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Posts posted by Phil_ne_uk

  1. I have read on this forum and on the internet about 5 & 10 year visitor visas not being issued because of the introduction of biometrics. Apparently this is no longer the case. I phoned the BE today to enquire as the VAC website http://www.vfs-uk-th.com/visafees.aspx actually refers to BUSINESS visas, not visitor visas.

    The British Embassy in Bangkok will no longer be issuing 5 year or 10 year multiple entry visit/business visit visas until further notice, due to the introduction of biometrics.

    They confirmed that they are issuing them if the applicant qualifies.

    I was told that to qualify they want to be sure you are in a steady, secure, established relationship/marriage so the Thai won’t still have the longer visa if the couple split up.

    Of course I’ve yet to meet anyone who can guarantee their relationship/marriage will last indefinitely, no matter how long they have been together! :D

    Which is why their criteria is such a load of b0llocks! :o


  2. From 25th August 2006, multiple entry/ business visit visas will be issued for a period of 6 months or 2 years only, unless a person already holds a previously issued 5 year visit visa. The British Embassy in Bangkok will no longer be issuing 5 year or 10 year multiple entry visit/business visit visas until further notice, due to the introduction of biometrics.

    Many posters here have obtained two year visit visas and provided she stuck to the periods she requested on the previous applications should be possible although probably not really viable.

    Mahout, I could be wrong but I understand that statement refers to a business visa, not a visitors visa. The BE said nothing about a limit for visitors visa’s when they replied to my email.

    It would be interesting to see if she could get a two year visa. Unlike Mahout i don't know anyone who has obtained anything other than a 6 month visa , so if you do apply for one i for one would be interested in the outcome. I always understood that two year (and the old 5 and 10 also) were reserved for those for whom it is "appropriate" which is official speak for "not your average Thai" . Do let us know.

    Yaketyak, may I ask where you obtained this information regarding “not your average Thai”

    Regarding the fees i do have to disagree. THB 14400 , whilst a rip-off like all visa fees, is such a trivial amount to us Brits that to even consider it is absurd. The massive advantage of getting a two year visa and all the hassle it saves over getting regular 6 month ones is well worth it.

    With all respect what you wrote above seems to be contradictory. First you agree that the visa fee is a rip off but then you say 14400 Baht is a trivial amount. Maybe you have loads of cash to throw away to the greedy UK gov but many of us don’t. Its also not just the amount but the principle.

    Apart from that why should it cost the equivalent of 7200 for a 6 month V V when a single 6 month V V costs 4536 Baht? They only have the application to do once so the fee should be only 4536. lets face it, it’s the same work to issue a 6 month 2, 5 or 10 year visa.

    What may I ask do you consider is a massive advantage of getting a two year visa?

  3. My girlfriend has had two visitors’ visas to date. The first one was issued in January 2005 and the second in May 2006 and she has now been to the UK on three different occasions. She is about to apply for her third vv and I want her to get a 5 or 10 year visa if possible. I asked the BE about this and they said,

    Obtaining a longer term visit visa such as a 2 year, an applicant generally must have previously obtained at least two 6 months visas. The issuance of longer-term visas is a gradual process and is based on individual qualification, therefore issued at the discretion of the Entry Clearance Officer. Please note that the visa fees are non-refundable therefore we cannot refund the difference of visa fees if the longer term visa is not issued.

    In 2005 the V V fee was 2880 baht. Last year it was 3500 baht and this year’s exorbitant fee for a 6 month visa is 4,536 Baht. A multiple visit visa for 2, 5 or 10 years is 14,400 Baht, who would possibly apply for a 2 year visa? No-one!

    The question is has anyone’s girlfriend had any luck obtaining a 5 or 10 year visitors’ visa?

    Or does anyone know the criterion to be eligible for a longer duration V V?



  4. Thanks for your reply Cdnvic, I guess I don’t know enough.

    The pools about 32 sq meters. 1 meter shallow end & 1.6 meters in the deep end.

    It had a 26” Aster sand filter

    I have vacuum & all the other tools

    I have no idea how it’s chlorinated. lol



  5. I have just had a pool built by home & pool. They said they would show me how to maintain it when I order the chemicals, so I asked the cost to which I was quoted 5200 baht for 4 months supplies. The cost for staff to clean the pool was an additional 2000 baht for 3 times a week service.

    From what I’ve read on the forum about pool maintenance costs I was under the impression that H&P prices were reasonable.

    It would be interesting to compare what others are paying for this service.

    What do you pay and which company maintains your pool?


  6. I’m having a pool built by a well established pool company here in Pattaya which has had many recommendations on this forum. However, they have dug the hole and there appears to be underground water at one end which is moving slightly, like an underground stream. The hole isn’t filling up so I think the water must be running away somewhere.

    The pool company assure me it’s not a problem and that they have built pools where there has been more water than there is in my garden.

    I’m not 100% convinced, especially when they have poured concrete on top of a few inches of water, which again they tell me is not a problem. I don’t know much about construction but is this normal?

    Has anyone had the same problem?

    Thanks in advance,


  7. Maybe it’s different as you suspect for a lcl as they did say,

    Your shipment will have to be consigned to Pilot as they arrange the de-vanning of the groupage container
    I assume that means they control sorting out the various loads for different customers.

    Any idea what they mean by this,

    Alternatively we can issue an Express Bill of Lading which means we could e mail you a copy of this Bill of Lading which you can produce to our agents to obtain release of the cargo

    Do I have to produce the b/l to their agent to have my cargo released? Can't I just show it to the customs for them to release it??



  8. Thanks for your reply Lingling, so is this “Customs Formality Accessing & Inspection fee” of 4500 baht just a con?

    I asked the shipping co. in the UK about the documents and they said,

    We will issue a Bill of Ladin covering your shipment. We can issue Original Bills of Lading and send these to your goodselves, you would then have to produce the Original Bill of Lading to our agent in Thailand to obtain release of the cargo. Alternatively we can issue an Express Bill of Lading which means we could e mail you a copy of this Bill of Lading which you can produce to our agents to obtain release of the cargo. We will also forward all copies of these documents to our agents who will keep in touch with you regarding the arrival of the cargo in Bangkok.
    I asked if they wouldn’t send the docs to their agent here in los but they said
    Your shipment will have to be consigned to Pilot as they arrange the de-vanning of the groupage container - the only document i need to send them is a copy of the Bill of Lading with your contact details so that they can let you know when the cargo due to arrive in Bangkok.

    I would not need to send them any other documents if you are arranging your own customs clearance and delivery.

    I’ve been getting costs from the agent but if I don’t use their services might they hold my docs hostage as you said happened to you? Or if they issue an Express Bill of Lading as they suggested would I be ok?

    I’ll search for your previous post in the meantime.

    Thanks, confused

  9. My girl friend has the same traits as the ops. Regarding learning Thai, about 2.5 years ago she said she wouldn’t want me to learn Thai as she couldn’t have any secrets from me then! She has since told me, around a year ago that I wouldn’t like it or wouldn’t want to stay here if I could understand what Thai people were saying! Interesting statement I reckon!

    Regarding PQS’s quote,

    No real problem with Selective Perception (as described). She points out the lovelies / well endowed to me in case I miss them. She has a good eye for a pretty lass. Certainly can't complain about that.

    My girlfriend’s exactly the same. The reason being is because she likes the look of nice girls also which is no surprise as about 80% of females worldwide are bi!

  10. Can anyone who has already had personal effects shipped to los tell me what the Customs Formality Accessing & Inspection fee is for?

    I’ve been quoted THB 4,500.00 for a Shipment of 2-3 m3

    Is this figure realistic or is the agent in BKK trying to pull a fast one?

    I’ve also been quoted about 6000-7000 baht for duty & tax on a shipment valued at about 600 GBP. Is this fair or not?? Any ideas??



  11. On 27th April I was out and didn’t have long trousers on or mosquito repellent. I got a few bites maybe four. For a week now I’ve had a sore throat but only on one side though. Every time I swallow it feels like I’m swallowing blunt razor blades.

    Last Saturday whilst out I suddenly felt boiling and my head and face was sweaty, I just had to lie down and sleep for about an hour.

    The last two nights I have not slept very well. I had the aircon on but woke up later and my chest and neck was wet with sweat. Later on I woke up shivering and had to put a t shirt on to get warm. Then later on I woke up sweating again. My joints and muscles all ache and I feel disoriented, knackered, and like shit! I believe I have a (hopefully just mild) case of dengue fever.

    Does anyone else have similar symptoms?


  12. samran, the link provided states that it was posted on the 5th of Sept 2006. That is fairly recent so you'd assume it was correct.
    I would assume that to be correct also, but remember, this is Thailand and I reckon if you think the opposite then you won't go wrong! lol

    That link also states as below,

    “Personal/Household Effects are exempted from all customs duties. Please contact a Customs Department Official directly for further information.”

    I think it depends you you deal with at the customs at the time!

    We all pay the price in more ways than one to enjoy living (holidaying) in Thailand. Makes me think sometimes, it is worth the hassle????? :o

    Welcome to Thailand!

  13. livim LOS, you wrote,

    Once they saw they were valuable they were ransomed back.. Simple as that.. Sure the rules said one thing.. They had my stuff 7500 USD speakers.. A 10k USD home theater projector.. it was a case of pay up or we leave it out in the rain.. I think his exact words were "sure those may be the rules, but it may take many months to process the items according to the rules", and they would charge storage fees for the duration.. The final straw was when they said they may have to 'open' my marble speakers to look inside them..

    I assume you used door to port if you were there yourself? If so then did you arrange "clearance" yourself?

    Can you tell me which port you used? Maybe some are easier than others, or is that just fantasising!

    The only 2 options I have (I think) are the port of Bangkok at Tarau Road, Klongtoey. Or Laem Chabang.

  14. astral Find a shipping agent in Thailand.

    They should be able to smooth over the delay for a small fee.

    Thanks for that Astral, can you recommend a good agent?
    John45 Phil I have e-mailed a reply..our agent is Frieght Link Express International +66 (0) 2 285 3542

    Thanks for the info John

    danone i've imported my stuff five years after arrival. not a question had been asked.

    i guess even if i'd import a second batch of personal effects no question would be asked.

    danone, was your shipment door to door or door to port? Did they inspect the things in your boxes? Why are you so sure they wouldn't ask questions if you shipped a 2nd batch?

    If a person didn't use the forum, or the internet for that matter, they wouldn'y even know there was a 6 month time limit imposed!

    lopburi3 In January you were clearly told that customs duty would be due on any import so has your status changed and you now have work permit and wonder how strict they will take the six month rule? I suspect this is the case. I also suspect it will be taken seriously.

    lopburi, as I clearly stated in my post, I arrived in Thailand on 8th September on a non Imm O visa. I am NOT asking if I will be liable for duty.

    LivinLOS I thought this had changed.. That household effects (being different from personal effects.. Eg clothes and books and stuff you could be on vacation with) were no longer duty free imports ??
    LivinLOS, the customs website http://www.customs.go.th/Customs-Eng/House...nuNme=HouseHold states,
    Requirements for Duty Free Allowance

    Both Thai and non-Thai residents changing residence into Thailand are eligible to bring used/secondhand household effects into Thailand, in reasonable quantities, free of taxes and duties. It is also required that the imported used/ secondhand household effects have been owned, possessed, and used in the country where the importers resided before returning to Thailand to resume residence.

    In case where the household effects are electrical appliances e.g. radios, televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, air conditioners, etc., only ONE unit each of such items is eligible for tax and duty free allowance. However, if it is the family change of residence, TWO units each of the items will be allowed to bring in tax and duty free. Any excess unit shall be subject to regular taxes and duties, and Customs will place the items that have the lowest rate of duty under tax and duty exemption.

    It is important that the used/secondhand household effects must be imported not earlier than one month before or not later than six months after the arrival of the importers. Under exceptional circumstances, Customs may extend the time limits for the importers.

    I also read,

    fax machines and phones can cause problems and may not be

    considered as household/personal effects but rather as dutiable office equipment

    Has anyone brought in a fax machine without having to pay duty on it or not?

    Axel, you wrote,

    Both inpractise is difficult for many.

    Can you explain please?

  15. I’m in the process of having my things shipped here to Thailand. Having just read the Thai customs information regarding “Importing Personal and Household Effects” on this link


    I see it states,,

    Items must arrive in the Kingdom of Thailand not more than one month prior to the owner’s arrival or not more than 6 months after his/her arrival and/of the necessary permits are obtained.

    Does anyone know, hopefully from experience how strict this rule is?

    I arrived in Thailand on 8th September on a non Imm O visa, so it’s now over 6 months ago. Can I still get them shipped here or am I too late? Has anyone still had their things shipped after being here 6 months???

    Thanks in anticipation,


  16. Thanks for your feedback everyone. I’m at a friends just now using a wireless connection which shows as 54.0 Mbps. The http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/ result was

    Download Speed: 267 kbps (33.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 209 kbps (26.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    I’ll try the speed test again when I’m using Bluetooth to compare.

    I sympathise with billd776 waiting 3 yrs for a phone line. I’ve been waiting 1 month here in Pattaya for TOT to install a phone line. First they said it would take 2 weeks, great I thought. Then after 2 weeks they said 2-3 more weeks. Then they said 2 more months!

    One things for sure though,,, internet/phone service in Thailand is crap! But we knew that already! Lol

    Amazing Thailand!


  17. After been told it would take about 3 months for TOT to install a phone line I decided to use Bluetooth. I’m curious what speed anyone else gets who uses Bluetooth as my connection is only a very slowwww 115.2 Kbps aghhhhh still, its better than trailing out to the internet café! I think.

    Does anyone know of any alternative option at a similar cost?


  18. I’m trying to sort out the best price to bring a small shipment of personal possessions from the UK to Pattaya.

    Seven seas seems one of the best prices quoting 320 pounds for door to door or 180 pounds for door to depot for 7 boxes 30x40x50. on their website they state as follows

    The 'Door-to-Door' Service is covered by all 7 Steps, of the 'Step By Step Guide'. This covers taking a consignment from the door of the originating address, transporting it to the destination country, clearing it through Customs and delivering the consignment to the door of the destination address.

    The 'Door-to-Depot' service is covered by Steps 1 to 5, the remaining Steps (6 & 7) are your responsibility. This covers taking a consignment from the door of the originating address and transporting it to a depot at, or in the vicinity of the destination port or airport. Seven Seas involvement ends at this point, it is your responsibility to clear your consignment through Customs and to arrange the collection of your goods

    The door to depot is nearly half the price but does anyone know the procedure and costs to clear my things through customs and how to do it, or alternatively does anyone know where I can find a local agent who can do this and can quote me the definite (guaranteed) costs for doing so? Obviously I can rent a pickup and collect the things myself easy enough.

    Any help would be appreciated



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