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Posts posted by TacoBoy

  1. Your open return ticket should suffice as "an onward ticket" because you can arrange to leave any time and you do have a onward travel ticket.

    Besides, the airline will not question you about onward travel, and doubtful immigration will ask for or question your onward ticket when you enter Thailand at the airport.

    If you need to stay longer than the 30 days, then you would need to either go to a neighboring countries Thai Embassy to get a tourist visa 60 days extendable for another 30 days. Fly out and back in again and get another 30 days on arrival, or do a border run by land every couple of weeks.

    As it stands now, you should be good to go and no worries about flying out of Japan.

    Don't know about requirements of a child accompanied with a single parent or papers required, if any.

  2. No place in the world is safe for any animal to roam unattended. Especially if they are smaller like cats or small dogs.

    Have seen and known of cats, dogs, you name it, poisened by neighbors, or attacked by larger animals or dogs.

    Life for you cat willbe what you make it. In general dogs etc are not a big problem to persons in Thailand especially in the cities. but there is always the danger anywhere in the world of crazed and agressive dogs on the loose.

    There are certain areas in every city where soi dogs are not so prevelant, so you would need to look for yourself.

    Just depends on your lifestyle if you want to be in a apartment/condo or home.

    but always best to supervise your pet for their safety and your piece of mind. :jap:

  3. There is a great Thai Band that plays a lot of Falong Rock and lots of popular Thai music adn North Thai Country in Chiang Rai at the Sixties Club on Den Ha Road hwy 1211 at the intesection of the road going to "Chiang Rai Beach". they play some Santana, Eagles, Cranberries, Clapton, Scorpions, and of course Thai pop and Rock.

    Chiang Rai might be a bit out of the way for you, but just a suggestion if you want a really good band. 2 guitars, bass, keyboard, good drummer, male (guitar and keyboard players) and female singers

    They do play nightly at The Sixties , so don't know if they would be available, but sometimes money does talk. They do not speak english at all, but their music is some of the best I have heard in Thailand. They do sing english perfect.

    I don't have their number.

    There is another Thai guy named Darwood that sings and plays guitar alone doing falong music at the Sixties bar that is available to do gigs. He uses some type of pre recorded or computer fed music background that I wouldn't call Kareoke. His english singing is in tune, but typical thai grammer mistakes.

    He might have other musicians or a band available.

    Name "Darwood" 081-716-5114

    He could also contact the band at the Sixties for you as he plays there nightly at 11pm.

  4. The Max Market seems to have a variety of foreign items of spirits also.

    The market opens about 8am and closes kinda early at about 4 or 5pm per the owner who is an asian looking falong who doean't speak thai. He will open the market for you if he is there later than market closing time.

    There is a billard hall in the back and plans of a Disco in a few months.

    Quite ambitious plans for the place.

  5. Den Ha would be on the old Chiang Mai Highway 1211 as you are leaving downtown Chiang Rai. About 2 kilo's out of town. Not far from Chiang Rai Beach (Pattaya Noi). Same road as going to the next pot luck.

    Maybe someone knows how to Pin it on the Chiang Rai TV map.

  6. GK,

    That is exactly why I go the income verification route myself, I do have the proper paperwork to show if necessary and therefore do not need to maintain a Thai Bank account especially with a lot of capitol invested into it.

    I guess another alternative is to exit Thailand at the end of your visa or before it expires and travel to your home country and then apply for a new Long Term Visa there.

    If you have a single entry visa, it will be cancelled if you don't have a re-entry permit, so might be better to just get a single entry visa and re-entry permits as needed.

    Of course this alternative might be a bit more expensive, but no need for puting so much money in a Thai bank if you are usinig money banked as part of your income.

    Plus an excuse to travel home to visit friend's and family once a year.

  7. TacoBoy, that comment is really insensitive! It's bad enough that couples struggling with infertility have to deal with well-meaning comments from friends/relatives about things like what type of underwear the guy should wear, but your comment is totally unnecessary. Hubby and I struggled with infertility and miscarriage for years and the use of a basal thermometer became a daily habit. I still wake up thinking I should grab the thing before I get out of bed! Once you start to move around or have something to drink, you can't take a reading for the day.

    I have no idea why, but I brought two of the things with me to Thailand. They're not very useful as "real" thermometers since they top out at 100 deg F, well below the point of concern for ill people with a fever. I'll email the OP to see if he'd like a vintage analog mecury filled basal thermometer with a scale in God's units -- deg F.

    My comment was not meant to be in any way insensitive. Just a medical fact of during what time frame a female should be ovulating.

    Most people do not know and are not informed as to the female cycle and when ovulation should occur. That said, a basel thermometer can help pinpoint more accurately individual cycle time. Especially if ovulation is occuring at different or irregular times.

  8. Sausage king use 95% prime shoulder and belly pork mix for our sausage and fat and spice 5%, No fillers or Colours, No MSG . Only the Best Ingreidents for quality sausage. The sausage king pie is 350g per pie and ful of meat to the point that you do not need fryes or veg with our pies as you will be pushed to finish just one pie. Quality Quality Quality always wins in the end. Rob/SK

    Heretic coming to post.

    I have never had a Good Sausage or Local made Pie in Chiang Mai.

    Cheerful Charlie did best pie I had decent, but just not right.

    He told me that you can't get the Lard for the Pastry, but his father made Pies in WW II and passed on a Trade Secret.

    I have been told to my face, I wouldn't know a Good Sausage if I had one.

    Best Sausage I ever ate was in Gulf Hotel Bahrain, An outstanding British Pork Banger.


    Like mi grub.

    SK Pies are full of meat. . that said, I have to add veggies and gravy to SK pies. there is not a lot of gravy or veggies in them, but most likely not to ruin the pie crusts and leakage.

    I often use the shreded beef in my home made burritos or taco's :D

  9. Go to Sleep Jingting. It is not worth it !:D Let it rest............

    We all know TIT, but does not mea we have to Khao Tao to everyting. Some may, but I will not on the subject of some local yocal questioning a legal valid document from my government per their own spec's ! No way Jose wilol I ever bow to that. I may Cahtort to many a thing in thailand, but this one.... never ;)

    I will take it up with a local immigration attorney or with my Embassy. Right is right and wrong is wrong, they can try, but they made the rule and wording.

    BTW do you ever sleep ? You are on this forum 24/7 !:jap:

  10. The experienced and the so called wanna be advice attorneys have gotten off track and tried to make a mockery out of the fact that a letter from your Embassy or Consulate suffices as proof of income.

    Nomenclature from the Minestry of Foreign Affairs is pretty much verbeitum to words used in Immigration etc for meeting visa requirments of income.

    A challenge to an offical document certified by a foreign government should only be responded to by strict adhearance to principals and reported to your appropriate govenment, or an attorney. To succomb to this illegal challenge is improper and has to be delt with appropriately.

    Immigration does not have a right to challenge a document they say they accept.

    I can go on all day about many scams of money in the bank, income forms forged on and on. Those persons without income and proper funds know exactly how to do it. Please do not make me openly discuss it here, as some have made a mockey and questioned certain govenments verifying income. Want me to elaborate for all to see :rolleyes: Dont think so, so BAK KANG !

    Lets not get off topic and make problems without merit.

    BTW, the OP did not say that this is for an extension of a current Visa. Do not Assume what you do not know.

    A visa O-A can be obtained at any foreign Thai Embassy or Consulote following the rules of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Thai Embassy's worldwide.

    An extension must meet similar if not exact conformity.

  11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand requirements:

    . Required Documents

    - Passport with validity of not less than 18 months.

    - 3 copies of completed visa application forms.

    - 3 passport-sized photos (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past six


    - A personal data form.

    - A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.

    - In the case of submitting a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an original copy) is required.

    - A letter of verification issued from the country of his or her nationality or residence stating that the applicant has no criminal record (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant's diplomatic or consular mission).

    - A medical certificate issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notarised by notary organs or the applicant's diplomatic or consular mission).

    The OP's original question was "who certifies the Income Certificate".

    A person can either show immigration all their income, or go to their Embassy or Consulate for an Income Certificate to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  12. Bottom line:

    A Certified Letter of Income from an Embassy or Consulate is a valid legal document from your home Country. IMHO, You do not need to justify the means to the end result of your income letter certified by a foreign embassy to immigration. This letter is a legal document from your government. Whether they require all proof or not is up to the individual Embassy or Government.

    There can be implications if you claim income that is not valid and true, but that is another story and subject to legal interpritation by your home country.

    I find that too literal for reality.

    Say you tell the embassy 20,000 income.

    Then if the officer asks, what is that income, and you say, oh that's my pension. OK, please show the paper. Here's the paper, the paper says 10,000 income. In that case, if you're lucky your application gets declined only.

    if you claim 20,000 and you only have 10,000 then you have legal implications with your government, not up to thailand. A Certified letter of income meets the Thai requirement, Period !

    Jingting, You are making too much out of this. You are trying to be the devil's advocate and justify immigrations questioning of an official certified letter of income from your respective government. If they refuse to accept it, contact your embassy or consular official or an attorney.

    This argument is no differnt from questioning a Doctors certification that you do not have elephantitis, or a Police proof that you are not a Criminal, or even them questioning any foreign governments official stamp or visa in your passport.

    How about immigration check the validity of every bank statment, rental income, IRA's, on and on :whistling:

    The letter is "Official", Bottom Line.

    it is up to the offical certifying your income letter to confirm and certify your income. I prove what income I state every time to my embassy.

    The legal point is that the letter is an offical document certifying income from your coutries government.

    I personally would not get in a tit for tat with immigration over the legality of my letter. I would simply refer back to the embassy or consular staff to deal with immigrations questioning the validity of my letter of income. And if need be, a Thai Attorney.

    Immigration can ASSUME whatever they want, but the letter from yor embassy certified is legal.

  13. Bottom line:

    A Certified Letter of Income from an Embassy or Consulate is a valid legal document from your home Country. This is where the referance of income from your Government is applicable. The income is "Certified" by your Government thru the Embassy or consulate. IMHO, You do not need to justify the means to the end result of your income letter certified by a foreign embassy to immigration. This letter is a legal document from your government. Whether they require all proof or not is up to the individual Embassy or Government.

    There can be implications if you claim income that is not valid and true, but that is another story and subject to legal interpritation by your home country.

  14. For CR, the food and buffets at the Le Merician are top notch. The Hotel and Rooms are fabulous and a nice alternative for Chiang Rai.

    The Legend also does a pretty good buffet, but think they are only on certain evenings.

    And who could ever forget Anderson's Split Pea Soup :licklips: Fresh Bread and butter and Milk Shake daily special.

    The guy at the Old Dutch restaurant says he has Split Pea Soup. Have not tried it yet, but on my list.

    First went to Madonna Inn as a kid on a trip with my family.

    As an adult, stayed in the Jungle Jim Tarzan room. The Big Sur Drive is incredible.

    Some day I might even try the Boxing Room at the Red Rose. But will have to experience that room with Ms Taco :thumbsup:

  15. So nice to finally have the options as Mello has said. Not bad for about 4,000 a night (less than most hotels in major cities around the world). A nice room in Hawaii will cost you double or tripple that a night.

    Sometimes people are only looking for a bed with decent amenaties for the night, but other times looking for an experience.

    Anyone tried the "Red Rose" as an experience B)

    Reminds me of an asian style Madonna Inn theme rooms near the coast in Northern Calif. :D

    "Star Wars" with jaquzzi is quite an experience on cold nights.

  16. TOT ADSL @ 6MB for about 700 baht works very well from my experiences from CR to Mae Chan. Less interuptions than I had with 3BB or TT&T in the past.

    Have heard rumors of people getting dumped without notice by 3BB. Don't know if true or not, but that is what has been said by quite a few people these last few months.

    (3BB used to be TT&T).

  17. Many good ideas for US addresses from previous replies.

    Think you can file a IRS Form if you are living/working outside the USA and not enter for more than a specified time per year. Think you are not exempt if you spend more than 30 days a year in the USA. Think you are exempt from Federal income taxes up to about 75-80 thousand dollars a year.

    Check Magic Jack for internet VOIP telephone service with a USA telephone number. Similar to Vonage but cheaper and does work when you are traveling in or out of the USA.

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