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Posts posted by siam

  1. Is it just me or are farangs getting out of hand in Thailand. I mean really check this guy out this guy ibsears, who posted this on the main topic forum:

    " Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long."

    Crime of Passion? Ok I could see that if he just stabed her once saw the knife in her chest, felt her tender flesh give way under the blade and suddenly snaped out of it like "OMG what have I done". But no this filthy, old, pasty, deviant, scum bag POS, Stabbed her 3 times once in the arm, no doubt as she struggled to protect her self, then twice in the chest assureing her demise. Throw his A$$ under the Jail. Obviously had no sence to begin with investing money with some bar girl to open a bar...

    Like Grandad used to say "Ain't no fool like a Old fool"

    So cheating people out of their hard earned money is O.K.is it? Is there nothing in your life you are ashamed of and will take to your grave? I think most of us have.

    I asked a Thai bar girl once before how she felt about leading the falang on in such a way as they do. Her reply was basically "You gotta have it to lose it" !

    What she basically meant was this.... "To be able to give so easy surely you will be able to handle the loss with the same ammount of ease ?"

    You can see the logic in her reply really.... In a Thai way..... :o

    Karma, enforce a ban on prostitution and the falang and their whores will dissappear,

  2. I hope this doesn't prove to be another Boxing Day!  From the maps I've seen (and there are several on the net, none of which show the same location) I don't think Phuket has too much to worry about.

    This earthquake is a long way south of the 12/26 jolt.  Then, there was a clear, unobstructed path for the tsunami from the epicenter to the Phuket area.  This time, Sumatra blocks the straight path.  Tsunamis can turn around land masses (this happened in Hawaii in 1946) but they usually lose most of their force in the process.

    Sumatra, Sri Lanka, and the other areas hit in December could have more problems, though.

    It's now been over an hour, so we should know in a couple of hours if Phuket will have a problem.

    Lanny was watching a programme last night on UK tv,Tsunami's can turn round land its called refraction and it can actually come back around islands this is called defraction and Thailand and Malaysia would not be safe. :o

  3. I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

    You are sick for that yourself for that reply,

    11 years and 14 years old,

    If someone did that to me at my age of 38,I would want to be out of my head too :o

    As someone said"This is a Thailand Forum"But there's alot of these weirdo's coming here for one thing only to abuse :D:D

  4. There is so much of this going on all over the world,

    Pedophilles net offences in the UK have gone up 307% in the last 2years.

    Also 87% of ofenders here in the UK reoffend within a 18 months,

    Why don't they do something to these people so they don't have the desire to do it again?

    Sentence them counsell them,castrate them and give them medication to stop them having any sexual feelings,Then last but not least electronically tag them,

    Now would that help society i think in a way,But at the moment it is getting out of hand :o

  5. What kind of help do you want for this Thai person - who are they? What is their sentance? Or are you looking for an organisation to volunteer your help?

    Which prison?? Connection to you??

    Read the link Pand and all will be revealed,

    To be honest i can't see why he is getting involved,His story i suppose :o

  6. Five fire bombs exploded just minutes apart in southern Thailand's Pattani town in what police said today was likely a coordinated attack by Muslim insurgents in the restive region.

    No injuries were reported from the bombs, described by police as Molotov cocktails, which were thrown at four homes and a shop in the provincial capital at about 10:35 pm local time.

    "Police are investigating the cause of the attacks," a policeman in Pattani told AFP, adding that a preliminary investigation suggests the bombings were related to ongoing separatist violence in the south which has left more than 500 people dead this year.

    Two policemen and a civil servant were among those who lived in the homes, which suffered minor damage from the bombings.

    Thai television reported a sixth small bomb exploding in a Pattani district outside town, also causing no injuries.

    Authorities have warned of reprisal attacks in the south after the deaths of at least 87 Muslim protesters following a riot at Tak Bai in the southern province of Narathiwat.

    Most of them died from suffocation after being bound and piled into the backs of army trucks.

    Meanwhile, Army Supreme Commander General Chaisit Shinawatra appealed on Thai radio today to the insurgents to end their campaign of violence and warned they could be jeopardising their "younger generations' futures" by continuing to engage in militancy.


    Well there you go Pudgimelon,What do you think?The Thais should arm themselves with Fire Extinguishers?As we don't want the Insurgents getting anymore guns now do we :o

  7. I have never seen a nation so obsessed with cutting off penises! You cheat on your girlfriend = cut off your penis....you steal some money cut = cut off your penis  :D

    Yeah, and then feed it to the ducks is what they do up North. Do the ducks get fed these things all over Thailand?

    It always make me wonder when the Missus has a knife in her hand and i say "Chan duut Kuay"and a little wry smirk appears, :o ,

    So if i want to play then i know all the risks :D

    I feel sorry for all of the parties really,As the guys dreams are gone for a probable new life,Whereas the poor kids didn't deserve that sort of punishment,

  8. Thanks Thaiflyer, I am fine. Won't get into any more arguement now as it s pointless really.  :o

    Yes,Stroll. They were trying to use less risky way in the UK by the police as they were never armed. But now since the 9/11 and the increasingly amount of armed drug dealers you now see armed police everywhere all over Uk, especially London.

    No you don't, in certain sensitive areas, airports etc yes there are some armed police, they are all members of tactical firearms units,police in the uk are not trained in firearms use as a standard part of their training, and the use of firearms is increadably low in the UK. There was a period in London during the 80's when a bombing campain by the IRA was underway ( BTW thanks to all you patriotic Americans for funding the IRA for all those years while they bombed our cities. Glad to see you saw the error of your ways when it came home to roost, shame it wasn't sooner) when the number of armed patrolls was increased, when this threat was over you didn't see them any more, most armed responce units are in cars on patrol and ready to react to any call requiring them. i think there was somewhere in the region of ten murders involving firearms last year in the UK, compared to thousands in the USA, figures speak for themselves, And why don't Canadians spend all day gunning down their fellow countrymen?

    Probably the Canadians don't have the same genetic mix up,That make the Sceptics so crazy,Why do they think they are so better than everyone else?

    I have a gun at home,Can be loaded in about 3 secs ready to fire,

    I also use it quite often,The kids know never to go near the gun case let alone the Slugs for it,

    I have taught the kids never to aim guns at anyone loaded or not,As they might take their eyes out,one day,Well that's their Fathers fault,For buying and not teaching them.Bloody BB's

    Yes the Yanks have a lot to answer for but as you say they funded the IRA,I believe of Karma,and it always hurts more when it is on your own doorstep and it comes back to haunt you,

    Pudgi so this gun theft,I suppose the Yardies and alike get their automatic weapons from Joe public?Or is that not included in your statistics,

    If your cards are marked you are gonna get it,That's for sure,But i would rather have a gun,When i live out in the sticks in Gentle old LOS,I don't want to be easy pickings as Rich Farang lives on their own in the middle of Chaing Mai provence,

    Thais know the law they're on your property after 12,Looking for trouble be prepared to meet your maker.

  9. There is not statute of limitations in the UK.

    Do not confuse the legal limitations that come with a Bankruptcy with a statue of limitations, they are not the same thing.

    Bankruptcy comes with punishments, and they are inplace for a fixed period of time, just like a sentance.

    Because there is no statute of limitations your unpaid fines (contempt of court - a prisonable offence) and any attemp to rob a bank through fraud would remain in place for life.

    I agree totally GH,

    What the OT has to bear in mind is,It is not just a case of saying right i want to go bankrupt,

    You have to first go to a Bankruptcy Solicitor and talk about all your options,why where and when,and how you want to go into insolvency,and pay for his services as only he can stamp the form that you need to apply at a court,

    They then fill in the forms for you to go to a apply for Bankrupty at the COunty court,Only then when you have all the forms to fill in for your creditors do you then submit the forms with a fee of about £300 to appoint a insolvency practitioner who will act on your behalf,They want to know everything about your background,Family,Money,health,Everything as i say even assets abroad,This is like your testimony for your court date,The insolvency people will sell all that you own or have given away in the recent years will be looked at or into,

    To see whether any law broken or offence has been commited,your case will be taken on,and a court date appointed,

    So your case is heard before a judge,The judge will then go through all your paperwork to see if you have a case,If you have a case and you haven't deliberately made yourself bankrupt,You will then be granted a Court order in your name or company name,

    Now this is the hardest part,You are not allowed credit or any kind anywhere for the duration of your bankruptcy,Even a saving account will be difficult to get let alone a cheque book,All money earned can be taken way from you,Except reasonble living expenses,So basically you will have to disappear or go on the dole for a few years,

    Another big matter is if you have nothing to hide,and you have been upfront your bankruptcy can be finished in 2 years,But a very big but,If they find out you have hidden things from them or made yourself Jobless homeless or deliberately bankrupt then you can find Bankruptcy lasting upto 15 years,and liable to a hauling before the County court,and probably on a charge of deception or even fraud?In the worse scenario,

    So it's upto you,You take your chance,But it will not be plane sailing that is for sure.

  10. I always used to get a 400,or 900 in Thailand,It's definitely the missing man hole covers or the other holes in the roads,even the rain drains can be awkward,

    Wear a proper helmut at all times,and have your lights on,

    My scariest moment was in Pattaya on a 900 blade,came haring up a flyover in Pattaya which leads to the far end where the boats are bloody road covered in sand,luckily for me i had about 100 yds to slow down :o

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