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Posts posted by colesdad

  1. Can someone tell me if my Thai GF has to make the trip to Bangkok to submit her Application for a US tourist Visa or can she do it by post. Don't they need her passport and other papers or is that just at the interview? If she can do it by post, does she maile the DS 156 & 157 apps plus a picture, bank statements, etc... or just the app with $100. Now that I thik about it how does she pay the $100 if it is by post. Maybe I answered my own question.

    Also, will me writing a letter help her, saying she is coming to visit me. My neighbors over here are Thai, She could say she is going to visit them instead of me. Which is better?

  2. I need some recomendations for either a bungalow resort or a Villa for rent. me and my brothers family, consisting of three childrens, four - seven adults are thinking about going to Krabbi for a Xmas Holiday. We either want to stay in one big Villa or rent seperate bungalows. Must be a really nice beach location. We would consider other islands but I just came back from Koh Samui and wanted to try something else. I am open to hear your suggestions, Thanks

  3. Have any of you attempted and succeeded or failed in getting your Thai Gf a USA tourist visa? If so can you tell me what to expect? time, costs, hassels, set backs, what do I need to know< what will she need to get one? Money in her bank? if so how much? if she has no job will that effect it? Should she say she is going to visit me or some family? or thai friends living here? She has an Active Canadian and Dutch Visa right now. Would it be possible and if so , any easier to go to one of those countries and get a USA visa? thanks

  4. OK gents, here goes my story. I just want your opinion on if I am being completley had by this girl or maybe, just maybe she is telling the truth. I met her outside of NANA plaza 2 weeks ago. She had been dancing in a gogo bar but after 2 am they closes. I walked up to her on the street smitten by her beauty and asked her if she wanted to come with me. She said yes and asked if I was hungry. She took me to eat which made me feel comfortable on my first night in Bangkok. . She stayed with me for two days I gave her the negotiated sum. It was a great time. I left for Koh Samui and flew her down a couple days later for a week vacation. She might be a hooker but my experience with this girl?was like being on the greatest honeymoon you could imagine, Great sex, all the time, great food and she was just like my lover girlfriend etc. It was pure lovemaking not ###### She made me laugh all the time and rocked my world. I really want to see her again. Now the part I need the opinion on. She says when she was 20, (6 years ago) she met a Dutch guy. He took her to Holland where she lived with him for five years. He was wealthy and they flew back and forth to Canada where he had a business and Thailand to see her family.. I saw the passport stamps and Visas to prove it. She still has 2 years on her Canadian visa and 4 years on her Dutch Visa left. She also spoke fluent Dutch. Story goes, she broke up with him a year ago but he has been sending her 10,000 baht a week. She has been using the money to build her parents a house. according to her, the day I met her was the first time she went to NANA to dance. That her and her girlfriend were home a couple hours north of Bangkok and were bored so they went to Bangkok to dance, drink and pick up some guys and money. She says I was the only guy she did this with ( I:m nuts to believe this, right?) anyway. The EX boyfriend Dutch guy called many times during the week we were together and got pissed at her for going to Bangkok ( I wonder why) and cut off her weekly allowance. She was distraught. no more free ride from him.. She and i talked about her coming to the USA and spending more time together. She wants me to come back to Thailand and visit her parents. I really had an amazing time with her but I am so afraid that she lied about everything and that I would be this huge sucker if I start sending her money. I thought about hiring a PI to check out her story . Please all you experienced men out there. Tell me what to do and what you think about all this. Andrew

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