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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. Presumably this is to sort out the huge flooding that occurs in Soi 5 every time it rains. To do the job properly they will also have to dig up 2nd Rd in front of the market and put in a culvert from the far side of the road across to the sewers at the top of Soi 5.

    In relation to 2nd Rd some study of the words "cant" and "camber" might be helpful also. The Romans knew all about that 2000 years ago.

  2. I thought this was going to be a fred about some little thai child asking where his farang dad is...?

    I tried to put "PAPPA" in the topic title but the stupid forum software alters the case automatically.

    Maybe one of the myriad underemployed php developers here would like to have a go at the parsing code?

  3. GBP had a spike in January 1998

    That was the famous crash.

    Some relics in the form of largely derelict condo buildings and commercial centres are still highly visible in the Jomtien area, and indeed down towards Rayong.

  4. That must be very recent, because i drive past twice daily and it looked "open" the other week...

    Check when you next go past. It really was totally empty on Thursday. Not even a dustbin in the corner. And no sign of any people either, "credible and reassuring" or not.

  5. "I think about to open a money brookers account ?

    Is it cheaper then Paypal?"

    On top of the small transfer fee, both charge a hefty exchange rate weighting (several %), and PayPal have a nasty fee for cross-border payments also, for those who think they can outsmart them by sending and receiving in the same currency.

    However, for small payments there is not much better to be had, unless you can use a credit/debit card with no exchange rate weighting.

  6. When the money arrives here,someone from Kasikorn Bank calls me and we negotiate an exchange rate acceptable for both.

    That never happened to me. They used the TT rate, without any question or comment, and I only knew about it when it was done and dusted.

    On the other hand, TMB did call me before doing the exchange.

    TMB: "We will give you the TT rate, is that OK?"

    Me: "What happens if I dont want that rate?"

    TMB: "We send the money back."

  7. "To my surprise he got an exchange rate about 2 - 3 baht lower per dollar than I would get at Bangkok bank. I went to the bank with my wife in tow to see why there was such a low exchange rate. The manager was at a loss to tell me why it was so low. I also asked him if he could trace the transaction back through the system to see if a fee has been taken out when the transfer has reached the bank. He told me there is no way to do that. Doubt that very much in these times of high technology."

    It sounds to me as though you are confusing the rate and the charges. For the charges you will have paid at least a sending and a receiving fee, plus perhaps a domestic transfer fee and maybe an intermediary fee. But the rate will be the standard TT rate of the day.

    Kbank will give you a full breakdown of all the costs and rates, including the actual amount of FX they received (which indicates whether there was an intermediary charge). Just ask for the FEC document at the branch where your account is held. The transfer office will fax it to them.

    Dont assume that just because this is 2012 there is no such thing as intermediary banks any more; there are loads of them, they all charge as much as possible for doing nothing and the banks deliberately retain this antiquated system in order to steal more fee money from you. The answer, of course, is to do your research beforehand and find out which foreign bank has a direct link to whichever local bank you use, and then act accordingly.

  8. That's not my experience, mine is that it's very difficult to open an account at TMB in the less travelled destinations, unless you are a Thai or have a work permit, it's easy in Pattaya and Bangkok but more remote locations are problematic.

    That's just the standard response to farangs trying to open an account and it seems to apply to all banks, even Kbank which is generally accepted to be the easiest bank for farangs to open accounts in. Try Kbank outside Pattaya and it's much harder.

  9. Wandered past the PAPPA office at the Threprasit night market the other evening and noticed that the entire place seems to have been cleaned out; not a chair or table to be seen, and not even a note on the window.

    Have they just ceased to exist following the recent events?

  10. If you'd ever been to Tehran you'd know that parts of it are quite beautiful ...

    I have travelled extensively in many places in the middle East. Some of them are indeed beautiful and if it wasn't for the prevailing culture and the people they would indeed probably make very nice places to live. The same applies to most countries in the world, of course.

    • Like 1
  11. Just a quick word a friend of mine came back form the USA with one and it works perfectly. He had to upgrade his 3BB to 9mb. The only problem he says, between 8pm and 9pm the films tend to freeze owing to other people using the Internet on 3BB, not by him.

    My connection from here to the US is very good nearly all the time. My connection to Europe (and especially the UK) is quite poor most of the time. There is no way on earth that I could watch streamed video from the UK here, but it works fine from the US.

  12. Your painting way too rosy a picture of minority sexual rights in Iran.

    Let's not forget the bigger picture.

    It doesn't matter whether you are a woman or man, gay or straight, white or black, or any combination of the above; Iran and all the neighbouring countries, and all the neighbouring countries of those neighbouring countries, are the last places on earth in which anyone is his/her right mind would choose to live. Complete sh*t-holes devoid of any merit.

    • Like 2
  13. yes they all do, which would not be a problem if some school actually employed REAL teachers, as in someone with teaching degree

    It's a problem as far as I'm concerned, regardless of how good the teacher is.

    Having paid for 60 minutes I expect to get exactly 60 minutes. Just like if I buy a beer or a bus ticket; I expect the whole thing and not a partially-empty glass or to be chucked out 10 km from my destination.

    If the teacher cares to call a break between each 60 minute lesson, that's fine with me. But the total time of a 2-hour lesson should be 120 minutes plus whatever the break is. Anything less is theft.

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