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Posts posted by 1sickpuppy

  1. 6 hours ago, kotsak said:

    What was he thinking? You need more than a few brain cells for that..


    another Buffalo, he should be charged with manslaughter at least, hope the girls family  get several million baht compensation Fair would be 20 to 30 million, you cannot replace life, taken by some idiot who abuses the privilege of stupidity

  2. 27 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    been down this road many times with all the electric going off all the time, cost me thousands of pounds sterling, TV;s fridge, salt water system for pool. i just bite the bullet and get on with it, you will drive yourself crazy trying to get anywhere with these people.

    You should earth the whole wiring, would help

  3. 10 hours ago, tonray said:

    This is common practice even in America. If you buy a part (for a car for example) and let the authorized (and trained) installer put it in, you get full warranty, at higher cost of installation. If you buy the part and install yourself...basically on your own.

    I have a 42 LG LED, broke down, they wanted 12.000 baht to fix it, i purchased a new MB from India for it for 4.500 B, cost me 500 baht customs, fixed myself been great last 2 years, is idiot proof to install, i cannot remember the website i got it from, you need to open up your tv & write down the board Number & search for it,  in Asia the ones in the west are not same, or at least were not for mine, just google how to fix LG plasma Tv. was some India online shopping

  4. 1 minute ago, thexit said:

    Yes, I've seen several others having the same or a very similar problem but I couldn't find how they solved it without having their old boarding pass, that's why I created this topic. Thank you!

    Absolutely, it's no proof. That's why I handed in a flight certificate request (used for insurance claims) on the website of Emirates. I hope this will be valid proof of my departure.

    i hope it works for you bro, i just posted my stuff cause of a bad experience i had, not really related to your problem, just to show the other doubters , that shit does happen, cheers

  5. 10 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    Wait, the OP is saying that somewhere at Suvarnabhumi, there is a carry-on baggage inspection security area at which you are on Thai soil on the one side, and when you come out on the other side, there is no immigration checkpoint for you to go through, just access to the international departure gates?  I find that VERY hard to believe.  Can someone else confirm that such a security checkpoint exists?  I highly doubt that it does. It might have at one time, when the immigration checkpoint used to be situated before the carry-on baggage checkpoint, but things haven't been that way at Swampy for several years now.

    Shit happen, i have resided here over 23years, my father visited here approx 10 years ago, i met up with him at Bangkok airport, he came from Chiang mai me from Chiang rai, i met him in Bangkok airport , , was his first international trip, had no idea what was going on 7 was about to miss his flight, was not where supposed to meet at, & i asked a cleaner how to get to international departures, just got there on time to get him sorted out with airline to get on his flight, happy all done. not so took me Fuuk--- 6 hours to get out of airport again, cause of 9/11 secqurity shit,  they said i had flown in domestic but was international, & how i got there, <deleted>--ed if i know, spent 6 hours getting sent from one end to the other, The swamp airport, they finally let me out, showed there useless sequirity, needless to say was to late to get a BJ so went to hotel & slept, these things do happen. excuse my spelling, am not a pencil squeezer, forgot also walked about 12ks from them sending from one end of airport to the other

  6. On 6/30/2017 at 2:46 PM, LazySlipper said:


    Really pickin' at straws with that one.... how long you been here? 


    Been here 14 years seen it going up from 50 bht to 220 so either you don't know what you are talking about or you have a money tree in your yard.


    I still have to withdraw mine.


    So GET REAL ... 

    I been here 23 years & nothing in life is free, would you work for free? simple answer & i aint rich, is reality

  7. 22 hours ago, chippendale said:

    You're basing your opinions on rumours, hearsay and wishful thinking. A new rule came into effect where you can now do two visa-exempt entries at a land border crossing in a calendar year.

    what about the new rule coming in August where all of us have to fly in & out. no more land, wait & see is up to there disrcetion, as always has been

  8. On 6/22/2017 at 3:37 AM, BritTim said:

    There have been first hand reports on TV from people who have done it. If you have tried since January, and been rejected, that would be useful information. This far, we have seen no such reports. If you are saying the reports from those who have done it must be wrong because there are few people crossing the border, we will prefer to believe those who have done it.

    as you know it is entirely up to there discretion, they will do it sometimes other times they will not, is like playing Russian roulette TIT, i have heard of people being rejected, but they are probably happy nowadays, since this rule came in the place is a a ghost town,

  9. On 6/16/2017 at 7:47 AM, ubonjoe said:

    You are the one that is out of date.

    Mae Sai started allowing a crossing back in January after the 2 visa exempt entries at land border crossing per calendar year rule went into effect.

    Also since he has a visa for Myanmar he would of been allowed to do the crossing even before they started allowing them for border hops again.

    Irellivent he would still need a re entry visa from Thai to get back in, maybe you know somebody that was lucky, but the place is totally dead & you need a reentry to get back in, do not believe everything you read or are told, i actually live here A see what is happening, or have you actually done this yourself, yeah right

  10. On 6/15/2017 at 7:31 AM, ubonjoe said:

    No problem to leave the country at any border crossing without a visa for re-entry since you have a visa for Myanmar.

    You will get a 30 day visa exempt entry when you enter the country from Tachileik at Mae Sai without a problem unless you have done 2 previous visa exempt entries at a land border crossing this year. You seem to of been reading some outdated info.

    I live in Maesai & you will not get 1 month vise exempt only by flying to any bordering country, you need a multiple entry visa, you could take a gamble, but i do not think is worth wasting your time, above info is way outdated, i have lived here over 20 years, & telling you the way it is  2017

  11. 14 hours ago, djayz said:

    How hard up do you have to be to steal clothing worth a few hundred Baht? 

    Money to fly half way around the world but then be on such a tight budget that you can't afford to buy yourself anything.

    The video reminds me of another video posted here sometime during the last 12 months. A young pair of caucasian girls who were sitting at the counter in a bar/restaurant. One of them was recorded taking food off of customers's plates. 

    Cheap, cheap, cheap...

    They were Africans that had been to Michael Jacksons doctor, & i think it is the thrill for them in there country too scared lose face bullshit

  12. 1 hour ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Cannabis already is a legal drug.


    I just went to the dispensary yesterday and legally purchased cannabis.  I have a doctor's recommendation and an ID card issued by the state allowing me to purchase cannabis for medical relief.


    Please do go on about how sophisticated people are living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Phuket again? ?

    i would like to go see your doc, had pain 30 plus years alcohol aint the answer just makes you fat & stupid

  13. 3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

    I just make a post joking at the idea of them letting foreigners open up pot shops. They won't allow that for very obvious reasons. The Netherlands also didn't just allow anybody to open a coffee shop. You will undoubtedly need a license to grow it. So by all means grow as much as you want.


    just don't be surprised if/ when you get arrested for doing so.

    Why would they let falangs do it anyway it is not a skilled trade like making alcohol just ask billy bob

  14. 25 minutes ago, HerbalEd said:

    Responsible lives?? I actually know lots of people who've been regularly smoking pot for several to many decades, and they lead very successful and responsible lives, with good marriages and families, good jobs, and healthy lives. In fact, several of them are self-made millionaires who run very successful companies that employ hundreds of people. 


    With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about, and it's obvious you really don't want to know.

    Rednecks again getting bored no Klu Klux klan here

  15. 24 minutes ago, HerbalEd said:

    Responsible lives?? I actually know lots of people who've been regularly smoking pot for several to many decades, and they lead very successful and responsible lives, with good marriages and families, good jobs, and healthy lives. In fact, several of them are self-made millionaires who run very successful companies that employ hundreds of people. 


    With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about, and it's obvious you really don't want to know.

    Rednecks again, sad really

  16. 4 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


    They will undoubtedly issue work permits to anybody and their brother that wants to come to Thailand and open a ganja shop. Because that's the exact type of farang Thailand should be trying to attract. 


    They should add that prsopect to the "It's Thailand's Time" campaign on CNN.

    Why would anbody buy it when only a few seeds & water, what has this world come to shallow minds


    2 minutes ago, 1sickpuppy said:

    No you cannot steal there jobs , they have been growing it longer than the falangs, same as beer chang Dah


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