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Posts posted by jayenram

  1. and the thing is he has become really extravegant since coming to LOS

    Cheeky young bugger!

    I'll have you know that I give my missis Bht 4,000 per month allowance. And don't even ask her how she spends it!

  2. We've now received back all the attachments (including the postal order) which were back-up to the visa application. A note explained that the Entry Clearance Officer had "sifted" through the application and that we were to re-apply in June/July with updated attachments (I guess my bank accounts mainly).

    So, we'll see what happens then.


  3. She'll be lucky to earn Bht 5,000 to 6,000 per month unless she has a degree. Normal restaurant wages are probably half that. Hotels pay a bit more but she will have had to have finished her schooling, i.e. not left at 15 years old.

    Make her income up to Bht 8,000 per month (her earnings plus what you send her) and she should be in 7th heaven.

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