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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. Again I would suggest that Buddhists do NOT have to have all that much in common past taking refuge, and even then the people that look at it as a philosophy often don't do that.

    There is no short cuts in Buddhism, it is about finding your way. The Buddha's teachings are useful for shortening the way but understanding them and applying them is the work of an individual .. and the work of a lifetime (or more :) )

    The Teaching of the Buddha is a roadmap to understand your own life, to understand the Dhamma, the Law of Nature. You have the freedom to use skillfully this roadmap or not. More you follow this roadmap more you can see by your own experience if it is a good one.

    I do not doubt tat these 2 posts are very clear to buddhists.

    But to an outsider - f ex me - they are not clear at all.

    Of course, you might say "come inside and learn'.

    But there are so many doors that i could walk in.

    Could you say something - in layman's terms - to make me walk into THIS door?

  2. At the most basic level, "Buddhist" just means a follower of the Buddha. To what extent a person follows the Buddha's teachings is up to the individual. There's no official minimum requirement and I doubt anyone would ever ask you to prove you're a Buddhist.

    Sorry, but that sounds like i can believe whatever i want.

    And of course, i am free to believe whatever i want.

    But i am looking for guidance.

    I guess i am looking for a shot cut? I do not want to invent hot water again.....

    Can you tell me: What do all buddhists have in common?

    Next i will be able to decide whether that can apply to me.

    Or to search in a different direction.

    Please believe i am searching for a direction in my life, i am not being argumentative.

  3. To avoid misunderstandings:

    Like so many people i am interested in buddhism.

    And in many other things.

    I am looking for guidance in putting the first steps.

    Many others - i am sure - are in the same situation.

    To me, the first steps would be: understanding the essentials, explained to me in everyday language.

    No need for details, or subtle thoughts, no formal references to writings or revered people.

    Only essentials.

    So that i can decide whether or not to continue my search in this direction.

    Thanks for the effort.

  4. The four noble truths.

    1. The Nature of Suffering (or Dukkha):
      "This is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering."[3][4]
    2. Suffering's Origin (Dukkha Samudaya):
      "This is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination."[3][4]
    3. Suffering's Cessation (Dukkha Nirodha):
      "This is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, nonreliance on it."[3][4]
    4. The Path (Dukkha Nirodha Gamini Patipada Magga) Leading to the Cessation of Suffering:
      "This is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: it is the Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration."[5][6]

    Thank you.

    Truth 1 i understand (i think) and i came to that same conclusion basing myself on western filosofy - psychology - sociology - common sense

    Truth 2 i have a problem with: i like pleasure, and i try to let others have pleasure too - within limits and without messing things up for others

    Truth 3 is what i hope to attain when i die, but not before - when i die i hope to be able to say: i had a good life, and now it ends

    Truth 4 i do not understand - who decides what is right? the emperor or the slave? Do they both live by the same truth?

  5. Your assumptions about Christianity are not really valid.

    Buddhism is another kettle of fish entirely.

    Personally I would say that the 3 jewels are the only absolute requirement (taking refuge) ... other than that other's might say different things. Some people who are adherents only on a philosophical level might say that nothing is required.

    BTW --- "just the facts" with religion? Hmmmmmmm

    Thanks for your answer.

    But could you clarify your comment about the 3 jewels?

    And your comment about NOTHING is required according to some?

    And yes, i am looking for facts, not in the sense of scientific truth, but in the sense of what to believe / not to believe if you want to call yourself a buddhist.

    Are reincarnation / meditation / non materialism / ..... essential?

  6. Yes , possible and a lot cheaper but it wouldn't stand 1 rainy season . Not everybody is going for the overinflated farang price building projects , with swimming pools , 7 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms etc . A normal house with normal building materials ( marble and granite , if not imported are also very cheap ) is not expensive in Thailand . Even a swimming pool is not very expensive if you stay away from the places who are really for the farangs . You can do and build a lot for 100.000 baht.

    sure you can!

    Euhm , this is less then 10k , if you change the clay blocks to normal building blocks .

    The house is indeed very possible for less then 100k and i did live with my GF and her parents in a place like that ( it was closer to 70k i think ) . Was it any luxury , no by far not . Was it dry , yes . There were offcourse no tiles , just concrete floor of about 5 cm thick , with vinyl on top . Toilet was a squat type , and water is with a bucket . No kitchen but just a clay BBQ to cook on .

    What is a house , or better called a home . Somewhere where you can sleep , eat , sit safe and go toilet , according to me ( and probably also the dictionary ) . Would i live in it for long time , no , because i have more money to spend , otherwise no problemo . I do not change it 1 minute to go for hotels . Having luxury is fun , but not necessary .

    BTW , Thais do like the luxury also , with hot running water , baths , normal toilets , but since they do not have a big amount of choice did do go cheaper and so can you if needed . .

    I love luxury.

    But what is luxury?

    To me, in my younger days, luxury was sleeping in a tent in a national park in Norway (and nearly freezing to death)

    Or looking at the stars in Rarotonga or Maupiti (while getting bitten by the local jung)

    Or picking raspberries or apples or peaches in the cold and heat of Central Otago (and eating half the harvest)

    Sorry, i am getting carried away off topic.

    And now?

    Luxury is our 4 X 12 m house in a rambutan garden in the jungle, total cost including well, electric hook up, water tower, european kitchen and bathroom, tiles, etc: 600.000 baht.

    Actually, the house could have been built for half that price, and i would have been happy with it, but i had to compromise with my wife......

    And all the building money went to the local economy, no double pricing, made a lot of friends too.

  7. I have wondered about this for a long time.

    What is essential for being a buddhist?

    For christians - but that is not the topic - i would think: the bible, if you reject the bible, then you are not a christian / if you accept the bible, then you can call yourself a christian.

    But to call yourself a buddhist?

    What MUST you accept? What MUST you reject?

    And let us not get into arguments about right or wrong, let us just stay with the facts.

  8. Obviously the TAT has not been in touch with any embassies who are advising 'caution'. More deliberate misinformation from TAT.

    I'm aware of the various Embassy warnings issued for the Red Shirt rally on January 23.


    Red-Shirt Rally Alert For Bangkok

    But have there been Embassy warnings issued for the yellow shirt rallies?

    You may want to read the article that you refer too, again.

    It is balanced, and does not take sides - it mentions both colours.

    Unlike your post.

    Ah, so it is.

    Thanks for pointing that out, my bad.

    And also thanks for the dig as I wasn't aware asking a simple question was unbalanced. :)


    i believe that you believe that.

  9. Obviously the TAT has not been in touch with any embassies who are advising 'caution'. More deliberate misinformation from TAT.

    I'm aware of the various Embassy warnings issued for the Red Shirt rally on January 23.


    Red-Shirt Rally Alert For Bangkok

    But have there been Embassy warnings issued for the yellow shirt rallies?


    You may want to read the article that you refer too, again.

    It is balanced, and does not take sides - it mentions both colours.

    Unlike your post.

  10. What about educational visas? My passport is packed with tourist exempt stamps,ED visas and extensions but not a single Tourist Visa. Could I be denied a tourist visa?

    I cannot be absolutely sure but I think if you did not have any tourist visas you would get one. The problem seems to be with people on tourist visas.

    Walen School - Learn Thai and no visa problems


    "Learn Thai and no visa problems."


    What was that other poster saying again about abusing the system?

  11. I am a bit confused here....I cannot believe that the temple did not know there were 2000 fetuses stored there. No one seems to want to talk about the 800 pound elephant in the room. Meaning the temple must have been involved in this venture, ie making fetuses into amulets.

    Hence the frantic back peddling by the Wat, and plans for massive merit making ceremonies.......

    It is not necessary that they knew, they are stored in a special area of the temple and no Thai in his right mind would go there without having a reason to do so.



    PAD acting like cry baby: Kasit

    ... some removed ...

    The Nation

    Kasit said that? the Kasit? The one that made me miss my flight out of Bummi?

    Truly amazing.

    What being in power can do to a man.

    But nothing new of course.

    The very same k. Kasit. Maybe he has seen the light and is back on the straight and narrow path of righteousness ;)

    If Kasit can see the light, there is hope for enlightenment for the resr of us ( or something), not counting inferior life forms.

  13. And other story.

    Right now, i am having a small house (4 X 13m) built.

    My thai wife does not even own the land.

    Land of her deceased father, too expensive to officially transfer the land from father to son and daughter.

    And guess who is the architect?

    Old friend of my wife, previously gem trader.

    I did NOT ask for prices for hooking up to the electricity net, digging a well, extras such as a water tower.

    I do not have a written contract.

    Did all the wrong things according to TV.

    And i am happy with the situation.

    I am happy just gardening in our future garden.

    If they screw me, i will go home to europe, 600.000 baht is much money, but i am prepared to take the gamble.

    Meanwhile driving the old truck that the family lets me use....

    Oh, just for having no misunderstandings, i refused to pay sinsod and have never given any money to the family in the 3 years that i have known my wife.

    And also,i am no rosy glasses, there are obviously many things wrong in this country.

    But the good outweigh the bad.

    Guess all this ranting shows that i am more buddhist then most thais?

    Sorry for my rant, but i mean every word of it.

  14. Buying a sim card at a small shop near Robinson in Chanthaburi.

    The guy was going to earn about 10 baht or so.

    He put in the sim, foned the company, all for his 10 baht.

    Next refused to keep the change.

    Real thailand is great.

    Too bad there is the other thailand too.

    Farangthailand it iscalled.

    nice story

    however (and in my book there's always an however over here) i never let Thais (especially bar girl Thais) use my phone

    i expect you will know they can transfer credit from your phone to theirs with a few button pushes..........


    you want to be carefull.

    but how much can you loose? 100 baht?

    and how much can you win?

    and i am talking about chanthaburi, not Degenerateland.

  15. Buying a sim card at a small shop near Robinson in Chanthaburi.

    The guy was going to earn about 10 baht or so.

    He put in the sim, foned the company, all for his 10 baht.

    Next refused to keep the change.

    Real thailand is great.

    Too bad there is the other thailand too.

    Farangthailand it iscalled.


    PAD acting like cry baby: Kasit

    Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya on Thursday branded the People's Alliance for Democracy as a cry baby for making demands deemed unreasonable on border issues with Cambodia.

    "Integrity hinges on prudence and maturity; don's act like a baby and allow feelings to cloud judgement," he said.

    Kasit said the government will not bow the PAD's demands for the cancellation of the 2000 memorandum of understanding with Cambodia, the withdrawal from the Unesco's World Heritage Committee and the expulsion of Cambodian citizens from Thai territory.

    The Nation

    Kasit said that? the Kasit? The one that made me miss my flight out of Bummi?

    Truly amazing.

    What being in power can do to a man.

    But nothing new of course.

  17. My friend's mother in law is older than him, step mother is younger than him, and his wife is older. He's got a half sister/brother on the way. Confusing.

    Me? I don't understand marriage. It seems far too restrictive.

    Yes it is confusing.

    And many exeptions to whatever the rule may be.

    But basically, this is about old western men buying young thai women.

    But i could be wrong.

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