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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Forum Rules

    1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy , or otherwise in violation of any law.


    IamMaiC - you seem to have become quite irritable recently, what's wrong eh...?

    Are you sure none of your post's haven't violated those rules you quote...? :D

    totster :D

    Thanks for the concern but i doubt anyone can help me it's in hands of the US embassy now :o The other matter is in the hand's of the US public I only have one vote in that matter

  2. BGs = ?  :D

    Can somebody tell me what BGs is ?

    THANK  YOU!!

    BG = Bar Girl, a particularly helpful species of comforter.

    They feed on Baht, usually the high denomination notes, but can be satisfied with the smaller portions as long as they are fed other stuff. Sometimes it can be hard to tell which end needs feeding, as they appear to have an appetite at each end of their bodies. It's considered safest to feed both ends frequently, one end being particularly hungry for sausage.

    They are very good at making you 'ansom' though, strangely, the more the BG is fed the less ansom you become. Some owners mistake this for a sign that the BG is not being fed enough Baht. Nothing could be further from the truth! You will notice, however, that a reduction in the amount of baht fed will often coincide with an increase in the amount of sausage consumed. The quantity of sausage required will decrease once the baht consumption has gone up. A theory put forward by eminent Nanaologists is that this is a ploy used by the BG to increase baht availability: this theory is still being tested.

    Brilliant! :D:D:wub:

    Do they migrate?

    What is their reproduction cycle?

    An attempt at humor Penzman?? :o I have a question we as members are not allowed to make fun of the Thai Royal Family but it's OK to ridicule George Bush with your avatar??

    Forum Rules

    1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy , or otherwise in violation of any law.


  3. Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

    85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

    Source? :D

    Did you bother to click on the link I posted? It evaluates 200 reviews of the movie, of which 169 were positive and 31 were negative. And there are links to all 200 reviews.

    No I didn't bother, I was thinking of something about the movie. If the Bush's were doing dirty deals with the saudi's then why videotape their meetings. even the saudi's would be smart enough not to do this, I think.

    I'm going to read people's opinions of a movie when they get paid to watch it!!! They can say anything, I'm going because I want to go and be entertained because that's what the Movie Fahrenheit 9/11 did. From beginning to end Very Funny :D

  4. :D  I've been looking for ages for a soul mate. I've tried all the bars in my area, to no avail. I'm looking for a nice simple counrty girl, who prefers the home life, watching tv, cleaning, cooking great food and doesn't care about money too much.

    Try getting away from the tourist traps and venture to the small upcountry towns.

    You'll probably have better luck than looking in bars, unless you get a girl who is new to the scene.

    "Oh! and one with black hair, big tits and kinky boots."

    Sorry. All the ones that I know that fit this discription are too busy running their own breweries. :D

    Obviously if he can't get one in a bar, he can't get one upcountry either :o

  5. ....   I love how all you people in THAILAND are worried about what the United States does,  looks like you got your own problems in the "MUSLIM SOUTH" 

    I don't think the people in Thailand are worried that much about what the USA does. There is a movie shown which was hotly discussed in the press as well as in here on TV.

    So, why not watch and make up your own opinion or just laugh...? Up2U

    ...if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything
    This, of course, would be the perfect solution. Nuke them all, this will teach them freedom and democracy once and for all. :D

    I watched the Micheal Moore Movie and laughed the whole time.

    Look what happend to Japan after we dropped the bomb on them, Economical World Power Go figure :o

  6. I have played at top model ***** *******'s party this year and was in the company of most of the top Thai / Luk-kreung models. Sadly, most of them were in the toilets every ten minutes powdering their noses.

    Funny how the people that have "The Good Life" are missing one thing in perticular, "A Brain" :o

  7. Big thing in the US is Extascy. Don't hear about cocaine as much anymore but i'm sure it is out there. another one is heroine.

    I don't know why anyone would take drugs anyway, even in experimentation.

    You know what the Possible outcome may be if something goes wrong, You could die.

    That's not worth the High. :o

  8. One thing these terrorists like to do for attention is to Kidnap westerners

    and hold them for ransom to buy more weapons etc etc.

    Be Careful, You are an Infidel, You are a Target of Islam

    I lived in Istanbul Turkey for three years... and other than the clothes some people wore and the mosques calling to prayer, I hardly noticed that I was in an Islamic country. I enjoyed Turkey so much that I have visited almost every year since I left 9 years ago. Never once did anybody ever try to introduce me to the Moslem faith, or question my own beliefs, which are agnostic. I was always made to feel welcome and treated extremely well. I never felt like an Infidel or felt I was a target of Islam. And I certainly made more good friends there than I have in 9 years in Greece.

    I have lived in half a dozen countries and visited 20 or so, including the USA many times. The place I enjoyed myself the most was in Istanbul... an Islamic country.

    Where does your 'experience' of Islam come from Nam Kao?? :D

    What do the people in these countries think of their Radical Brothers?? Osama Bin Laden in perticular?? :o

  9. One of my favoured replies to the question from friends is, 'yang mai thai' Not dead yet! :D

    Don't try this at home, kids. "yang mai tai" might be the more standard transliteration. the "t" in english here represents the dentalized "t"in Thai which is halfway between our t and d.

    I've also heard "glai(f) ja tai" almost dead -- I think.

    Correct. Be a bit wary with joking about death in Thai unless with close friends. Some take it very seriously.

    Yeah, shouldn't joke about it all :o

  10. The recent death in the south can be blamed on one thing only.  You do not send the military for such things, you send police. The Military is trained to kill people and the Police (at least in most counties) is trained to Police.  An over reaction will gain a like reaction and on and on and on ........

    I feel I cannot truely respond to the problem in the south cause my country is doing much worse in other places throughout the world where it is a commonday occurance that children are killed and maimed in the name of liberty and freedom.  :D

    Funny how they called the Vietnam War a "Police Action" and they now call the US Military "COP of the World" :o

  11. Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

    85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

    Rotten Tomatoes Film Review Meter

    Looks like your opinion is in the small minority.  Thankfully, though, we can all make up our own minds now that the film has opened in Thailand.

    I agree.

    What really must hurt for all the Bush supporters who refuse to EVER back down a single centimeter despite their precious commander's abundant mistakes, is that you cannot sue Michael Moore for lying - because he is not lying. He may be spinning the truth quite liberally, but that is no different from what for example Fox News are doing. His statements are just as true (or false). :D

    Not revealing ALL of the truth is not the same thing as lying. The parts of the truth presented by Michael Moore are well worth uttering, regardless of what you think of his methods. While I definitely prefer journalism which strives for objectivity, I can see how Michael Moore turns his opponents' weapons against him, and very skilfully at that.

    Just like Bush, he pretends to be a bit thick in order to get to the "average Joe" who normally do not give a rat's haemorrhoids about politics unless it bites him right in the face. Just like Bush, he knows how to manipulate the crowd.

    IamMaiC - "Anyone can make a movie"... Comment of the year?

    In order to increase comprehension by using monetary terms - How many MILLIONS of dollars do you think this movie has generated thus far?

    If "Anyone" can make a movie, howcome you do not make one yourself and become a millionaire?

    Because he has generated millions from this movie makes it true??? It's bullshite and i'm not saying because I'm a bush follower, It's a movie!!!!! Because it's done by "Micheal Moore" makes it true?? it's not a documentary, far from it. I love how all you people in THAILAND are worried about what the United States does, looks like you got your own problems in the "MUSLIM SOUTH"

    If I wanted to make a movie I would make a "MOVIE" not a "lieumentary"

    If the US gets hit again and what i seen today with the new bin laden tape looks like it may happen if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything

  12. I think you mean "doesn't live here".

    Again with the "you don't live here" BS.  What difference does it make where I live?

    OK DICK I fixed it, You happy now?? I think it matters quite a bit but that's my opinion, I hope your absentee ballot dosen't get lost in the mail :o

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