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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. According to the search I made that Movie came out in 2001, I did a search for suriyothai dolls but it just showed web pages about the Movie. I would like to get one since I do Like the Movie very much. If you happen to come across where to find them Please share the info Thanks :o

  2. A lot of people misunderstanding the real teaching of Islam!!

    I am not a muslim but I have being growing up in a Muslim country,

    some of the western media just make up stories ,how horrorible to lived in a Muslim world and I can say some are just not true.

    The Islam teach all Muslim must respect other religion as well and we are free to pratice our own religion,

    As for four wives some really misunderstood,I don't see my Muslim friends all having four wives,they are just as normal person having one wife and some children, those who wish to have more then one wife must get approval from his first wife and able to support them in financial ,then only they allow to.

    Terrorist hijack Islam the holy teaching to their own advantage, As what happen in the south are not about minority religion or independed. It's about drugs!

    As can we recalled Thaksin fight against drugs in northern part early this years and over 2,000 people were killed. What have to do with the drugs and sounthern unrest?

    To created unrest in the south so the north can resume operation when huge army were tranfer into the southern part.

    Drug lords paid money to created chaos,so we must not trick by them.

    How about the Radical Muslim's Does allah teach them to kill?? Fly Planes into Buildings?? This has been going on for a long time when will it end??

  3. The Koran


    The Disbelievers

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

    [109.1] Say: O unbelievers!

    [109.2] I do not serve that which you serve,

    [109.3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:

    [109.4] Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,

    [109.5] Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:

    [109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

    I got this from the internet four lines to say that!!!!! :o

  4. Muslim teachings has always been radical from the start.

    Let's put it this way, in the Koran it tells a story of a war between muslims and other religion.

    At one point before going to a battle the muslim were out numbered and they got scared. So the prophet muhhamad who was leading this battle told his men to bring along their wives and children into battlegrounds so they would fight to protect their wives and children from the enemy. And as usual who ever died for the religion during war will have his/her place in heaven.

    I find this sick! The prophet muhammad would do anything to protect his interest and people worship him for that!

    Another example, if i may...

    In the islamic teachings women have no say against  their husband

    1) As all of us know one man entitle for 4 wives if they can afford it.

    2) The wife has no right to question the husband where is going or what time is he coming back or who is he going with.

    3) If the wife is "sick" (those time of the month) and the husband "feels" he wants it. The wife MUST satisfy the husband at all cost no matter what. If not she is consider unfaithful and the husband could divorce her because of that.

    And, if you are a muslim who wish to convert to other beliefs, you'll be burried with your head sticking out. And every person in town that sees you would throw stones at you until you die. Talk about choices in the world!

    So basicly islamic teachings sucks! And being one make it worst!

    And these are the Teachings that ALL Muslims follow??? :o Aside from the Radical Muslims

  5. It was the US that turned its back on the UN when it invaded Iraq, wasn't it?

    I do remember the UN voting on 16 some-odd resolutions for iraq to disarm obviously iraq had something or it the UN would not want it to disarm?? These resolutions were voted on during the nineties well before sept 11 happend. but somehow everyone has forgotten these things.

    I love how the US is the bad guy in all of this or according to some people well i just hope in the future when people need help and come CRYING to the US Oh please help us, we say NO. example(Liberia) :o

    last post i'm doing here because i'm going off the thread.

  6. Enough with the America Bashing already.

    Can't we all just get along ? :o

    Narachon it won't end The US is the bully to the world according to some people!!! Maybe because those people that say this have no backbone.

    I am tired of the America Bashing also Funny how much of a Bully we are and millions pour into the country legally and illegally. :D

  7. Islam again, what a surprize

    You are so correct that it's no surprise that Islam is behind the uprisings in the South of Thailand!

    I live in america & the "normal" Thai I've met are a welcome departure from what I experience in my own country. My travels to Thailand have always left me with the feeling that the Thai (Buddhists) are a very peaceful people. Then, when I learned of the violence & killing in the South of Thailand, I was very surprised because violence & killing are not typical behaviors for Thai.

    After learning that it's the Thai "Muslims" who are in the South of Thailand, and that they are responsible for the violence & killing, I was not surprised at all. In my mind, those "Thai" are not Thai at all. They are just part of the Muslim murdering machine. It's a shame that less than 100 Islamics were defused in the riots.

    Let the world wine about human rights. The Thai government is doing exactly the right thing... just not enough of it to rid Thailand of the cancer residing in the South. If left unchecked, that Islamic tumor will grow.

    The Cancer is not just in Thailand, It's in your backyard also. People don't want to see this and blame everything on the US goverment!!! or whatever government they live under. I say the ###### with those type of people This Cancer has been on this earth for far too long, The muslims only know death and WANT Death I say we help them with setting up a meeting with their "Allah"

  8. Americans have the right to talk like this   I talk like this,  3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

    The muslims are in different country's   Why??  because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world.   don't you see this??   malaysia they are in  bosnia  chechnya  and the <deleted> middle east.   when are you gonna wake up!!!! 


    The events of 9/11 did not only kill Americans, my friend, hundreds of those working in the WTC were from other countries, my own among them.

    Nobody in his or her right mind would attempt to justify this sort of action. However, nobody in his or her right mind should imagine that madmen can be beaten by force alone. Unfortunately, there is a kernel of sense in what your enemies are saying....you support a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia, which is the holiest place for Muslims...you appear to favour Israel at all costs over the Palestinians....and the basis for invading Iraq has been exposed as a series of lies.

    It used to be communists who were going to take over the world. Now it's Muslims?

    Your country is in the forefront of the world's destruction..... 2% of the world's population using 25% of the world's energy, for example.... not to mention your huge trade in making and selling weapons of minor as well as mass destruction.

    I have to keep reminding myself that the majority vote at the last Presidential elections was against Bush.....and hope that the majority prevails this time, for the sake of our children, and their children.

    Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

    1. malaysia

    2. indonesia

    3. bosnia

    4. chechnya

    5. phillipines

    6. middle east.

    and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!! the palestinians are terrorists plain and simple isreal was formed by the UN if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

  9. Then why do u bother?? :o I've been to Thailand many times Going back soon to pick up my wife, I have never been in a bar over there For the fact that I'm not flying halfway around the world to sit in a bar, I could do that at home.

    I understand people that work in the bars it will effect them drastically. but can anything really be done about it?? i mean i saw another thread about sending emails in to the pattaya newspaper but what will that do? :D

  10. "All radical Muslim terrorists must die."

    I was responding to Pepe', who is an American;  I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

    Americans have the right to talk like this I talk like this, 3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

    The muslims are in different country's Why?? because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world. don't you see this?? malaysia they are in bosnia chechnya and the <deleted> middle east. when are you gonna wake up!!!!


    These are two of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this board. This has nothing to do with September 11th. This is about a minority people in the kingdom of Thailand trying to prevent the disintegration of their unique culture and language. The Bangkok government and Thaksin have created this disaster by ignoring their needs and wants and dismissing their culture as a whole.

    Get your head out of Bush's arse and the propaganda machine spewing from his intestines.

    OR, does Bush's anal cavity broadcast unbiased international news?

    so the muslim's are not in different country's spreading their propaganda of killing??

  11. Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

    A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

    Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

    you want GWB replaced by him??

  12. Sorry to hear that Katyusha....... :D
    In my opinion it is not a family without them.

    IamMaic.........never knew you were a softie....... :D and a little old fashioned.... :o

    I am old fashioned also a big softie sometimes except when someone decides to shoot at me :D My Dad didn't have to do what he did, I'm glad he did. I am not a perfect human being but i try to be.

    I was in iraq for eighteen months and i saw the kids over there, I thought the conditions in thailand were bad. It's the ritz carlton compared to iraq. The kids were scared of me "Big Bad American" they use to say. after a while they got use to us.

    One thing i will never forget when we rolled into one town children ran out to see us, One said "You go kill saddam now" What could i say?? I said we will try. the kids looked older than they were even though in little bodies.

    I know the US did the right thing even though some people disagree but those are people that wait along the sideline until things get better on their own instead of doing something about it.

  13. I was responding to Pepe', who is an American;  I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

    Americans have the right to talk like this I talk like this, 3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

    The muslims are in different country's Why?? because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world. don't you see this?? malaysia they are in bosnia chechnya and the <deleted> middle east. when are you gonna wake up!!!!


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