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Posts posted by ooovaavu

  1. For Oovavu and Random:

    if you are not religious, this does not exempt you from respecting people who believe, whether they are Buddhists, Muslims or Christians.

    I cant respect someone who believes in something without some facts to back it up or at least a plausible explanation otherwise i would believe everything and question nothing. Oh hang on .............this is Thailand:lol:

    Mustafa or whatever his name is in jail can rely on his fictitious gods to support him I wont be visiting.

  2. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of decent monks, but as mentioned the entry procedure is so lax a lot of people unworthy to wear the robes slip through.

    The Buddha kind of set the tone when he accepted the serial killer, Angulimala, into the monastic order. Although there are some basic restrictions for ordination set down in the Monastic Code, the idea is that everyone has the potential for enlightenment and should be given a chance. Perhaps it would work better if the abbots were stricter about the 227 precepts, so that layabouts didn't find the monkhood an appealing way of life.

    My take on the OP is this: Under the Monastic Code, monks are not allowed to have contact with females, which makes it very difficult for them to move around or do anything in a crowded plane. Most likely the stewardesses would move them to business class out of consideration and to make it easier for everyone (i.e. both the monks and the women on the plane). I believe there is also a precept that monks cannot eat at the same table as laity. I don't know how this would work in a plane, but clearly it would be better for a monk to have a row of seats to himself, if possible.

    As others have mentioned, serving a monk in any way brings merit. There is no reason for a monk to decline a kindness unless it will result in him breaking a precept.

    So why does everyone have to accommodate to their requirements, I personally can only sit next to large chested semi drunk women on planes. Its my religion.:lol:

  3. Our four legged pets will also instinctively mark out their territory using urine. Not appropriate for rental premises with differing tenants, some with young kids.

    Good point trogers, i never thought of that. Even though a pet might be 'house trained', one can't help but think that the 'house' might not expand to the long corridors, elevators, and doorways found in apartment buildings and condos. There's a dog lives at the back of the security gatehouse of the condo i reside in (he's a really lovely mutt too), but the ole boy wanders around the car park cocking his leg up at just about every vehicle he can squirt at during the course of the day.

    Imagine if he was allowed indoors and started marking his territory on everybody's doorstep, ha ha lol :)


    Ive seen some condos where the dogs have done this in the lifts:bah:

  4. Many condo developers simply do not allow pets and for good reasons, noise is one, when the owner leaves it might bark all day, as an owner of condos I wouldnt want cat scratching the sofa or curatins or anything else + the other reasons mentioned above.

    Is there a shortage of rooms more than likely yes.

    If i rent my room to a cat /dog owner maybe they would seem oblivious to the damage tigger/fido is doing and when it came to deposit return time they could wave it goodbye.Its not worth the hassle, all owners swear their pet "isnt like that"

  5. Yeah, it's a shock/surprise when you come from a country where there is a greater separation of "church and state." However Thailand is essentially a "Buddhist country," and it comes just about as close as possible to a "state religion" without it technically being so. As a result you see all the trappings of a state religion (preferential treatment of religious figures, intermixing of religious/political resources in the community, etc.)

    Believe it or not, 100 years ago and longer, Christian ministers also received this same type of preferential treatment in western countries (the USA, where Protestant Christianity was the de facto state religion, where the local minister was usually also the school teacher), and the U.K. which has an actual state religion.

    Nothing really new. Just new to you. ;)

    I see that several Christian ministers in the USA have their own private jets after being told by god they should go out and buy one especially the ones with all the luxury extras.

    I rest my case M'lud, sadly these folk have huge leverage in the U.S as do most religions in the world. I'll sticj with Dawkins "chocolate teapot theory" may as well its no dafter than any others out there.

  6. Do you call the Holy Scripts "hocus pocus"?

    It is offensive for all the Christian believers.

    Yes hocus pocus no facts just hocus pocus peddled down the centuries. Its offensive for non believers to be told endlessly about this as if it was FACT.

    Its "a belief" with nothing to back it up. Indoctrination from birth blind acceptance. Ciao thanks for the negative

  7. I have read Mustafas letter now. He's moaning and whining like a little girl. Well, Mustafa, you should have thought about that before you got involved in drug trafficing.

    And now you want people to feel sorry for you? Send you cigarettes, perhaps?

    Like I said before. I'll pass.

    In Gospel in Holy Script they write - go and visit friends in jail;out of compassion

    There are Christian groups who do it

    Bacpackers from Khao San Rd. go there.

    You old farts dont,because you are finished as human beings; old,sclerotic,feelings only for bottle&pussy.

    shame on you!

    Great Post!

    I dont care for hocus pocus thanks

  8. Nothing new under the sun. Many TV member show no mercy, compassion and feel strong to write something in front of a screen, sitting comfortably on your armchair, protected by anonymity.

    Always ready to spit a death penalty, kill 'en all, but driving your bike drunk, going with prostitutes, buying cloned software, music and films, wearing a 300 baht copied football or Lacoste tshirt.

    But no mercy for other people's mistakes.


    Yes but there are mistakes and mistakes and how many times have they made "that mistake"

  9. Oh dear, not another one.

    How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

    Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

    Theyve usually siphoned off most of the money before going directly to jail but before that they will screw their lawyer get pregnant and elope with the lawyer and payoff the Police case solved he slipped off the balcony onto the knife.............. 25 times no doubt.

  10. Why are so many posters here trying to show how clever they are? Just give us the specifics of any property that you have bought or sold in the recent past. Let the facts speak for how clever you are in your deals.

    Mjo, give us the facts of your BKK townhouse purchase -- location, age, size, price paid, etc. No one is going to be able to track you down as to your identity or deal. No need to state how clever you are; we readers can figure that out all by ourselves.

    And no need to analyze the market or give us your conclusions. What we are trying to do with this thread is to build up some real transactions data so that each reader can come to his or her own conclusions. How difficult is that to understand?

    OK Im selling all these Im the owner not an agent Ive sold 3 others in the last 10 weeks. Ill let you know how i get on with these over the next few months

    post-113459-003496500 1283972052_thumb.j

  11. Dear bros,

    Thanks alot for your comments. Be it postive or negative, helpful or not, its very much appreciated. To the question of what is a legal pro in SG, I must apologise for the usage of short-form. SG is Singapore and legal pros are girls who come to work in Singapore as a prostitute but it is legalised and they have a sort of work permit which states they are here as one. They must go for monthly check-ups and they are not allowed to walk in the streets. Basically, their partculars are registered with the immigration authority and anti-vice and whatever relevant agencies that maybe involved. They are usually here for a maximum of 2 years and then they can go home. They can go back early, as long as their boss (pimp) is agreeable to it. My ex-gf went home after 8 months. There is some vagueness in the rules thereafter whereby some people say they are not allowed to come back to SG forever (even as a tourist) whereas there are others who say that it may be possible to come back but only years (even the number is unsure) later.

    I guess to cut a long story short. My relationship with my ex-gf didnt involve money directly to her. I know some bros will say that's probably why we finished up anyway. But other than paying money to the boss when i went to see her (money was split 50-50 between her and the boss), the most expensive item i bought her was a watch for her birthday that was $250. We were together for 6 months in all with 3 months of it being a distance relationship whereby she had already returned to Thailand.

    I just want to shed some light on my story to the helpful bros who have been posting. Hope to hear more feedback and comments from you guys.

    Thanks alot. BTW, I'm not a farang, just an average Singaporean, Chinese guy. :-)

    Im sure the Thai girls would be very grateful if you could bring some more of your "Bros" over to help them out, and theyll "lub u long time":jap:

  12. Many Thais are also looking for " the latest thing" a notable one afew years back was "Mr Bun" when people queued outside to buy it, now almost empty when I go past them.

    A good example is "Bonjour" this place is always busy selling a product around 10 baht buy the hundreds of thousands.

    Copycatting is also a big thing then undercutting.

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