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Posts posted by ZOVOX

  1. Did you try TRUE?  They say they have extras for sale in set up instructions.

    I ran new line to computer and use splitter there and plug output of splitter into wall so all phones on original wire are usable with the one splitter and there is no line loss to computer.

    Do you mean you have two lines going into your house ? Our house is new with just one line in and a socket outlet in each room, so i don't think it would work ?

    I tried the true kiosk where we purchased broadband, but they said go to a true shop. i went to the nearest true shop, and it was closed because the info on their website was out of date. i didn't want to go running around bangkok to every true shop outlet, and they are miles away from me anyway.

    i suspect that they sell them in pantip, but i hate going there and getting hassled by porn vendors. Someone mentioned the IT mall - where is it, please ?

  2. I leave the coins. I rarely tip over 10 baht.  If I get the feeling that bars or restaurants deliberately return a lot of coins then I take all of them: no tip.

    And you know what?  I'm not even being cheap.  Please everyone, adjust your reality, or rather your perception of it.

    Yes you are being cheap ! Even the parking attendants get 10 baht usually.

  3. There isn't a marriage visa, as such, but you can use your non-imm 'O' to apply for a one year extension inside Thailand based on marriage to a Thai, if you meet the money requirements.

    They only asked for the wife's copy of her id card in Penang last month, as well as the marriage certificate, of course, for the non-imm 'O'. But agree, going the agent route means a lot less hassle and you'd spend more money anyway with the taxis.

    If you go to one of the agents outside the swiss hotel (nj books or parzez books), they only ask for original marriage cert. plus photocopy of wife's i.d. Also, the non 'o' visa will give you 15 months - just leave and enter just before the visa expires and you still get another 90 days.

  4. I told my girlfriend then that they could take a part of the shopping but they couldn't touch my bottles of coke i bought. They were in the fridge for three weeks and nobody dared to touch them , even if i offered a glass they politely declined.

    I have the same arrangement with my Pepsi. And ice-cream, and pizza, and crisps and chocolate .........................

  5. "The UK's creaking and complicated state pension could be phased out by the end of the decade and replaced with a flat rate 'Citizen’s Pension' of £105 a week. "

    The reason why it's getting phased out because the state pension scheme - and this applies to other western countries - is in crisis, because the contributions from the current retirees has long gone, so basically the current workforce's contributions are supporting the current retirees, and they are living longer. in the future, when the current workforce retires, they will have to rely on the future workforce to support them, and the furure workforce is bone idol and insufficient in number. this is why it is necessary for western countries get more immigrant workers, because they do jobs that people in the west won't do,a nd also to increase the workforce. This also why the western governments are trying to raise the retirement age.

  6. Most, if not all, of the supermarkets and electrical shops have stop selling vcrs - i guess because they want you to buy dvd/hdd recorders. But, isetan, the japanese department in the world trade centre, still sell them. You can get a number of different japanese brands, and most are multi-system (plays pal and ntsc) and do want you require.

  7. One of my neighbours has two of those little rat-like dogs, which have a high pitch bark that goes on all night and day. They also set off all the other dogs, including all the strays, in the mooban. I'm seriously thinking of killing the little shits. My question is what is the worst that can happen to me ? A Fine ? Imprisonment ?

    Any other suggestions greatly welcome. :o

  8. My wife is still under her family name as at the time I was told It would create a problem with land ownership etc.

    I've been told otherwise since, Is it true?

    Thai women married to farang can own land now. The farang has to sign some document, which states they make no claim to the land and that the money to purchase the land is hers or something like that. I just purchased two houses for my wife - no problems !!

    2 Houses? Flash bastard. :o:D:D:D

    It's not flash. The other house is for the mother-in-law, so she doesn't have to live with us !!

  9. My wife is still under her family name as at the time I was told It would create a problem with land ownership etc.

    I've been told otherwise since, Is it true?

    Thai women married to farang can own land now. The farang has to sign some document, which states they make no claim to the land and that the money to purchase the land is hers or something like that. I just purchased two houses for my wife - no problems !!

  10. My gf is pregnant has a craving for cheese curls or cheese balls .

    Does anyone know where in bangkok I can get some ?? :D

    Or some cheap site where it can be bought ?

    The only site I have seen wanted $45 in freight ! :o

    My mates coming over from the u.k. I could ask him to buy several large bags of cheesy 'wotsits', and i'll send them on to you. But you'll have to be quick, he's flight's in about seven hours !!

  11. Living in a Mooban is great!

    It's always good to have human interaction and living on an estate has a real community atmosphere. Plenty of parties, events etc. etc. You'll meet a few people who are always good for a favour as well.

    Spending 24 hours a day with the "better half" can only cause problems, that's the same all over the world!

    Thoroughly recommend it though. Just one word of warning, you will more than likely get a few really nosey people who will be in and out of your house, poking into your rooms, fridge, cupboards...

    ...STOP IT AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE STAGE! Your wife/GF will not confront these nosey buggars but if you do it they will have respect for you believe it or not.

    Thais generally can't grasp the concept of "Knock-knock, come in!"

    It's your place, keep it that way!

    Totally agree with you, except for the nosey neighbours: haven't experienced those yet. Having many people about keeps the wife occupied with all the gossiping, which leaves me time to do my thing.

    Also, my mooban has swimming pool and gym. At first, i used it all the time, but now i just use it once a week - it's great for the kids !!

  12. My Thai girlfriend has 2 degrees and i have lived with her for 11 years now and we do not hold hands in public,


    I think it's time either you or she moved out!


    Yes, proper Thai girls do not live with someone for 11 years and not be married ............. What will the neighbours think ?

  13. I think you will find that Thai professional girls, ie teachers and lawyers etc would never hold the hand of their partner in public, whether Thai or farang partner.

    Bargirls learn from there first day that farangs like to hold hands, it = more money.

    My Thai girlfriend has 2 degrees and i have lived with her for 11 years now and we do not hold hands in public, Thai girls living or going out with farangs get enough ridicule from the fellow Thais to warrant this not holding hands.

    A perfect example of this is the last time I was in Sri Racha, we walked past a restaurant, one of the girls there said my girlfriend had big breasts, the other said that the farang must have paid for them.

    But obviously a lot of the posters here do not actually speak Thai so they have know idea of what is being said to their wives or girlfriends on a daily basis.


    Just curious: How many professional girls have you actually been out with ?

  14. I'll and my little bit.

    First  tukyleith is right, out of the tourist areas "thais"  dont show a lot of open affection. Also not getting divorced is not that uncomman, in fact I think with the Thai divorce laws it is fairly difficult for a woman to divorce a man (could be wrong on that, it might have changed).

    It is fairly uncoman for a woman with a husband or ex husband to go through the whole "traditional wedding", I cant really see how people would expect her to be gaining "face" from this as most of the people attending would know she is already married.

    Also you say that she is working 12 hours a day, what you expect her to come home and then be all over you? Is her ex husband still on the scene?

    Her expectations of life with you may be totaly different to reality, I'd bet she was'nt expecting to be working 12 hours a day and probably looking after you.

    They are possable explanations, but  looking at things from and outsiders point of view. You have know this woman 6 months on the internet, but state she does not speak english very well, how did you comunicate with each other?. Also you came out here, and I assume you paid for a wedding after only knowing her for 2 months, only to find out she has been married before and is not divorced, As you dont speak thai and you state she does not speak very good english, what is your relationship based on??

    OK there are a lot of asumptions in the above, but if you look at these last points from an outsiders point of view, what advice would you give?

    Thanks for the very good and valuable insights here. Yes, I am living with at her Mother's residence area. It is sort of a Mother-in-law apartment set-up, as we call it in USA. All the family has been great to me, as well as the neighbors. My lady is the one who has turned into the icle. She never was greatly affectionate, but the situation now is unacceptable. I do not expect public display of affection. I lived in Malaysia for one year, so I know what the Asian "rules" are.

    As for wheather she was married or not before, I asked her brother today point-blank and he said no she was never married. It could be she misunderstood my question before, but I though I had been clear enough about it. As for proof or no proof, I think it is easy to conceal the truth, if there is no national marriage registry data base. There is no such thing in USA. It is all by state and county. I am not sure about Thailand. Neither I nor her are in any hurry to tie any legal ropes around our necks, certainly not at this early stage of the game. She also could have been someones "mistress", as we call it in USA, called "second wife" in Malaysia. Who knows and I don't care really, but I would like to know the facts because past ghosts can create many emotional disturbances. It could also be that she has ever had any "meaningful" relationship with a man and has not much of a clue re: behavior expectations.

    I am not anxious to have her continue working 12 hour days. I have offered to offset her losses and and pay for some better education, but that has gone "through one ear and out the other" with her. She is 34 and no spring chicken, as far as Asian job market standards are considered. In Malaysia you are "dead and buried" in the job market at 35.

    I will try to to get her attention to get some dialogue, but I have gotten stonewalled so far. It will pass a certain point and I will just leave.

    Giving her education at her age is no good, as you said yourself to get a job at 35 is very hard. You'll be better off paying for some private english lessons, so you can maybe start some dialogue going - i did this for my wife when we first met and it did wonders, because it gave her some confidence.

  15. Can  someone  do  me  a  favour  and  try  to  access  the  Nokair  site  ive  been  trying  for  last  couple  of  days  and  when  i  attempt  to  access  the  site  it  closes  my  Msn  Explorer    coming  up  with  "internal  error". Can  open  the  explorer  back  up  easy  enough  just  cant  access  the  Nokair  site. All  other  sites  are  ok.  :o

    I got the same as you: A 'micosoft encountered serious problem' message and then msn explorer shut down.

  16. I doubt you'll get english nationwide soccer in Thailand. I just bought the psi satellite package, which has about 300 free to air channels, and none have nationwide soccer. Basically, people in asia are only interested in the premiership and champions league.

    By the way, psi is great !! Free premiership matches every saturday and sunday. Also, a lot of good news and music channels, and best thing of all .... no subscription !! I used the money i saved to get true broadband and rent movies from tsutaya - much better than UBC !!

  17. I like Thai food, especially massuman chicken, but it's not my favourite

    1. Italian - Pizza and pasta ..... ALLOY !!

    2. Chinese

    3. English, which includes indian curries, as it is the most popular dish in the u.k.

  18. A question as of me yesterday :

    What ever became of the career of Kn. Taksin's daughter at McDonalds?  Does she still put in time there, or did that career last only as long as the photo op of papa buying a bag of hamburgers?

    How many sold to date  _____  000,000,000 ?

    And is No.1 son watching his billions or following a career in photography ?

    Enquiring minds apparently want to know .

    She probably owns the whole company - birthday present from daddy !!

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