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Posts posted by PCA

  1. My advice if you want to participate in money flow tourists provide then go to a place where they spend their money and buy a biz (guesthouse, restaurant, internet cafe, massage place, bar, hotel) in the mid of low season and resell mid to end of high season. When you can get it relatively cheap you can milk it for a few months, learn about it and when it makes the best returns sell it to the next guy. Important that you dont miss the point of the cycle when it starts slowing. Dont make the mistake to fall in love with it as there are thousands of ways how to lose it in Thailand. The only think you have to research is about whats cheap and whats expensive and of course you need some money to start with plus a good lawyer on your side.


  2. As long as they are high volume stocks you can have the best of both worlds by sliding stops.. I dont know if your broker can offer Guaranteed stop losses, like I have used with spread betting accounts, but that can be worth the premium if you feel your playing with fire in a crash possible market.. If I was to play on the Chinese markets I would happily stop for guaranteed stop losses as I feel that large gap downs of panic selling with no buyers is possible.

    Other than that unless I felt fundamentals had changed I would let my winners run. By doing so and keep sliding your stop loss you get the increased return and protection.

    There is no protection in case of gaps against you. The only way to protect your position somehow is to do it with options while I doubt them to be available for Thai stocks.

  3. actual ex of how not to run internet cafe.

    if customer wants to use certain machine let him use it. the one with clear lcd screen, . dont tell customer use another machine and then let next customer use machine 1st guy wanted to use.

    i tried to give shop a 2nd chance

    but i honestly think lady is stupid. i willing to spend 1 baht a minute for 3 hours every day in early morning but i gues not there.

    i have to use nana internet cafes , but then i have to take taxi home..........i dont like taxis...............lol.

    Blizzard boy, what makes a smart business man having to sit 3hours per day in an internet cafe......lol.

  4. Because going short is quite complicated in most stock markets.You must borrow the stocks paying a commission.

    I'm not sure in Thailand, but in the USA going short is nothing more difficult then going long! You pay the same commission on your trades. On my on-line trading platform I just sell a share I don't have a position in, and voila, I hold a short position in that stock! You do need to have a margin account, and not all stocks can be shorted (they need a minimum volume/liquidity).

    The biggest drawback is that your potential loss going short is limitless! When shorting shares, you gamble on the stocks going down in price, but if it goes wrong the stock can go up several hundreds % (unlikely but possible!). The brokerage can let it run all the way to the limit of your margin account...

    When long, the most you can lose is what you put in when you bought the stock :o

    You have to pay the interest rate when you short (borrow) stocks.

    You can lose a lot more than you put in when going long a stock.

  5. If it all goes wrong in 5 years you will have to go home with only £150,000 in the bank!!! Boy thats tough! So far I have heard the same thing over and over "Don't risk!" "Be as clever as me".

    Unfortunately we are not all lucky (sorry prudent and hard working) enough to want to follow a dream and live the one life we get with several homes (all paid for) , income streams, rivers and oceans coming out of our ears and at least 12 profitable businesses.

    Some of us are working in average jobs, offering a future that is not all that exciting and may have lost most of our equity in messy divorces. So 52K is not super rich but he could have a good time on that money. A better time than sitting on his equity trying to get as old and wise as some of the holier than thou posters who seem to want to keep their little secret country theirs and theirs alone.

    I am all for offering sage and cautionary advice to some of the beer monsters who have the idea that they can come on a tourist visa and get a job paying masses. But sometimes the difference between santimonious smugness and sound financial advice gets lost.

    I say to the OP go live your dream,for tomorrow you may die! But if you don't, then enjoy your new life, love your wife and grow happily old together. You can be sure that she won't think its not enough and no-one she knows is likely to be living on 52K a month.

    yes I agree. Nothing to lose here if you dont bring all your eggs and invest in a rush. Do it, from dreaming alone nothing will happen.

  6. I remember a study for 20th century. Someone compared:

    1) best stock each year for over a long time period

    2) vs best timing

    picking the best stock won by a mile. (Yep some smart a**e will say picking the best stock at the best time is better - but that's not going to happen to mortals like you! ). The point being is that timing is difficult to call. Look over a longer time period at what you think is quality, rather than trying to have quality timing. People who try and get clever in timing the market often miss opportunities.


    That someone was/is very wrong (about single stocks) and guides people to hope and sit like a sheep waiting to be sheered the sooner or the later. And whats the best stock by the way, I just know which one was and how much money I could sit on now.

  7. Double up!

    What investors RUN (like many are suggesting) from something giving them a pro rata return of well over 100% on a year?

    Keep them, at the first sign of trouble dump them, whats the worst that can happen if you monitor them well? Even in the VERY UNLIKELY scenario that the worst time in the history of the SET would repeat itself, they lost 15% or so in a day, even with that in mind you would still walk away more than 15% up (+ whatever else its gained in the meantime).

    Thats of course the most aggressive advice and in case the run continues the one which will generate the biggest profits when followed. But you will double your account volatility by that and will you have the guts to sit and watch and will you bite your arse when you see all profits of your initial trade are melting away? Constantly profitable trading takes accurate risk management and your own plan.

    He doesnt feel good already with his current positionsize otherwise he wouldnt have asked.

  8. Right,

    The thing is, I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Not about Thailand per se, but the fact that China stock market may be overheating a bit, fuelled by carry trades, and that at some point it may all start to go pear-shaped. No doubt, there will be some impact on the SET.

    If we don't end up making money on the SET, then that is fine. It is not a huge loss for us. But it would be nice to make something.

    So my question is, do we stick with our three year plan with this particlar lump of cash? Or do we take our profits now and change our strategy? The thing is, I've had things go badly, and I've cut my losses, but I've never had things go 'too well' so quickly. So I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do!!

    Any advice would be welcome.

    Sell half position now and set a stop for the remaining half to breakeven. Therewith you did both, taking profits and letting some run further. When you have a bad feeling with an investment it is important that you react! Making the wrong decision is definitely to give all the paper back which will let you hesitate with your next trade/investment.

    With that move you take out your risk and you got paid which is what you want I guess. Doesnt have to be 1/2, maybe 1/3 or 2/3 whatever but take some.

  9. I know the sublime to the ridiculous will no doubt follow , however,

    1,000,000 Thai Baht how would you invest to realise a return in say 6-12 months, with a reasonable percentage of risk ?

    what is your reasonable risk and what kind of return are you looking for?

    like to realise 10% without risking a complete loss


    time for a little show if you want. 50% net profit on your Mill in 6 months. You open a trading account, I will tell you when and what to enter/exit and you will execute as I will have no access to your stuff. Whats over 1,5 Mill after the time is mine.

    You can make is as transparent here as you like.


  10. A little food for thought (not Chinese white cardboard buns tho').

    I prefer this type of market to Chatuchak for my 400k:

    30 Dec 2000

    Aberdeen Growth Fund Price 7.5529

    THB 400,000 =

    USD 10,196 (@ 39.23)

    11 Jul 2007

    Aberdeen Growth Fund Price 46.4595

    THB 2,460,485 =

    USD 73,895 (@33.3 onshore rate)


    USD 80,143 (@30.7 offshore rate)

    Hi American guy,

    whats so good about those funds and what kind of returns do you expect?


  11. Hi,

    I am hopeing some one can help me.

    I am 27 years old, lived her for 4 years, been with my girlfriend for 3 years and have a 10 mth old son with dual nationality. (UK/Thai)

    I previously had a work permit, but now have a non immigrant business visa.

    I am not married, but will be soon, and have had a joint account with my girlfriend for 2 and a half years.

    My problem is this; I would like to buy some land to build my dream home for my family, but dont have quick access to the money.

    Do I have to be married, have a business etc.. before a Thai bank would look at me and my (soon to be wife) and say they would borrow us some money at least for a short while to get us started.

    I just paid 50% off our new car (hi lux vigo) and they were happy enough to spread the rest over 1 year.

    I am a consultant engineer and travel all over the world, with Thailand being my home, I earn on average between 300,000thb-400,000thb a month depending on work pattern.

    What steps could I take ,, if any to borrowing some money from the bank?

    Any advice out there would be much apreciated.

    p.s spellings terrible


    why are you in such a rush? With that salary just rent a luxury place for a while and exclude the bank from your deals. Maybe currency and real estate prices will move to your favour. Probably it must be this thai traditional buy-a-house-when- marry what urges you to act.

    You could deposit a mill or so (dont know how much exactly) on your wifes account which she could use as a guarantee for a bank loan on her name.

  12. I really enjoyed reading this topic and learning how everyone from different country,culture and age group giving their own experience and opinion about doing business in Thailand.

    I'm a chinese Singaporean in my late 40's and has been working and doing business in many countries especially in SE asia.

    I, myself have been working in Thailand for the past 3yrs.

    Let me share with some of you my experience and opinion as an asian.

    To start off with.... my answer to the thread starter...yes 400k baht is alot and you can do many business with it in Thailand.

    Jersey_UK is very correct in his comment about the amount 400k baht to be used for business by a thai and a farang.

    An average thai earns about 10k baht and 400k baht is about 40 times his salary.

    Try multiplying this ratio on what you earn in your own country.

    If big capital is needed to start a business in Thailand,I guess many local businesses will be non existent long before anyone of you farang had step foot on to thai soil.

    When it comes to business,we have to look at things in many perspective and try to find ways to reach out to it.

    If simple thinking like...must have working permit,must register company first,must have big capital or whatever legal process before any business can be conducted then I would say that this people even before they begin have already failed in their business.

    If big capital is needed then business is only for the rich and not for the poor.

    One can start his business through their spouses or trusted friend at the beginning stage.

    Only when your business is growing and making good money,you can start expanding and do whatever legal stuff like registering and getting whatever work permit you need.

    Does anybody knows how much is the rental of a stall in silom area or patpong streets? I do.

    Does anybody knows who owns the stall and who you pay rental to? I do

    For your information...the stall rental is only about 4000 baht around silom area and in patpong it is about 30,000 baht.

    Another things is..one have to pay to a certain authority a certain amount to sell his goods.And the amount varys from what you sell.

    There are no legal papers for it but the practice is known as a street policy amongst the locals.

    I know because I had set up a stall to sell copy watches before.

    There are also many merchandise that can be very profitable.

    I've stop operating my stall and is now looking at a bigger picture after getting so much information and knowledge during the period I was operating my stall.

    I've been to china,guangzhou to visit some manufacturers and is very delighted to say that I will be making good profit by being a wholesaler soon.

    I can't divulge much as it might jeopardise my future operation or having more competition

    I can only say this..in the past I made about 120,000 baht in profit after deduction on overheads.

    Most thais will be satisfied and settled for such amount but not from a Singaporean businessman.

    From Where we come ,We will want to grow bigger and bigger.

    As a chinese I am a very enterprising person....I am moving on to other legal merchandise as a wholesaler.

    My expected profit is calculated to grow to about 500,000 baht a month minimum.

    With so much money earned in hand....gentleman,you tell me....will there be any problem in setting up a company and getting whatever permit one needs to have?

    The moral of the story is....if there is a will there will always be a way.

    If everything have to be legal and with big capital..then coming to do business in a developing country is a wrong choice.

    Staying long in Thailand doesn't make one knows thailand well if one does not mingle and mixed with the streets people.

    Many farang knows alot about legality and thai culture.

    How about unspoken streets rules and regulation?

    This can only be reveal to one if one actually gain their trust and confident.

    Yes no one wants to live more poorly when one actually comes from a develop country.

    But we can learn from the thais how they make their money from a small capital and together with our experience and knowledge we can improve on it thus elevating our standard of living in Thailand too.

    And all it takes is to start a small business and make it grow.

    Just use your brain and let others do your work.

    I hope this information will be very useful to people with no idea and low capital.

    Good luck gentleman.

    Thumbs up, enjoyed your message.

  13. A poster asks for advice and the overiding advice seems to be "Do as well as I do", " Have a skill in an industry that needs people" and "Don't come here unless you are as rich/clever/fortunate/skilled as me".

    One poster seems unable to understand why anyone would leave their home country to work for less. Have you not heard of adventure, fun, risk taking, making the most of the one shot we get or just living in the sun.

    We are not all defined by the jobs we do or the amount of money we earn. If that is your criteria of worth then you might want to think that one through.

    For some people the opportunity to live in Thailand on 40K a month is one they would jump at if they could. It is not about the money its about the adventure. Or am I the only hippy left??!!!

    I think you are right here and the very majority of us probably has started with an adventure or the wish to leave the past behind. But this guy so far I am interpreting his post is through his adventure time and has adjusted his mindset to the reality he is facing now and the way he wants his life to proceed is not matching with his current situation. So it needs a change. I dont think he should give up if he really wants to stay but how can you appreciate the country if you are not comfortable or feel secured enough.

  14. PCA

    I have to agree with you in general, but are you sure moving on for the fun guy would automatically result in savings and no debt?

    One should constantly explore options, but not all of us have the ability to pick and choice jobs at random.


    it has to result in savings and the way to no debts. And the OP is not picking jobs randomly. The best circumstances to apply for a better job is when you have a job and can negotiate without too much pressure accordingly. His boss was just making him long teeth for an increase of salary and didnt keep it while the air gets thinner. There is no point to inhale Bkk smog all day and sweating at the noodle soup stand for peanuts and no objectives for a change to prosperity.

  15. It is unimportant what others would work for to stay in BKK, it is what you are willing to work for. Afterall, each of us living and working in T-land have different opportunity costs. If you could be pulling down 100,000 Pounds a year in the UK, it would be more difficult to choose to work in Thailand for 40,000 Baht a month than if you are giving up working as a burgher flipper at Mc Donalds. It is possible to make a career here in Thailand and move up the ladder, financially and professionally, but it is not an easy task (My current salary is at least 6 times what I started with when I first moved here).

    Every choice in life requires tradoffs, if you have better options, go for it. If not, make do. Sure, there will be those on expat salaries that will try to belittle you for working for Thai wages, but try to understand the motivations of those giving you this "advice" I have worked for Thai wages and have had expat salaries while working in Thailand, but salary has little to do with my decision to spend nearly a decade in the country (so far).

    Don't try to live your life using benchmarks created by someone else.

    Sir Sanuk said that his current job conditions are showing "no savings and growing debts" and thats enough hard facts to make an instant change. What to wait for? A financial downtrend while time is rapidly working against him.

    Bendix said its a buyers market and others are standing in the line to grab the job, very true too probably. You can be out of the business with a fingersnip.

    Me too I hate benchmarks or limitations from others but when I know that I am doing the wrong thing I do not hesitate to take action. Apply to other companies working in your field and lie them the blue from the sky about your salary and show them that you have a good job currently but looking for something more challenging. Then fake some replies or maybe you will get real offers, go to your boss and tell him: here we stand and thats what I want. If it all doesnt work out then buy a ticket and make your way somewhere else. Be creative and dont let them sheer you like a sheep.

  16. What is the minimum salary you would consider acceptable for living in Bangkok when you have a good degree from a decent university and a couple of years experience in your chosen field that would enable you to get a good job back home?

    I've been working in Bangkok for 2 years now on a Thai salary but every day I'm getting more and more worried that by staying here I am screwing up my future financially (no savings and growing debt).

    In fact, my salary is no longer even covering my monthly expenses so I my plan is to explain my situation to my boss (an American) and tell him that either I get a payrise or I will have no choice but to go back to the UK... but what kind of salary do you think I should aim for?

    I'm just curious to hear what other people here would be happy to live on..

    4k US net at least. Don't waste your time and potential for a sucker. You will badly regret it. Go back home and get a career. Nothing is worse and more self destructive than getting burned out in country like Thailand and especially in Bkk.

  17. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RHmflEATK4E

    something to enjoy for the financial specialists on board. Really surprising that this material can be released in the public.

    If you really think that you are getting factual data from youtube then I feel sorry for you and any children you might be raising. This little snippett on youtube makes Michael Moore movies look like true documentaries!

    yeah I feel also very sorry for you, thats also valid for sonic and his precious time.

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