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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Ok all, thanks for the serious (and so less so) replies.

    The cat turned up with her "kitten" (six to eight months oldish) last night (who I thought was toast a long time ago), so they shared some dry dog food mixed with a can of fish in tomato sauce - which apparently went down a treat, together with a bowlful of fresh water.

    In light of the kitten, I bit the bullet and waded out through the water to the last remaining retailer open in my area (bless him). I am now the temporary owner of four boxes of dried catfood and half a dozen cans of wet.

    Hopefully problem solved for a while.

    Well done sir, your a good man

  2. Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

    Sadly many if not most of the evacuation services say 'humans only', there's a post somewhere on TV where it was 'Thai only, farang not permitted'.

    Farangs are not human now? hehe

    if i were faced with that decision, i'd stay behind... or put the cat in a rucksack and not tell anyone :) No way would i leave any family member behind... my animals are part of my family.

  3. Short term feeding the cat some of the wet dog food wont hurt it, after all the choice is no food or dog food.

    Long term its not a good idea, like you said they have different dietary requirements, a week or two wont hurt it tho... If its a Thai cat, it might enjoy the curry... one of my cats loves spicy food and sometimes (as a treat) gets a bit...

    Some people disgust me, how could they leave their pet behind during flooding...

  4. Didn't you all know that only the rich elite live in Bangkok, everyone drives a gold plated Mercedes and wears platinum and ruby encrusted Rolex watches... h*ll, even the motorbike taxi guys all ride ducati's and drink the finest single malt whiskey from their fine crystal M150 bottles!

    Then of course, just outside of the glorious capital everyone is a serf and lives in mud huts, eats dirt poisoned with the feces of the Bangkok elite and drink the urine of 1000 lepers. They are made to work 36 hours a day for 3 baht a week and have to walk uphill to get to work and back again.

    Any serf caught within 5km of the city limit is shot by one of the Royal Police enforcers and their heads are put on spikes on top of the 100ft obsidian walls that surround the city.

    /That's about as accurate as this 'opinion' piece/

  5. Thanks for the link, the classified sites were not helpful but the link to the GSD Association is interesting, i will contact them.

    Thanks for your help, apologies for my lousy spelling :)

    Like you I have always been a fan of the GSD. Grew up with them and nearly always had one as a family dog, you can't beat them on that score.

    Out in Thailand they do take a lot more looking after on the health side though. They don't, similar to many pure breeds, have the ability to shake of so easily the problems that don't seem to bother Thai dogs, vet's bills out here are not too cheap. A few years ago I gave away 4 dogs that my shepherd fathered with a thai dog and those pups grew up nearly as big as him and each one is now the top dog in the areas they went to. Tough as nails with all the fathers good nature side. I have a female GSD at the moment and am looking for a male to get some pups but am seriously thinking about maybe using a good thai dog to do stand in if I can't find a GSD male. If I find a good male I will keep you in mind.

    Thanks, appreciate it. Definitely looking for a pure bred GSD, will keep in mind what you say about shaking off problems tho :)

    The Wife found they have bred pure white GSD's unlikely to find them inside Thailand i guess, but now shes nagging me to get one of them - lol

  6. I am looking to get a dog next year sometime, and i would like to get a GSD. I had one when i was a child and have always wanted to get another.

    I have had Dogs and cats for most of my life, i know that a GSD needs lots of care, training and mentoring, i believe i am able to provide this :)

    So i would liek to kick off my search, i understand this may take some time, i am not in any rush to get one and am prepared to spend some time to find a good breeder, take some time to get to know the dogs and wait for the next littler of pups.

    I have googled around have not really found much of any use, i was wondering if anyone here has any details or contacts that might help.

    Thanks in Advance! :jap:

  7. Well with the biblical floods gushing their way towards me at a graceful 1km/day, i think it would be prudent to get myself a new game to play...

    I'm not really into shooters, I'm more of a RTS or Strategy kinda guy, anyone have any recommendations on whats good, whats new, whats hot or whats worth taking a look at? I prefer something available on Steam, or at worst something that i can get on digital download.

    Any ideas?

  8. I respectfully disagree...


    Seller will not be responsible for any tariffs, customs restrictions, customs clearance, or other regulations that apply in countries outside Hong Kong. It is the responsibility of Customer to pay the charges levied by the authorities and observe the respective regulations of the country in which he or she receives the Product(s).

    Under "terms and conditions of sales"


    I agree it could probably be a bit clearer and not in the T&C's - but at the end of the day we all know that it costs money to import stuff into Thailand, cant say its not there...

    • Like 1
  9. Why would the burbs be a total loss? Do you think they are going to knock all the buildings down after the flooding eases? What about the tens of thousands of businesses that can reopen once the water is gone. Being able to open two weeks faster could be the difference between being able to reopen or completely running out of funds. Every extra day the northern burbs are flooded is costing us in lost income and my staff are no longer getting paid. Having inner Bangkok take a few risks instead of leaving the canals empty could be a sensible trade off.

    Ok, so flood the CBD, the airport, the food manufacturing factories and 12 million more homes in inner bangkok so that the SME's in northern Bangkok can re-open two weeks earlier and/or avoid going bankrupt... that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  10. Importing now is not that easy with all those flooded roads. We were talking food supplies now. I know that importing will help but its not a quick fix. Anyway im not advocating putting those factories under a meter of water. Just drain as much as possible. But take some risks. Hearing people telling about how their klongs are lower then ever does not sound like doing it at max effort.

    Not easy, but not impossible... flood Bangkok and the areas around the airport and 'not easy' suddenly becomes 'impossible'

    Then it doesn't matter how much money your 'unit' has in you moo ban, there will be no food or supplies for you to buy.

    Keeping strategic areas of Bangkok dry is paramount... I'm not in a strategic area (i don't think) so i don't mind getting a bit wet :jap:

  11. Since only 1 truck has been photographed showing Thaksin's name, and hundreds of trucks are driving through Bangkok with aid packages without anything on them, I think it's safe to say that he has indeed donated these items.

    If he wants to put his name on his donations, that's his choice. He can do that. He paid for them.

    So before this gets any more ridiculous, please drop it.

    But of course, the conspiracy theorists here will always find something new.

    Anything to back that up, or is it just your opinion?

  12. It is beyond imagination. Human nature in time of need is to help one another. Put these hate-monger "facts" in perspective.

    Sadly it seems there is an element of truth to these rumours... perhaps those responsible should no longer be considered human? They act like animals...

    In times of great disaster, where it should not matter which box you ticked in the election, when man should help his fellow man, seems the bile and poison of the reds runs so deep that they still exclude everyone who is not red.

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