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Posts posted by terak69

  1. Terak - you are correct. My stamp was a 90 day extension based on being a police volunteer, and this was obtained quite a few years ago. But it was rather a hassle to obtain this every 90 days, (since the issuing was at the whim of the police boos who might/might not have got out of the wrong side of bed that morning...)

    The extension stamp has 'police volunteer' written in Thai language across it


    Therefore it was only a 90 day extension, easily obtainable as a one off.

    Reason I ask to see is I want a local charity to provide me with one. Embassy will grant my original O visa (single entry), but I cannot persuade my local immigration to guarantee a years extension based on voluntary work.


  2. I am maybe one of the very few who held a police volunteer visa, but it was a hassle to obtain

    I would like top see a copy of 'volunteer visa' as I have been told non have ever been issued for police volunteers. There may of been a few 90 day extensions which do not count. A volunteers visa has to be initiated outside country and extended by Thai immigration inside the country. A scanned copy will suffice. jap.gif

  3. Tourist Police Volunteers, more foreigners than Thais, to assist and guide tourists/foreigners

    Marine Police Volunteers, more Thais than foreigners

    Highwaypolice Volunteers, more Thais than foreigners

    Local Police Volunteers, not many around

    Immigration Police Volunteers, foreigners assisting at Immigration offices

    Different Police forces, different tasks.

    How many 'divisions' of TPV are there ???

    1. some left over from when Thai Immigration used to patrol the streets in Patong ?

    2. Section 8 - work from Kathu Police Station - Patong coverage ?

    3. Chalong Police Station - splinter group - Kata & Karon areas ?

    I also heard that many farangs signed up as they were expecting Volunteer Visa's & hugely disappointed as non were issued

    Which group do we listen to please ????


  4. Developing World is just a PC term for Third World which some organisations feel is a dated term.

    Thailand certainly does tick all the recognised boxes for it to be a Third World Country.

    Nations Online are not the best source of info when it comes to getting a balanced picture. Frankly, if it suits their agenda then a spade is a bucket.

    However we are digressing and I'm off to the pub.

    PUB !!!! best idea of all posts licklips.gifburp.gif

  5. Paid or unpaid, work requires a work permit.

    True. One needs to look no further than the tsunami volunteers.

    I thought they gave out hundreds of volunteer visa's for Tsunami volunteers/workers. Then they didn't extend them when they (the volunteers) were not required any more ?

  6. Thailand is not a third world country, i am not so sure about some of the farangs living here

    Yawn. Firstly you are incorrect. Thailand IS a third World country, and secondly please keep your personal insecurities out of what is an interesting thread.

    Don't agree that they could do more harm than good. Can't see how that could possibly be the case

    Well look at Hillsborough for an example of what can happen when even real coppers don't have to tools for the job.

    Would you like to be caught up in a major incident with your family around you with only poorly trained 'officers' on hand?

    I'm not having a pop at them here. I just think the whole thing was poorly thought out and poorly managed throughout. It's a nice idea on paper but that's where it should have stayed. In addition to that there are also now many cases of abuse of 'office' coming through as well which don't help the image of the scheme.

    I'm sure that between the resident expatriate communities and the 'Powers that Be' we could indeed put our own skills at their disposal and pay something back into the community, sorting out WP hassles along the way of course....

    According to the Nations Online Countries of the Third World, Thailand is not a third world family. According to its website, "The term 'Third World' was originally coined during the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. Today the term is often used to describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. Many poorer nations adopted the term to describe themselves


  7. Name a few things you can do here if you cannot speak excellent Thai even working for nothing and

    supplying your own gear without a work permit, and why you should need a work permit for voluntary work.

    I help Thai neighbors to learn english.

    There are doctors, nurses, social workers etc who work for nothing in third world countries.

    Thailand is not a third world country, i am not so sure about some of the farangs living here.

    I agree with you but....................

    Why do you need WP for voluntary work - cos the rules say you do !!!

    Help Thai neighbours to speak english - Excellent community spirit, but technically you require WP - cos the rules say so !!!

    Farangs & third world country - deffo rolleyes.gif

    At the end of the day we have to remembet TiT and probably always will be jap.gif

  8. A valid point, as i understand it, anything that does not receive payment is not classed as work so doesn't need a work permit, ah before anyone says it, what about the home owner doing his own maintenance and was fined and i even think deported, as far as i know the only voluntary job that falls under the work permit radar is the police. so beware if your banging a nail in at your own home, it's classed as work

    Maintenance should be OK in own house as per link fro PG - If you do work unpaid for someone else you still need WP !!! Only ones that seem to not need are police areas as discussed


    Mabey maintenance man was working on someone else's house or had more sinister agenda's whistling.gif

  9. Don't agree that they could do more harm than good. Can't see how that could possibly be the case.

    Do agree however, that if they truly wanted to do good in the community, there would be 100 better ways to do it. Ways, that don't involve public attention, uniforms, and a smidgen of power. But I guess that's why those things don't appeal as much.

    What's the old addage, about there being no such thing as a selfless act. I would be more inclined to believe it of police volunteers, than people picking up litter, or teaching kids for free!

    All comments are all well & good, but it would appear some voluntary work requires work permits & it would appear that some not. There was a bloke cleaning toilets and got into trouble so that may eliminate picking up litter. Schooling I not know, but it would appear that the policing jobs do not need WP's. jap.gif

  10. The volunteers i see in immigration can be quite helpful, I just wish they would help sort out a ticketing system so people can sit in peace and wait instead of hovering around near the entrance praying that you will be servedrolleyes.gif

    I asked why they do not use it when I was there and the reply was that the immigration officers do not know when/how to press button on desk for next customer !!! Talk about teaching monkey's unsure.gif

  11. I was talking to a Canadian guy about a year ago who got busted with about a quarter of a joint in a Rawaii rd stop. he was falsely reported as an Australian in the Phuket gazette. All though he admitted his crime he was extremely angry at the volunteer police officer that is all ways hanging around Chalong police station. The Canadian claims the guy was rough with the cuffs and the Thai cops even told the volunteer to chill out.

    Im not sure what bearing this has on the forum as i dont know either of the guys powers or rights. The Chalong volunteer has never been helpful to me when i have been there on minor traffic matters and other crap.....i just see him smoking cigarettes out the front of the cop shop and im suprised he can stand up with the amount of Buddhas hanging around his neck. I think i might have even seen him in a tweeked up corolla with sirens on the top too....all though i dont think I would stop if I saw him trying to pull me over rolleyes.gif

    Seen him !! Wot a plonker laugh.gif

    The canadian or the volunteer ??? whistling.gif

    Lol - the volunteer !!! - he happens to be Swedish ( sorry to all Swedish on Island), he appears to have more things around his belt than a serving SAS soilder. !!!!!biggrin.gif

  12. I was talking to a Canadian guy about a year ago who got busted with about a quarter of a joint in a Rawaii rd stop. he was falsely reported as an Australian in the Phuket gazette. All though he admitted his crime he was extremely angry at the volunteer police officer that is all ways hanging around Chalong police station. The Canadian claims the guy was rough with the cuffs and the Thai cops even told the volunteer to chill out.

    Im not sure what bearing this has on the forum as i dont know either of the guys powers or rights. The Chalong volunteer has never been helpful to me when i have been there on minor traffic matters and other crap.....i just see him smoking cigarettes out the front of the cop shop and im suprised he can stand up with the amount of Buddhas hanging around his neck. I think i might have even seen him in a tweeked up corolla with sirens on the top too....all though i dont think I would stop if I saw him trying to pull me over rolleyes.gif

    Seen him !! Wot a plonker laugh.gif

  13. No set limit but they question you why you don't have a valid visa after the third time.

    i need only 2 times maybe they no ask !! but thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!! very much

    No problem... you should be OK. They are just checking to make sure your not working

    because last time i want make visa in lao , but the put me some red stamp in my passport and can not apply , because i have 4 double visa all ready

    than i go back to bkk on araivle visa (14 days ) and order new passport , but its need 3-4 weeks to get a new one , so i have to go 2. time on visa on arival to

    cambodia !! now they say only 4 visas in 1 passport not get more

    You can still do Laos if closer, you just cannot buy/get TR visa from them jap.gif

  14. Will there be a problem showing up at immigration when he is already in overstay mode? I know it is ok at the airport, but I thought going to immigration might be teh same as turning himself in!

    Extension of 30 days is possible in Phuket - pay 2 days (or how ever many he has) overstay & extend for 30 @ 1900 baht - sorted jap.gif

    No problem to go in & fill out forms, pay o/stay & extension jap.gif - see the volunteers (farangs), tell them & they will help

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