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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. "The Ministry of Public Health has ordered officials in provinces with international ports to sterilize all ships anchoring in Thai ports and get rid of rats on board. Residents in maritime areas have also been urged to keep their houses clean and to stick to the correct methods of waste disposal."

    Urging common Thai villagers to keep their house clean and stick to correct methods of waste disposal? Hilarious!!! cheesy.gif

  2. Hi there, TV members!

    Would like to know if anyone could recommend an insurance company that still covers property in Tsunami-prone areas of Thailand. We have a small bungalow resort, aboy 900m from a beach where the Tsunami struck back in 2004 and would like to get an insurance a.s.a.p. that covers not only fire, theft, etc. but floodings and Tsunamis as well. Thanks a lot in advance for your input!


  3. Thai officials would ban Jet Skis immediately and arrest all jet ski owners and extradite them if the business were in foreign hands to an extend similar to the dive industry.

    But since the jet ski culprits are by 100% Thais, they will be allowed to run their scams unharmed until the cows come home...

    Let's face it - we are in a country full of racists, and with the three finger salute ban they openly admitted that we are living under dictatorship... Bad times, sad times... sad.png

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  4. Hairline cracks that run vertical or sligthly at an angle usually are nothing to worry about. Vertical cracks like these show the walls that were built onto that beam have separated from it. Not good, not good at all! The house will not collapse because of this, but seeing this, I'd expect additional problems all over the place. I'd advise against buying if the shown walls are part of the building and not just simple retaining walls around the garden. Am in the construction biz since 2003...

  5. Her face and facial expression scares the living shit out of me... Think the position of chief officer in command at the Bangkok Hilton would be more appropriate for her.

    On the other hand, her face is the perfect logo for the typical Thai attitude towards foreign visitors and investors alike, which is: "Give us all your money, NOW ! And then f#cI< off a.s.a.p. !"

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  6. Thailand is stumbling back into stone age... Instead of making Thailand more attractive to tourists and foreign investors alike, they show their racist sentiment openly and without being ashamed. Wrong move guys! For me - 2 out of our 4 Thai/foreign businesses are closed now (over the past 6 months) and counting! No more tax income from there anymore my Thai Nazi friends, sorry!!!! Several Thais lost their job because of this, one Thai sub-contractor lost a client, plus has the Thai accountant lost two contracts and will lose the remaining two as well. Well done!

  7. Investors from all over the world, listen! Free flights to Thailand using our "Fly and Drop" campaign! After landing, please throw all your to be invested money and valuables onto the runway, utilizing one of the main exits, take a selfie with our beautiful airport as backdrop and then return to your seats for your flight back home. Our campaign will save you all the wasted time, disappointment and hardship a standard 49% foreign / 51% Thai partnership will certainly bring! Rest assured that we will invest your money wisely in of our countless "Thailand to the Thais" campaigns. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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