him about 2 months later and he told me he couldnt smoke them they were terrible, he tried giving them away to his work mates all bricklayers and after trying them not one of them wanted them.

    They were bought at the airport.

  19. Have you written to the BBC to express your displeasure??????????????????

    Major newspapers, high ranking politicians, the people have all written about the bias of the BBC, it merely tightens the screws of its extremist biased agenda.

    An example is today is when the Torys are making spending cuts, so they show dishevelled familes from the 1930s and compare the cuts with then as they were the biggest in history .... when in fact the cuts to the public sector were greater after WW2 ... its just lies lies and more lies with this vile corrupt organisation. It also doesnt highlight the never seen before growth in the public sector over the last 13 years.

  20. To think that we bought him for £25.6 when he was totally unproven, turned him into a football icon and then may barely even turn a profit on his transfer; makes me sick.

    He had just been the outstanding player in the European Cup and had 2 very good years at Everton, Man U didnt turn him into a football icon his natural talent that you cant coach did.

    Youll have made a profit and have had what may turn out to be his best years.

    But you contradict yourself by saying he'll be finished in 2 years then complain about getting 35 million for him.

  21. A bar owner, who knows the company who are the importers and distributors, told me that it says on the kegs that it is brewed in Malaysia. Apparently he is enjoying a pint even as I write.

    Bottled beer tastes crisper and cleaner in the UK the only reason not to drink it is because its twice the price, in los fortunately its cheaper .... draught in Thailand just doesnt tast good at all its always too fizzy.

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