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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. ^ So just to clarify your assertion; the Democrat Party, which is doing it's utmost to cool down the PAD's rhetoric and provocations of exploitative nationalism and has gone to great lengths to try and heal relations with Cambodia is actually the one responsible for exploiting nationalism in order to secure an election win.

    uhmmm...ok... thanks for your invaluable input.

    no PAD, no Democrat government.

  2. I always use the one opposite Tesco.

    i've been to this one but only for repairs to the tire/wheel and not for a new tire purchase. competitive?

    On par with mainland prices.

    Sorry - but i can't help it.......

    Mainland, does that refer to the south island of NZ?

  3. check out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    plenty of sellers there, including son of my wife - he never doublecrossed ME, if that may be a reference.....555

    but they might all be in BKK, i dunno.

    hope this is usefull to you.

  4. The example I provided regarding a business man/woman on holiday in Thailand answering an e-mail and providing instructions to staff overseas without a work permit IS illegal in Thailand. The wording of the law is intentionally over-broad so that there is no chance of one avoiding the law based on a technicality.

    if the law were clear, no tea money could be extorted in any case.

    this is thailand.

    do not search for complicated explanations.

  5. It really depends on the situation of the people that you are marrying as much as your situation. Every Thai person has their own take on Sinsot. and if you haven't read "A Case Against Sinsot" on Stickman's web site (Google it) then you should, as it is eye opening. Even if you choose to pay or not to pay you should at least know the complete cultural significance of what you are doing.

    You will see that by paying or not paying you will probably been in the same light depending on the family. Thai people rarely marry out of their on social level and that would mean that the sinsot for a farmer in isan will be a lot less than the sinsot paid by an office worker in Bangkok. You need to have an understanding of the culture and the family before negotiating something like this. Know where your girlfriend stands and how that relates to her parents. If you make a stand, can't articulate it eloquently enough, and she doesn't agree with you, you have probably just lost the relationship.

    I recently read that Thailand's marriage rate (registered marriages) is in decline as the divorce rate is increasing.

    Every thai person has their own take on Sinsot? If that is true, then sinsot is NOT a tradition.

    And if sinsod is paying back the parent's investment, then it is NOT a tradition too, since untill recently, parents used their daughters as cheap labour force, and did not send them to school.

  6. YES sin sot IS a thai tradition.

    BUT it is an outdated, backward tradition.

    CHOOSE: educate uneducated people, or let uneducated people dis-educate you.

    what more can be said about the subject?

    I'm sure practically the entire nation of Thailand will be thrilled to hear that they're uneducated.

    Please accept my appoligies.

    Thailand is a VERY educated nation, with a wonderfull education system.

    That is why so many uneducated farang live in thailand on a permanent Education Visa.

    If you think " educated " simply means going to school etc. ( unless they've started offering an " Outdated Traditions That Need To be Changed" course at the local Rajabhat and nobody told me ) then you're obviously as thick as a hedge and I feel there's no more need for me to interact with you. Goodbye.

    And where did i say that going to school equals education?

    Perhaps you did not understand my remark about the education visa - farangs?

    Sarcasm old chap, sarcasm.

  7. over 55

    so that you remember the divine guitar player, not the horrible singer

    Noooooo, it's over 60's, l watched him play in the Yardbirds, S.E.London, 1964. ( I think ) :D

    I agree I saw the Yardbirds as support group for the Beatles at Hammersmith Palais in 1964/5. My memory's as bad as yours :rolleyes:.

    Age related?

    Age related? Maybe.

    Alcohol related? Surely.

    Jeff Beck was there too?

  8. Makes an interesting change from the ' the thai should do something about corruption because i had to pay 200 baht for not wearing a helmet, and got no receipt" - moaning.

    Or is corruption acceptable when it is a farang that initiates it?

  9. I've got two step daughters. I'm setting the bar at 1mil each. It keeps the neighbor boys away. Paid 60000 for mom so I will net a bit over 1.9 mil.

    Sounds like a reasonable tradition from where I'm setting.

    Do not get a heart attack following the exchange rate fluctuations.....

  10. Great guitar player - loved him from album1 (the album with wrapping paper, coffee song, i feel free, four until late,....).

    It was the first album i ever bought, 1968 i think.

    Then some fool told him that he has a singing voice, and EC dumped jack bruce.

    Was choosen singer of the year, twice, by some NME a*s crawlers.

    If Eric Clapton were truly god - as was claimed before - he would just play guitar and leave the singing to others.

  11. YES sin sot IS a thai tradition.

    BUT it is an outdated, backward tradition.

    CHOOSE: educate uneducated people, or let uneducated people dis-educate you.

    what more can be said about the subject?

    I'm sure practically the entire nation of Thailand will be thrilled to hear that they're uneducated.

    Please accept my appoligies.

    Thailand is a VERY educated nation, with a wonderfull education system.

    That is why so many uneducated farang live in thailand on a permanent Education Visa.

  12. I only use aeon ATM - no 150 baht, and the Visa/Mastercard rate is applied.

    A few months back, i used a yellow bank ATM, Ayuthaia or something - following the advise on TV, about them too not charging 150.

    Stupidly i agreed to their general rules.

    Result: exchange rate NOT set by Visa...... and that cost me more then 150!

    But for larger amounts i SWIFT - and i try to pay as often as possible with my Visa in restaurants or supermarkets.

    When SWIFTING, always send YOUR currency, to be converted here, never send baht.

    Of course, you can not win against the banks, but at least you can try not to loose too much.

  13. Thai tradition, hah. It's Thai tradition to take care of their elderly parents, my wife's hi-so sisters who got their degrees financed by mum and dad give absolutely sod all to widowed mum. :ermm:

    Why on earth would they when there is a farang around to take on the responsibility?

    A new tradition?

    Could be, there are actually lots of new traditions: loud stereo music, junk food, silly TV soaps,......

  14. To talk about what is logical or not to people from another country/culture, can easily bee looked at arrogant/ignorant.

    Remeber also, if one decides to marry someone from a 3rd world country (or almost 3rd world), one must expect to "marry the family" as well.


    When a european marries a thai, he marries a family.

    But also:

    When a thai marries a european, she marries an individualist.

    A good compromise could be: a symbolic sinsod, given to both the thai and the european parents.

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