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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. Ah, it's all BS. Criticizing the General, or the yellow leader sentenced for crimes amazingly like those of Thaksin is a waste of time. They are obviously just better people, just because they are not Thaksin. ,Why can't everyone just see that?, the yellow bellies cry. Then, if anyone says something they cannot counter or refute, ir devolves to name calling, ad-hominem attacks, obfuscation and outright lies. After all, hinting that the yellows are also corrupt undermines the whole illusionary moral high ground.

    We have three grades of liars, and little else to go on here. Pick your favorite liar, let punters applaud or laugh at your choice...and move on. trying verbal semantics, touting arguments that are at best tenuous, and screaming support for a democratic government is a joke here.

    Thailand was never a democracy,and will not be one for the foreseeable future. This is the land of smiles and wiles, not the land of the free. Thai voters are hookers, and may always be such trollops at the box office forever (calling it a voting booth is too much of a stretch).

    This is the 18th coup. It won't be the last. The last phase is over...Get ready to hate or love the leaders of the new phase (which will, incredibly, look just like the previous phases).

    Hint -- Yingluck will not see one minute of jail time because that will make her a martyr. PDRC guards will never see jail time because that would hint that both sides have out of control; militant wings. Suthep and Abhisit will never see jail time because one is a monk, who can do no wrong obviously, and the other was educated abroad and is too valuable to waste on such trivialities as law.

    Welcome to Thailand. Here's your sign. Wear it so your parents would be proud.

    You make some very truthful points.

    The choices are to sit back and let it all happen, easier life that's for sure. The other choice is to think that maybe, just maybe, Thailand can be a better place one day where justice prevails and society is more inclusive.

    We can only live in hope.

  2. ooooooooh, I'm sitting on pins and needles

    "Under the junta-drafted 2014 charter, the NLA will act as the country's legislative body until a new general election is expected to be held at the end of 2015. The members of the assembly were handpicked by Thailand’s military junta, which has reserved supreme power over the the interim government."


    "Article 20 of the 2014 interim charter states that the new Prime Minister must be Thai, older than 40 years of age, and not a member of any political party in the past three years. The charter does not forbid active military officers from being appointed Prime Minister, but it does bar judges, attorneys-general, Election Commissioners, state treasury auditors, and National Human Rights Commissioners from taking the premiership."

    really leaves us only one choice, right?

    post #2 mentioned 3 days in advance, but it was more like 3 months in advance.

    # 7 is the best and most honest answer on this topic, or near any topic on the said theme.

    What makes you so confident?

    Read some history.

  3. And that refers to Yingluck ? I Always thought Yingluck was voted in by 300 MP's in parliament.Which in turn where voted in by the electorate, either direct or in-direct via Party list. Speaking of Party list, Yingluck was number one on that list and her party received 48% of the votes.

    One would think, anyone who would be voted in as PM could only hope to have such a mandate...

    Well, since we don't have a PM currently, I assumed bender was complaining about the last one we had, the 'clone of Thaksin'. She is not a muppet and the real Ms. Piggy would surely be offended, at having a fellow female called names by mere males that is.

    BTW the 'respect your vote' till it's counted and no longer needed Pheu Thai party had 43% of votes cast and 33% of the total electorate. Being Dutch you might also appreciate that even other parties had votes cast for them, like the Democrat party with 32% and 24% respectively.

    Anyway, did you already look at the currently applicable interim constitution to check that the prime candidate for appointment is eligible according to that constitution?

    Talking of clones, family preferences and the like, there is a high-up general in the NLA by the name of Preecha Chan-ocha. Do you have any idea who is his brother?

    There is also a powerful lady in the USA who will probably be its next president. How did she get so high up to run for president? By sleeping with a guy called Bill. And no, I'm not talking about Monica Lewinsky.

    Power runs in families. It gives people a leg up that they otherwise wouldn't have got. Get over it, or if you don't agree with this age old tradition, then at least use the same standard on both sides.

    And the interim constitution is just fluff. You keep quoting it as if you actually believe in it, ignoring its self-destruct feature that gives absolute power to the military dictatorship. It's total lack of substance reminds me a bit of the 'rights' that Germany gave to sympathisers in the Warsaw Ghetto - totally meaningless, and cynically intended as a ploy to delude people into thinking that they had any rights at all.

  4. The Junta are so good at semantics as a propaganda tool.

    Providing free access to the world cup was populist, wasn't it?

    What about the rice payments that the junta made? Populist?

    And what does 'populist' mean? Giving people what they want? Politicians the world over promise that.

    What is the opposite of populist? Unpopulist? The word 'patronage' springs to mind ....

    • Like 1
  5. preventing populist administration that may damage the national economic system and the public in the long run".

    The problem with this idea is, who gets to decide, the people pay for these programs, the people should decide. That doesn't mean that a program should continue if it doesn't work. Maybe there should be a policy to hold politicians to their promises, just a few words in the constitution allowing removal of any politician caught lying, of course that would never pass any legislature in the world.

    The people gets to decide?

    The same people who would spend thousands or tens of thousands of their annual income on the lottery or other vices, and claim they are too poor for adequate medicare, and that there should be free medical services paid by the nation's coffers.

    Oh dear, oh dear!

    In the west, you could say it's worse. People on welfare who spend all their money on booze, gambling and cigarettes.

    Here, there is no welfare money, so at least they are spending their own money on booze, gambling and cigarettes. Are you saying that we should withdraw 'populist' healthcare and let these people die?

    That sounds rather harsh, and excludes you, of course.

    Should we deny them the right to vote too?

    • Like 1
  6. Agreed. It baffles me to see a group of people who owe all that they are to freedom and democracy, support a transition to military dictatorship in someone else's country.

    A warped case of the Stockholm Syndrome, perhaps?

    It is baffling when a vast majority of posters have this same thinking---and you lot a splinter group -hanging on for dear life to the apron strings of Yingluck.

    Wrong again. Let's test your ability to think logically.

    Is it possible to hold the following two opinions simultaneously meaning?

    1) I support military dictatorship as a system of government

    2) I support democracy as a system of government

    And .... is number 2 below always a result of 1 below, or are other outcomes possible?

    1) I do not support a military dictatorship as a system of government, therefore

    2) I must only support Thaksin

    What you are saying is that posters here who do not support a military dictatorship as a system of government must support Thaksin. This is quite clearly a false notion to any reasonable person.

  7. I thought other people had reported for days they were getting

    electrical shocks from the ATM?, so that refutes the claim of a

    power surge ,JUST as the toddler touches the machine,but whats

    the life of a little girl,when the reputation of a financial institute is

    at steak,

    regards Worgeordie

    Yes, should prosecute the bank including its biggest shareholders. Maybe then they will pay attention to the utilities laid throughout their own country? They can start with 'grounding' education. There are still many modern structures not properly grounded, let alone homes.

    Always amazes me too that electrical appliances aren't earthed here.

  8. That's great. About twenty million other women are pregnant. Please write an article about them too.

    Very true, but they aren't as beautiful, rich, privileged or well connected are they?

    Good observation. Money and power does all the talking. It always has. Even in England, where millions of women give birth, only the celebrities get coverage.

    Nobody cares about the little people.

    • Like 1
  9. "Thaksin did it more than the army" Another example of the falsehoods and utter nonsense upon which you futilely try to build arguments.

    Thaksin pulled advertising contracts from media outlets that criticised him, raising the ire of Sonthi L and the like, but he did not censor the media outright like the bunch who are in power now. Nor did he outlaw criticism in the way that we see now.

    After all, we still got to read about Thaksin's wrongdoings while he was in power. I know I did. Quite unlike military governments in the past, where people only got to read about their wrongdoings after they had left office.

    But then again, you refuse to read history.

    Keep watching the happy channel.

    You keep telling yourself that fella, if it makes you feel good. facepalm.gif

    MM, I had as much history as will ever need from school without this guy to tell me to look into the Military history, how far back to the wars on elephants ???

    Listen to the rhetoric quote "the BUNCH that are in power now" If this is not an agenda against the army Then I am Andy Pandy..

    Now my PTP friend, are we talking about a one to one situation here, because that is all it boils down to. I said Thaksin had all the media by the short and curlies, and this army NOW has done what wrong ???? forget before Thaksin or other military. lets talk about the present and compare these 2 shall we. Answer NO I will bet my bottom dollar you have all the praise for Thaksin/PTP/Yingluck and nothing for the Army.

    What did you learn about Thai history at school?

  10. "Thaksin did it more than the army" Another example of the falsehoods and utter nonsense upon which you futilely try to build arguments.

    Thaksin pulled advertising contracts from media outlets that criticised him, raising the ire of Sonthi L and the like, but he did not censor the media outright like the bunch who are in power now. Nor did he outlaw criticism in the way that we see now.

    After all, we still got to read about Thaksin's wrongdoings while he was in power. I know I did. Quite unlike military governments in the past, where people only got to read about their wrongdoings after they had left office.

    But then again, you refuse to read history.

    Keep watching the happy channel.

    You keep telling yourself that fella, if it makes you feel good. facepalm.gif

    Historically, the poster was correct, and you are obfuscating history, which is not even laughable, more like giggleable, or chuckleable...gods, the Thaksin haters are hilarious...just a quaint old lady cup of knitting circle silly.

    Agreed. It baffles me to see a group of people who owe all that they are to freedom and democracy, support a transition to military dictatorship in someone else's country.

    A warped case of the Stockholm Syndrome, perhaps?

  11. The reason why you never see a Thai tv show that has corrupt cops, politicians, or military is that they are not allowed to broadcast shows with that content. It's strictly censored.

    Always has been that way, but the anti army clan believe it is the army only that gags the media. Thaksin did it more than this army----sure I was here, you could not read English printed news here with anything that was anti Thaksin, some posters are not interested in that that has not to be mentioned.

    "Thaksin did it more than the army" Another example of the falsehoods and utter nonsense upon which you futilely try to build arguments.

    Thaksin pulled advertising contracts from media outlets that criticised him, raising the ire of Sonthi L and the like, but he did not censor the media outright like the bunch who are in power now. Nor did he outlaw criticism in the way that we see now.

    After all, we still got to read about Thaksin's wrongdoings while he was in power. I know I did. Quite unlike military governments in the past, where people only got to read about their wrongdoings after they had left office.

    But then again, you refuse to read history.

    Keep watching the happy channel.

    • Like 1
  12. Oh dear. Your advanced years must be getting to your memory. Read some recent history, and let me know what kind of record the army has when in power here. Once you've done that, read some Plato and learn for yourself why a tyranny is more degraded system of government than a democracy.

    You've been ridiculed by all and sundry in this thread for basing your arguments on mere falsehoods and refusing to answer pertinent questions that refute your position. You seem to slavishly follow one side, asking no questions of it, and accepting a censored version of the news as the truth, whereas a free press caused you to vilify the other side in the first place.

    Now you are clutching at what appears to be your only friend here for support - someone who has openly renounced the free society that allowed him to survive a great tyranny perpetrated against his mother land not long before he was born. The defeat of this tyranny by those who value freedom allowed his parents to survive, and for him to be born, and to travel abroad and express this views here freely, albeit paradoxically in support of a political system that would have prevented him from being born in the first place.

    The beauty of democracy is that it allows us to have conversations like this. Think how boring it will be when we are prohibited from doing so.

    All of 33 years you say you've been here, and yet you think the army is clean? I don't believe you are who you say you are.

    What a flaming saga, cut out the personal bits, my age is not your business.

    Because of this my reply is short and sweet---- Past army rule I do not give a fig about.

    Your agenda I do not give a fig about.

    Your bad manners I give a fig about.

    Your stupid comment about one and only friend for support JOKE. look how many support you and your rhetoric, and look how many are quite calm about how Thailand is at this minute. You have a strange % view of who is who.

    in a few months we here on TVF are just being hit by pro Thaksin -anti army rhetoric, and it is spoiling the fun on this forum. You don't care you along with the few are relentless. Soon you will be on the forum alone with no one to argue with. So many are not here, the good ones that very rarely touched political topics are drifting away, an opinion is fine, but attacking people that are not being bothered by the army is crazy.

    Do not bother any more, you can hog it with your agenda I'm out of here sick to hell with your clan.

    I hold the view now that most persons in Thailand are comfortable with things now more than the last 3 years speaks volumes, if you think different you are a lost soul.

    That;s fine. If you are out of here like you promise in your message above, well goodbye then, and please close the door on your way out.

    Is that an order, thought you liked freedom of movement speech. good riddance to you poor losers, have fun on your recruiting new clan members and a re grouping of your disheveled party.

    Heh heh - caught you in another fib there. You declared that you would be gone, as if washing your hands of all of us piteous people who disagreed with your insight.

    You said above >>> I'm out of here sick to hell with your clan

    And now you're back again so soon, after only a few minutes? Why?

  13. Oh dear. Your advanced years must be getting to your memory. Read some recent history, and let me know what kind of record the army has when in power here. Once you've done that, read some Plato and learn for yourself why a tyranny is more degraded system of government than a democracy.

    You've been ridiculed by all and sundry in this thread for basing your arguments on mere falsehoods and refusing to answer pertinent questions that refute your position. You seem to slavishly follow one side, asking no questions of it, and accepting a censored version of the news as the truth, whereas a free press caused you to vilify the other side in the first place.

    Now you are clutching at what appears to be your only friend here for support - someone who has openly renounced the free society that allowed him to survive a great tyranny perpetrated against his mother land not long before he was born. The defeat of this tyranny by those who value freedom allowed his parents to survive, and for him to be born, and to travel abroad and express this views here freely, albeit paradoxically in support of a political system that would have prevented him from being born in the first place.

    The beauty of democracy is that it allows us to have conversations like this. Think how boring it will be when we are prohibited from doing so.

    All of 33 years you say you've been here, and yet you think the army is clean? I don't believe you are who you say you are.

    What a flaming saga, cut out the personal bits, my age is not your business.

    Because of this my reply is short and sweet---- Past army rule I do not give a fig about.

    Your agenda I do not give a fig about.

    Your bad manners I give a fig about.

    Your stupid comment about one and only friend for support JOKE. look how many support you and your rhetoric, and look how many are quite calm about how Thailand is at this minute. You have a strange % view of who is who.

    in a few months we here on TVF are just being hit by pro Thaksin -anti army rhetoric, and it is spoiling the fun on this forum. You don't care you along with the few are relentless. Soon you will be on the forum alone with no one to argue with. So many are not here, the good ones that very rarely touched political topics are drifting away, an opinion is fine, but attacking people that are not being bothered by the army is crazy.

    Do not bother any more, you can hog it with your agenda I'm out of here sick to hell with your clan.

    I hold the view now that most persons in Thailand are comfortable with things now more than the last 3 years speaks volumes, if you think different you are a lost soul.

    That's fine. If you really are out of here like you promise in your message above, well goodbye then. Please remember to close the door on your way out.

  14. Recommend a military dictatorship? Where did I do that?

    Rube --it's a wind up, I went on a couple of threads to take the strain while you were busycheesy.gif and by god didn't I get them buzzing, you missed nothing, the same rhetoric. without you giving them fodder most would run out of customers.

    Hope you typing fingers have rested and charged up for the next batch.

    Oh dear. Your advanced years must be getting to your memory. Read some recent history, and let me know what kind of record the army has when in power here. Once you've done that, read some Plato and learn for yourself why a tyranny is more degraded system of government than a democracy.

    You've been ridiculed by all and sundry in this thread for basing your arguments on mere falsehoods and refusing to answer pertinent questions that refute your position. You seem to slavishly follow one side, asking no questions of it, and accepting a censored version of the news as the truth, whereas a free press caused you to vilify the other side in the first place.

    Now you are clutching at what appears to be your only friend here for support - someone who has openly renounced the free society that allowed him to survive a great tyranny perpetrated against his mother land not long before he was born. The defeat of this tyranny by those who value freedom allowed his parents to survive, and for him to be born, and to travel abroad and express this views here freely, albeit paradoxically in support of a political system that would have prevented him from being born in the first place.

    The beauty of democracy is that it allows us to have conversations like this. Think how boring it will be when we are prohibited from doing so.

    All of 33 years you say you've been here, and yet you think the army is clean? I don't believe you are who you say you are.

    • Like 2
  15. You keeps using the word 'agenda' as if it somehow grants you alone the right to base arguments on falsehoods, such as denying that the army kicked out the last government.

    I agree that Thaksin was far from perfect - he was like a Thai version of Silvio Berlusconi. An oligarch as much as he was a democrat.

    The point I am making is that the people should have been allowed to kick out Thaksin by proper democratic process, enshrined in Thailand's constitutional law. The army has just as bad. if not worse a record when they are in power, and they broke constitutional law by seizing power in the first place.

    Further, the army are for fighting foreign wars. What on earth are they doing meddling in politics anyway?

    Did you do any research on military dictatorships in Thailand yet? Tell us what you discovered please.

    If you are saying that having an opinion equates to having an agenda, then we are all guilty of that. As human being, we have opinions, but arguments should be based on the truth, rather than invented falsehoods.

    Agenda is the apt word, I proved it in a thread, it brought the said people with one out, all saying near word for word the same answers-all relating to elections --whatever the result it will be fine as the people have voted--same as PTP were elected--further elections were not to be had until a clean up and awareness were established. If you do not agree , then an agenda comes into it.

    Politics is a business, in your business your committee nearly bankrupted you do you get them back into office---no you sack them period.

    Agenda---with a committee meeting is a preplanned list for that meeting prior to the meeting date. Meeting open, minutes of the last meeting read out, agenda of items pre arranged to be questioned, and finally any other business, meeting closed---agenda=pre programmed items.

    Did I do any research into military ????? what you think I am an historian, all dog muck smells some muck doesn't smell --ok.

    Didn't PTP break that law with the amnesty bill and improper governance ???

    I always get answers avoiding valid points, re the running of Yinglucks government, all the replies are side tracking and piercing questions into my Agenda---Ha Ha I do not have one I want good governance that's all. I had to aim for that in office in the UK. my idea for the army to take control in the UK is a no no. here at this time essential.

    Your Thaksins police force were negative in all the uprisings--reds yellows you name it why ??? useless that's why---the army came in this time not with intention just to try to get Thaksins regime out but to stop gang warfare and bloodshed battles on the streets of Thailand. TELL ME WHO ELSE could have stopped this. AN ELECTION--pathetic. keep up your battle to get the army out. chok dee

    The Thai military is a business too, and if you've been here 33 years you must either be working for the army propaganda machine or have your head in the sand not to know that, coz you talk like you just got off the plane.

    Just look at the history of corrupt military governments in Thailand (which you refuse to do, because it would completely undermine your specious argument). By ignoring historical precedent on one side, but not the other side, what is your agenda?

    You say that bad politicians should "be sacked, period". I agree, and this is why we have democratic elections. Who will "sack the military, period", if they make mistakes? The people have been deprived of this basic right.

    And you talk of all this clean up and awareness. How will you know what's clean and aware when there's is no news any more? After all, you used the free press to inform yourself of all Thaksin's wrongdoings. Doesn't it bother you that there is no free press to find out for yourself whether this lot is doing any better?

    I suppose that Thai TV and the army happy channel give you all the news you need to know now?

    • Like 1
  16. OTT my valuable time you said--I didn't.

    Sorry but your legitimate questions come with the same rhetoric as the others on this thread ---read them the ones that oppose my thoughts, interesting are they not.

    I do not condemn all opposing views only the ones on an agenda, it's unhealthy to me. This to me is one view.

    If you people leave out all that has happened with military in the past, and looked at the present situation Thailand is experiencing, it is better at this time than any time in the last 3 years, if the clan here argue with that there problem I don't have a problem at all I for the time being are going with the flow.

    Do you think most posters are so crazy as to have not noticed this group, Near all are just on political army snide comments and entering into the same arguments day in day out.

    Your questions may be valid but they come at the wrong time among all the other scathing attacks I endured.

    Ah - got it.

    You condemn views with what you perceive to be an "agenda", but your own views are OK even tough they would necessarily have an opposing "agenda"? That sounds rather unreasonable, don't you think? And for one who seems to relish attacking others, it's also rather suspect that you would accuse me of having asked you questions at the wrong time, after "all the other scathing attacks you have endured".

    And what makes you think that things are better than the past, and will remain so into the future once the honeymoon is over? Military dictatorships always start off nicely. Since all the media is censored anyway, I suppose that the Junta told you that everything will be fine, right? Or do you have some more reliable source of information, now that there is no news any more?

    How trusting you are!

    Agenda---this thread reeks of it.

    My own views are good governance, simple. really.

    You admit there is a honeymoon WOW. How trusting I am you say---- what a joke you trust the SHINS style of Thai democracy----but do not trust the clean -up. If Popeye was running the job I would give him my trust over your clans rhetoric any day.

    One of your faithful has just posted a decent post to me, NOT the anti Army rubbish cause the people didn't elect them bull.

    You keeps using the word 'agenda' as if it somehow grants you alone the right to base arguments on falsehoods, such as denying that the army kicked out the last government.

    I agree that Thaksin was far from perfect - he was like a Thai version of Silvio Berlusconi. An oligarch as much as he was a democrat.

    The point I am making is that the people should have been allowed to kick out Thaksin by proper democratic process, enshrined in Thailand's constitutional law. The army has just as bad. if not worse a record when they are in power, and they broke constitutional law by seizing power in the first place.

    Further, the army are for fighting foreign wars. What on earth are they doing meddling in politics anyway?

    Did you do any research on military dictatorships in Thailand yet? Tell us what you discovered please.

    If you are saying that having an opinion equates to having an agenda, then we are all guilty of that. As human being, we have opinions, but arguments should be based on the truth, rather than invented falsehoods.

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