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Posts posted by maswov

  1. It's just growing pains. People don't know what is expected of them so they err on the side of caution. Once the dust settles and the low class expats looking to cut corners and do things illegally move on, I think things will be running much smoother and the rest of us won't be scrutinized and treated as criminals.

  2. The problem buying with 2nd hand, late model specifically, is that the full amount of interest on the loan will be paid regardless if paid off early or not. If the car is one year old and has a 5 year note for example, the remaining 4 years of interest will offset the depreciation. Most sellers won't be willing to eat the interest and sell the car for its actual value. Of course if the car was originally purchased in cash that wouldn't be an issue.

  3. The house can be sold but the new owner must honor the lease. Of course the lease could be broken if you reach an agreement.

    This is incorrect. The house is owned in full by the land owner unless a proper procedure has taken place in which the owneship of the land and the house have legally been separated and registered at the land office. A contract stating the ownership of the house in not good enough.

    This is a common misunderstanding by many Westerners who have 'bought' a house in Thailand with leased land.

    Actually it is correct. This has nothing to do with separating land and house. If there is a lease it cannot be broken just because the property is sold. The lease is essentially part of the property and will transfer to the new owner, it is the same for houses and condos.

    Image if you are living in a rented property and one day someone shows up at your door and says "i am the new owner, get out"

  4. Funnily enough, I've been with TOT, 3BB and now with Sophon Internet and in all three cases they told me to switch my modem off when not using it. I suspect this is getting the best possible performance from it in their opinion. Only today I was getting the "connected" message while at the same time getting the "no internet access"message, I closed the modem and opened it again immediately and hey presto...., I got my internet access.....so there must be some validity in what they say..

    Really they just don't understand, someone before them told them that. If you ask them why it needs to be turned off you will probably get a different answer from each person you ask. Cycling the equipment, which many times solves the issue, is the first thing most techs will do when troubleshooting especially for computers and ancillary equipment.

  5. I drive in The UK which is without a doubt has the best drivers in the world (sorry USA but it's true). I have zero problem with Thai drivers. Traffic flows well, the drivers are alert, often courteous or at least cooperative. Parking is good. The only things I would fault are the use if mobile phones and lack of seat belts, but otherwise well done Thailand.

    Wow, we have opposite definitions of courteous...

    passing into oncoming traffic and flashing lights to let the drives know to get get out of the way

    blocking the right and middle straight lanes lanes while waiting to make a right turn so won't have to wait at the back of the turn lane

    passing then immediately slowing down to turn

    disregarding stop signs or flashing red lights

    sharing lanes

    parking on an angle blocking 2 lanes rather than parallel parking

    parallel parking a half meter or so from the curb

    turning into traffic at idle speed and casually deciding to accelerate sometime after the turn is complete

    flashing bright lights when coming up from behind

    moving into oncoming traffic 50 meter s bore the right turn so they don't need to wait for oncoming traffic to pass 1st

    Of course it not everyone but these kinds of things are very common, more so in pattaya and the like rather than some of the smaller cities.

    I have never driven in UK so cannot dispute you there, but from my experience Japanese are some of the best drivers, Okinawa at least.


    Boooo!  Parrotfish is so good, makes great sweet and sour, keleguin, or just simply fried. 

    I am curious to see what their data is as to how fishing parrotfish is harmful to the ecosystem.


    Parrotfish "scrape algae and other plant matter from the surface of the coral. This maintains the health of the reef by keeping algae in check, which could otherwise overwhelm the delicate reef ecosystem".

    BTW - " An unusual feature of parrotfishes is that they are able to change sex, with females becoming fully functional males .... If the male should die, the most dominant female will become the dominant male, her ovaries becoming functional male testes".



    Everything has its place in the ecosystem.  There is no problem with hunting parrotfish especially here in Thailand, I haven't seen a great demand for the fish.  Parrotfish is probably the most eaten fish in Guam yet the reefs there are healthy with the exception of the inexperienced divers taking their toll.  



    Boooo!  Parrotfish is so good, makes great sweet and sour, keleguin, or just simply fried. 
    I am curious to see what their data is as to how fishing parrotfish is harmful to the ecosystem.

    You might try educating yourself.  Read here:
    Not a nice way to answer.



    Not nice to imply someone is uneducated



    Boooo!  Parrotfish is so good, makes great sweet and sour, keleguin, or just simply fried. 

    I am curious to see what their data is as to how fishing parrotfish is harmful to the ecosystem.


    Why don't you just bloody look it up. Hint: GOOGLE huh.png



    I did and all I could find was an environmental group that says it is bad and they started a petition.  No reference to the data was given.

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