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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I can uderstand complaining about the heat, Maybe I need to Live in Thailand for a while to see what you mean?? I was born there but grew up in the states. I complain also who dosen't but I mean about little tiny things that you can change?? What's the sense. :o

  2. Couldn't help but note "the stero-typical" crime ridden Yank commentary. Is it myth or maybe bias or is it comparatively factual?

    For the record:

    MURDERS - Source http://www.nationmaster.com


    MURDERS |** Murder with Firearms

    1. India 37,170 (1999) |** 1. South Africa 31,918 (2000)

    2. Russia 28,904 (2000) |** 2. Colombia 21,898 (2000)

    3. Colombia 26,539 (2000) |** 3. Thailand 20,032 (2000)

    4. South Africa 21,995 (2000) |** 4. United States 8,259 (1999)

    5. Mexico 13,829 (2000) |** 5. Mexico 3,589 (2000) * (8 mil illegals US)

    6. United States 12,658 (1999) |** 6. Zimbabwe 598 (2000

    7. Venezuela 8,022 (2000) |** 7. Germany 384 (2000)

    8. Thailand 5,140 (2000) |** 8. Belarus 331 (2000)

    9. Ukraine 4,418 (2000) |** 9. Czech Republic 213 (2000)

    10. Indonesia 2,204 (2000) |** 10. Ukraine 173 (2000)

    Weighted Average 25,234.99

    MURDERS: MURDERS w/Firearms

    per capita

    Country Description Amount

    1. Colombia 0.63 per 1000 people |** 1. South Africa 0.74 per 1000 people

    2. South Africa 0.51 per 1000 people |** 2. Colombia 0.52 per 1000 people

    3. Jamaica 0.32 per 1000 people |** 3. Thailand 0.31 per 1000 people

    4. Venezuela 0.32 per 1000 people |** 4. Zimbabwe 0.04 per 1000 people

    5. Russia 0.19 per 1000 people |** 5. Mexico 0.03 per 1000 people

    6. Mexico 0.13 per 1000 people |** 6. Costa Rica 0.03 per 1000 people

    7. Lithuania 0.10 per 1000 people |** 7. Belarus 0.03 per 1000 people

    8. Estonia 0.10 per 1000 people | ** 8. United States 0.02 per 1000 people

    9. Latvia 0.10 per 1000 people | ** 9. Uruguay 0.02 per 1000 people

    10. Belarus 0.09 per 1000 people | ** 10. Lithuania 0.02 per 1000 people

    14. Thailand 0.07 per 1000 people

    24. United States 0.04 per 1000 people

    Weighted Average 0.27 per 1000 people


    Per Capita

    Country Description Amount

    1. Dominica 112.79 per 1000 people

    2. New Zealand 108.12 per 1000 people

    3. Finland 102.15 per 1000 people

    4. Denmark 93.64 per 1000 people

    5. Chile 90.00 per 1000 people

    6. United Kingdom 86.04 per 1000 people

    7. Montserrat 83.49 per 1000 people

    8. United States 81.55 per 1000 people

    9. Netherlands 80.84 per 1000 people

    10. South Africa 80.02 per 1000 people

    Weighted Average 82.93 per 1000 people



    Country Description Amount

    1. United States 23,677,800 (1999)

    2. Germany 6,264,723 (2000)

    3. United Kingdom 5,170,831 (2000)

    4. France 3,771,849 (2000)

    5. South Africa 3,422,743 (2000)

    6. Russia 2,952,367 (2000)

    7. Canada 2,476,520 (2000)

    8. Japan 2,443,470 (2000)

    9. Italy 2,205,782 (2000)

    10. India 1,764,629 (1999)

    17. Thailand 565,108 (2000)

    Weighted Average 5.58 million


    Per capita

    View this stat: Totals Show map full screen

    Country Description Amount

    1. Dominica 112.79 per 1000 people

    2. New Zealand 108.12 per 1000 people

    3. Finland 102.15 per 1000 people

    4. Denmark 93.64 per 1000 people

    5. Chile 90.00 per 1000 people

    6. United Kingdom 86.04 per 1000 people

    7. Montserrat 83.49 per 1000 people

    8. United States 81.55 per 1000 people

    9. Netherlands 80.84 per 1000 people

    10. South Africa 80.02 per 1000 people

    47. Thailand 8.79 per 1000 people

    Hmm. the US seems to have a lot of crime and lot of locked up criminals but is it mean fully more violent and dangerous per capita as some would seem to believe or want to believe?

    It is a violent world, despite what many utopists want believe, where in our schooling fisheries we have the odds but outside, in wide open waters, the odds revert to the predators who are always, I repeat always, circling for easy prey and opportunity.

    A death is a not but a death to someone! It is, nonetheless, always senseless to us all. But tasteless talk is mere wordless jabber and is most assuredly always and inanely Egocentric and senseless.

    That is all!


    The US is very violent place, I live in Florida and just recently 6 people were killed for a video game system and some clothes. It was four young men that did the crime. In California A Man and a Women were shot in the head, They worked at a neardy camp for kids. The Families can't understand why Nothing was taken from them and they were still in sleeping bags.

    I don't know if any of you know about Scott Peterson He killed his pregnant wife during christmas time back in 2002, He said his wife went running with their dog the morning of christmas and he went fishing :o Her body was recovered not far from where he was fishing. :D

    The US is a very violent place Usually because of drugs and of course Money.

  3. I am glad that their is a thread like this because I'm sick and tired of people thinking that is all that Thailand is about.

    I just answered a thread about bangkok bars and the thread starter said Pretty much you have to be a sex tourist to have fun!!!! :o

    IMHO I think people that go to thailand for this reason are sick!!!! I mean I seen Old men with young girls last time i was in bangkok. It's pretty sickening and then I see an article about it in the nation.

    When will it end, Look I understand about guys that can't talk to girls or who think they are not handsome enough, If you can't talk to girls you have to pay for them??

    It does not solve any problem you may have. I'm done Can't talk about this anymore :D

  4. ...Thanks everybody for trying to help.

    The conclusion is that in this huge city of 10.000.000 people unless you re a sex tourist

    So your an A$$ after all :o You can't find something to do??? what your saying is you "have" to be a sex tourist to have fun!!! 35 and still a child

  5. You wait until you see the list of other mavel comic/films thats coming out...

    To name two...

    Captin America

    Silver surfer (one of my favs)

    I believe Fantastic Four is coming out also even talk about a new superman movie With the new computer special effects it should be easier to make movies like these now I am looking forward to the next spiderman They did a great job on number 2 :o

  6. Sorry for this guy, and any of his Family that he left behind.

    Listen up lads, try to be a bit more tactful in your responses, taking the piss in some threads is perfectly acceptable, but this guy has been brutally murdered at 25 years of Age.

    Nothing much to find humour in i think.

    I agree with you Begs nothing funny in someone being murdered Young man also :o

  7. So who said that all farangs wanted Thai girls?? Is it mandatory to have a Thai Gf in Thailand? Some Men Yes they came to thailand for that reason. My Wife who is thai A friend of hers(Thai Man) :o told me he would like a farang gf and asked how he could meet

    I don't know how he could do this? They live in udorn thani Not sure about how many foreign people are over there

    Yes of course you want to get along with someone from your own background

  8. Why even bother to Marry What did u do just wake up and Ohhhh I don't feel like being married anymore. How about you give us another line I'm gonna pay for her kids to go to college Yeah Right.

    I wish I was her brother I'd kick you to the curb more than once :o

  9. Im starting this thread after reading a post that questioned the intelligence of security guards, petrol attendants etc.

    As for thier intelligence or lack of, I would rather not comment. They have in the past been the cause of my rising blood pressure, but now I really find thier antics quite amusing.

    For instance, the petrol attendants who continue to pump petrol as it runs out all over the ground, just so they can round off to the nearest 10 baht.

    And a security guard I once saw, who was so skinny he made Barney Fife look like Arnold Swartennegger. His hat was 6 sizes too big and covered his eyes. He had a pair of handcuffs, but I couldnt really picture him apprehending a crook.

    Then, what are all the employees for at Big C? If you ask them where something is, all you get is a blank stare and a "duhhhh?". All they do is squat in the aisles and put on thier makeup. (the girls and the boys)

    I suggest instead of getting upset, just enjoy the show.

    Hey Mr. Bigman how about you put that uniform on?? and see how it is during a work day. Their pumping gas into your car and you complain?? how about you get out and do it!!

    I'm in the states and they don't do anything like that anymore, Not even a hello at a McDonalds or a Subway, At least you get a Sawasdee at those places in Thailand.

    Like I always say U don't like living there You can always Leave. :o

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