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Posts posted by Beng

  1. Seems to be a bad deal for the family because the copper was in the rank of a senior sergant major.

    I assume, that his annual wages until his retirement, would add up to more than the 3 Mio the family

    has settled for.

    Also the pension he would have received, when retiring, should have been considered as well.

    Somebody should really advise them to cancel this agreement immediately and go for a higher amount.

  2. According to a recent survey, the police force was found the most corrupt in Thailand. Serving only for the ones who pay them. Justice only if you can afford it. No surprise to see the police chief backing Duang's appointment.

    Sgt-Major Rodwimut was fatally shot in 2001, after having a brawl with Chalerm's son in a night club he was

    observing. If innocent, why would Duang flee the scene and country and go into hiding for 187 days??

    He then was acquitted, a crime remained unsolved.

    A very qualified training officer indeed. Just another case of TIT

  3. A friend of yours has been offered to buy a bar? Well if a bar is for sale, isn't it on offer to anyone who wants to buy it? How can someone be offered to buy something? I guess im offered to buy something everytime i go into 711 right???

    I think this topic as like many others, its backfiring OP.


    If your friend does accept the offer to buy the bar which is being offered, maybe he could call it Troll barcoffee1.gif

    A very qualified response indeed.

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