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Posts posted by blaze

  1. From a large family with 5 sisters, I know only too well their secret, problem with me it don't go down very well, it sticks in the gullet, I can see the ACTION of the PM only she knows if they are for real.

    When a woman is upset normally it is not a tear, it is a sob non stop. I could be wrong but sorry NOT fooled, lived too long to be caught out by these heart searching tears. Hardened too much I am.

    Is being a fruitcake a prerequisit for a cabinet post in the new Nutocracy?

  2. A bunch of brave man here acting her from behind your computer.

    I suppose you are out in the BKK streets waving your red flag to support the government rather than sitting behind your computer commenting on the situation from the safety of your anonymity.

    I am now Bangkok and I am observing. Today, we watched the helicopter landing to collect the registration documents. We also saw some of the older women from the various parties get accosted. This is the sacrifice that must be made to keep democracy alive in Thailand.

    Those of you who wish to ridicule the PM who was legally elected and who had a legal mandate to govern demonstrate a perverse arrogance. Launching misogynistic tirades, heaping scorn on people who stood up to the various military dictatorships through the years and trying to impose your narrow minded views on the Thai people.

    Yes, Thailand teeters on the brink of chaos and this is precisely what Suthep wants so that he can have his military coup.

    Well here's a news flash. If Suthep and his cronies get in, it's ball game over for a large number of foreigners, many of whom are his most fervent supporters. The residency requirements will be tightened up and there will be a crackdown the likes that have been unseen before. If the elections are blocked and there is another military coup, I anticipate economic sanctions will be imposed and for those foreigners who rely on exports, good luck to you.

    Good post and should be considered by those for whom reason still functions.

    The horrifyingly funny part is that after every revolution there are unexpected consequences- and too often it its the very people who initially screamed we want it NOW who experience those conesequences- but I have a feeling that this forum is not composed of people who know much about what history says awaits.

    • Like 1
  3. Better to walk on the road than swing throught the jungle...

    This woman will go down in Thai history as the one that brought Thailand, kicking and screaming, into the modern.

    Someone thinks she is a strong leader. Interesting and surprising.

    A truly strrong leader does not rely on the iron boot and the stormtroooper. a strong leader knows that with patience, the naion will survive the tantrums in the closet

    Yingluck is a strong leader.

    But we all know that this is a fight in which patience and reason are set up to lose..

    As Jim Morrison sang: we want the world and we want it NOW.,

    He burnt out--- so will those childminds that are demanding Santa. A strong leader waits till the wild kids have spun themselves to bed. Or Jail.

  4. Yingluck ? Why must you go on ? Can you not see what is happening in Bangkok under the actions of your administration ? Is this really about the choice between a broken road and the jungle ?

    I don't know what planet you are on- but what we see and hear in Bangkok is NOT people under her administration. What we are experiencing is paople who have removed them selves from all administraion excetpt that of a neo-fascist who wants to redefine 'the people'.

  5. If it is not to much bother to you two could you explain to me what Suthep's plans for the expat community are? I must have been napping when he gave out these plans of doom and gloom for expats.

    Why is it no matter who is speaking they have bad plans for the expat community? Never good plans. Year after year yet nothing ever changes.

    You need someone to explain to you why a facist government would be bad for immigrants ??

    On *this* forum ? Yes.

    And I'll tell you why.

    The one-size-fits-all, all purpose, "a million uses for this nifty gadget" expat balm for every abuse and contre-temps is (wait for it) the just-add-Chang-and-stir *Thai Bash*"

    Instant credibility for the ignoramus, instant fraternity for the under attended and loveless and instant pedigree for the déclassé.

    Problem is that we all know the "bash" in Thai Bash NEVER happens. It's just a figure of speech . . . . . an hyperbole.

    In real life fascist group thought, it's the oddly plumed, weirdly accoutred, strangely spoken who get bashed.

    That's US, funseekers ;-)

    I suspect there is some wisdom in this post- but damned if I can find it.

  6. He's a vet. Wow. Should I bow to his superiority because he went to chula? Wooooo. He must be weely weely smart..

    What got up his nose?

    While the TVF "red-shirt farangs" remain anonymous, I recall those identified and deported in 2010. Relatively speaking, he most certainly is really smart.

    He also happens to be engaged in an occupation for which I have a lot of respect.

    That's the spirit-- denunciations- then the midnight knock on the door-

    And then- the knock comes to your door.

    And you squeal -but I'm with the revolution.

    Aw well- those who don't know history will play it out as it has been played so often in the past.

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  7. Sounds like Thaksin has drawn a line in the sand, he will not retreat any further. This I am guessing is fair warning for his family, from a man safely bunkered down out of the country. Still it was predictable with his children "working" overseas and his sister and Thai caretaker PM traveling in red heartland with her son ready to make a quick dash over the border if things get too hot.

    Why bring her child into this?

    You understand that in so doing you will lose any credibility you have and probably stain the good name of fascism.

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  8. How about loosing 18 spots in a year on the global corruption index? Thailand went from place 84 to 102 in 2013.

    Just arrived?

    This was not an esitmate of corruption- it was an estimate of PERCEIVED corruption,.

    And if you don't think that perceptions can be out of whack with reality- read some of the posts on this forum!

    I don't know where you have been in the last couple of years- but in Thailand much of the media (anti red) has been insinuating massive gov't corruption- but never providing proof or even evidence.

    Of course, the perception will be that corruption is at an all time high. Do that poll at a rally and you willl see Thailand become number one for corruption.

    All respect- but don't you think it is a bit sleazy to proffer a poll as being something than what it was intended to be?

    In other words- lieing is not part of the scientific method!

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  9. the problem being that the current anti government anti Thaksin demonstrations are proving to be extremely strong and as such those demonstrations are exposing the truth concerning Thaksin and his puppet governments corruption and their multitude of devious actions to derail democracy and political freedom here in Thailand. .

    The truth is generally considered to be a good thing; tat is when it is contrasted to a lie or lies when it meets with moral disapproval. But the truth is in this current situation viewed as uncomfortable, unwelcome, upsetting in both political and moral situations.

    Now we can clearly see just how Thaksin and his ilk are affected. They feel the need to become defensive and offensive with their comments, the assorted spokespersons and propaganda machines are trying to polish the image of their and their puppet masters tawdry image.

    This being due to Thaksin and his ilk having been exposed for what they were and still are as the party list for the P.T.P. so clearly shows us. They, Thaksin and the P.T.P. are, self serving corrupt power mad politically and morally corrupt creatures.

    Thaksin and his ilk have been judged by the jury of the Thai people, that jury has returned a guilty judgement against Thaksin and his ilk.

    The comments being attributed to another sovereign state are the rumours formulated by Thaksin and his ilk as part of their appeal process to the Thai people and their plea against the delivered verdict of ''guilty.'' by Thaksin and the P.T.P.

    Desperate ends lead to desperate means.

    Wow -= anyone who can follow the reasoning in this post would probably feel very at home in the demos.

    But back to the original topic- of course these people who threatened to occupy American sovereign territory are on a black list.

    Nothing to do with who is at the helm of Gov't.,

    Embassys don''t make up that list.

    Only a child would believe that the only eyes that are gazing at this madness are those of foreign ambassadors and embassy stqaff- Ever heard of JUSMAG?

    And there is more... not just US either.

  10. The biggest idiot to have ever walked the earth and he really thinks if he takes the country for himself he will get any respect from the rest of the world or it's leaders. The guy is a total nutcase and he is dragging Thailand down where the world is laughing at it.

    Sounds a very accurate description of square faced fugitive Thaksin to me...

    THaksin's square face?

    Well, sooner or later I guess it was inevitable that eugenics would come into the dialogue... and not fascist because....?

  11. LOL just goes to show what a bunch of nutters these demonstrators are. with their leader upping the rhetoric, it will only get worse..... its only a matter of time before they get mob violent.

    What the hell are you talking about now?

    Please explain what you mean by this dopey statement.

    It makes no sense... how can you class 1000 people as nutters because of two people?

    For all you know, one of them may well have been a red shirt spy. Ever think of that?

    There is only one person proven to be a nutter in your post and that is the name on the top of the post.

    Nibbles48. Please explain me, because this is so curious to me:

    What would you have to spy in a protest site? Given the fact they were not on the stage, so people is not the leaders?

    Like the other story where some security beaten a policeman because "spying"... Spying what? I really can't understand the spy story.

    OK I am about to do the very thing I complain about-- refer to prersonal experience-- which could be a lie.

    But I know people going to the rallies, blowing the whistles and scraming 'get out'--

    And they are hard core red---

    One guy said that if you can get close enough to Suthep...

    It's all so


  12. THe worst that can happen is that the Reds, deprived through judicial or military coup, of the government that they elected, after having had their aspirations repeatedly quashed in the last five years, , will descend on Bangkok.

    This is not a country with strict enforcement of gun control laws.

    And the military is not the unified state organ that we would like to imagine it is.

    Clear enough?

    OMG, LOS is headed back to the Stone Age. It's the US civil war all over again. But who are the slaves? Should i catch the next flight out of "so u wanna boom"? Where to, Africa? PI?Moscow?

    Up to you where you go.

    I would prefer a place where old fashinoned reason- and not childish visions of sugar plum fairies decides the hard questions. but-- up to you.

    And as far as your question about 'who are the slaves'- you obviously have not been here long- or have not heard the Red narrative.

    Back to the stone age? the American Civil war? Maybe you've been asleep a while- you needn't look so far back- try South SUdan- or if you have a memory- Bosnia of the 90s=, Cambodia of the 70s. (And of course the happy tourists in Dubrovnik and Phnom Phen said- 'can't happen here')

  13. THe worst that can happen is that the Reds, deprived through judicial or military coup, of the government that they elected, after having had their aspirations repeatedly quashed in the last five years, , will descend on Bangkok.

    This is not a country with strict enforcement of gun control laws.

    And the military is not the unified state organ that we would like to imagine it is.

    Clear enough?

    • Like 1
  14. You're flogging a bunch of dead horses on here of the vermilion hue.

    You can lead them to water but you can't make them think.

    Please explain just what is being offered to drink- maybe you don't know that horses don't drink water from alkalai ponds. They smell the poison in the water.

    But fools are thrilled at the prospect that thirst will be assuaged-- never mind the greenish tint.

  15. You don't get it, do you? One of the major problems here is the fact that the government does exactly what you say is okay. To ignore those who did not vote for the ruling party. But that is not what good governance and democracy is about. It is not about the majority dominating and ignoring the minority. The government has the responsibility to work for all.

    But by the way, do you really believe the Thai people have a say in how they are governed? They have a say in who they put in power and after that is done, TS and his cronies run and do what they want. Sure, they give the farmers the illusion that they care for them (30 Baht scheme, rice pledging, etc.) but they do NOT work on real reforms that would change the life for them in the long-term. They empty the coffers of the state and ruin the country in the process just to make sure that they get the majority vote. I fear that in the not too far future Thailand will run into a major economic disaster because of this, but hey, we (PTP and guys like you) then just blame it on the opposition.

    Great democracy.

    Without knowning your experience in other political systems, it's hard to figure out what you want to replace the current system with.

    Certainly the tired and cliched accusations of 'tyranny of the majority' still holds in every majoritarian system.

    The Thai people most certainly have a say in how they are governed.

    But you are fright= as in every countyry in the world that understands the 'social contract', the Thais consent to be ruled by those they elected.

    It is apparant that you do not come from a country with a functioning democracy (or you would know that all democracies are a kind of tyrrany of the majority circumscribed by the constitution).

    may I ask what system you have experienced that ensures that every citizen gets what he wants? And s constiutionally guarded to ensure that the government does not make mistakes (possibly the rice pledging scheme- the amnesty bill) == I want to live in that country.

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  16. I think we can all agree that they have given him more than enough rope.

    Suthep has gone through the denial stage, the anger stage.... now its time for the acceptance stage... behind bars.

    What a bullshit is this?? While I do not support Suthep, how about the actions of the Red Shirt leaders in 2010? Busting an ASEAN summit, taking hostages, escaping from the police via a rope out of a window, etc.? Are you one of the di.. heads that forget all about the red shirt action, but now shout for legal action? Moron.

    Before you readily call for more on moron, perhaps you have forgotten a fundamental difference -the actions of the red shirts in 2010 was a fight for the democratic right to vote which Abhisit was continually putting off……… In the end they got the right to vote and won hands down

    The violence now is to sabotage democracy in any way they can


    all this talk about reform is code for 'reform the system to eliminate the possibility that most of the Thai people will have a say in how they are goverened.'

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